An urgent post from about immigration bills in various states. This follows this post about taxpayer funding of La Raza and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
New Strategy: State Legislation Moving Rapidly
Friends of ALIPAC,
We have assembled for you the most comprehensive list of state immigration legislation available to activists.
While we do our best to notify you by email alert when something requires your attention, that is creating two problems.
Problem #1 is that some of our activists are becoming reliant on the email alerts and not taking action until the hour is late and an email alert arrives. This is costing us many battles that we could have won if enough ALIPACers on the ground took action.
Problem #2 is that so many states now need immediate and focused attention that we cannot effectively alert you via e-mail.
To rectify this situation we are taking the following steps.
First, we are asking all of you to not wait for e-mail alerts to call you into action in the states.
Our "Battle of the States 2011" link remains front and center on the homepage at and we have provided you with the direct link many times. Here it is once more. Please go there, access your state and take action, check back often, and update this info here at this forum based on your efforts.
ALIPAC's Battle of the States 2011
Second, we are asking all ALIPAC activists to start posting links to the latest news stories regarding legislation in each state into these discussion threads.
Right now the illegal alien supporters are close to passing college access and financial aid benefits for illegals in Maryland, Connecticut, and California, while our friends in Oregon are also fighting such bills.
Those news articles need to be added via links into our state section.
This way, if you check back often you will see the important news you need for each state also collected in each section.
We provide you with sample messages, legislator contact info, and the text of bills in each state area. Now, we are going to compile the news for you as well.
It is up to you to take the personal initiative to lead the fight in your state. If there is no legislation for our team active in your state, then you can work to rectify that situation or assist the states closest to you.
We realize that state legislation is not as exciting as national legislation to some of our supporters.
Please realize that activists on our side who understand how important these state battles are need your help.
The illegal aliens and their supporters really have their act together and have assembled teams that are working together in the states.
ALIPAC will provide you with all the research, information, instructions, and support you need.
We must fan out and fight with greater strength in more battles simultaneously and we must count on you to take the initiative.
William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team
PS: If you are near Raleigh, NC, please join us tomorrow, Wednesday, March 23, to show your support for our bills before committee. You can speak out in favor of our bills or just be there to show your support. William Gheen of ALIPAC will speak out at these meetings along with friends Ron Woodard of NC Listen and James Johnson of NCFIRE.
We have a chance with these two bills to prevent illegal aliens from voting in our elections and stop illegals from using the worthless Mexican Matricula Consular cards in our state.
Join us to take on the Mexican Consulate at our NC Legislature located at 16 Jones St. , Raleigh, NC.
Rms 1228/1327 LB
10:00 am
H.B. 33
State Law to Provide for Acceptable ID's 'Stop Matricula Acceptance'
Committee Meetings
Rm 643 LOB
1:00 pm
H.B. 351
Restore Confidence in Government. 'Voter ID Bill'
More info at or at the front desk of the main legislative building (919) 733-4111
Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — January 9, 2025
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35 minutes ago
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