An interesting post from about E-Verify in Texas. This follows this post about illegal immigration in Georgia and Oklahoma and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Help Protect Texas Jobs from Illegal Aliens
Summary of this week's report: Please call Rep. Byron Cook at 512-463-0730 and demand he schedulea hearing in March for HB 296, which mandates use of the E-Verifysystem for many employers. You can also send a fax here:
Summary of this week's report: I wanted to send out a legislative update on immigration issues. There are other important issues, but this issue above all othersrelates to the survival of our country and state. Most immigration bills are processed by the State Affairs committeein the Texas House. Last session, Chairman Burt Solomons killedmost of the good immigration bills. Rep. Solomons seems to havegotten the message this session, however, as he is one of the mainsponsors of a bill to ban sanctuary cities. However, Mr. Solomonsis no longer chair of the State Affairs Committee. That honor hasfallen to Rep. Byron Cook. Here's what Rep. Cook has done so far: He has scheduled a number of good bills for a hearing. Rememberlast time that the main way Solomons killed bills was by delayingor denying hearings. So far, it appears Rep. Cook is playing fairwith the immigration bills. However, there is one particular bill that has not yet beenscheduled for a hearing and it happens to be, in my opinion, themost important immigration bill we must pass. It also happens tobe the bill that the Cheap Labor Lobby, and the traitor wing of theRepublican Party, will fight the hardest against. This bill is HB 296, which requires state contractors and grantrecipients to use the E-verify system. E-verify, as you may know,is an optional system that lets employers check social securitynumbers of employees against the federal database. Since manyillegal aliens present fake documents to get jobs (and manyemployers are happy to play along, and are prohibited frominvestigating even if they smell something fishy due to oppressive"civil rights" laws), E-verify removes the jobs magnet for manyillegals, who are usually incapable of anything more sophisticatedthan the petty fraud of forged documents, which E-verifyeffectively curtails. As Roy Beck with NumbersUSA has stated many times, the Left likesto make immigration into a false choice: either we round up anddeport people in an inhumane way, or we have to grant amnesty. Thesimplest solution is to remove the jobs magnet with a system likeE-verify and people will self-deport. For example, it's a lotcheaper to be unemployed in a foreign country like Mexico than inTexas. Then, these foreign governments will have to deal withtheir own social problems instead of pushing them onto Americantaxpayers. There's also a moral side to this issue. The law of supply anddemand determines who gets rewarded in a free market system. Forexample, the main inputs into the production of aluminum arebauxite and electricity. It makes sense that if, for example,energy prices are really high (indicating high demand), thatelectricity producers would make more profit during those times. Many so-called Republicans are hypocrites when it comes to theprice of labor. Whenever wages go up because of high demand fromemployers, the first response of the cheap labor traitors is todemand increased immigration levels to suppress rising wages. As aresult, we have gone in a generation from a country where a highschool graduate could support an entire family to a country wherethe average person can barely make it on the market wage unlessthey reduce themselves to a Third World standard of living. Whenthe cheap labor traitors can't get wages beat down enough throughlegal means, they have used their political influence to stopenforcement of our nation's immigration laws so that they can hireillegal labor at even lower wages. We see this kind of corruption- the use of government policy tomanipulate the labor market- up and down the economic ladder. America's richest man, Bill Gates, has the audacity to ask Congressfor more H-1b visas so Microsoft can have an army of indenturedservants programming for $30,000 a year instead of employingAmericans at the market wage. At the other end we see the massivefraud and criminality of the meat processing industry, which usedto be a place where average Americans could earn a decent wagedoing an unpleasant job. Cheap Labor Lobby companies like the Tyson Corporation makebillions of additional profits by lowering their direct labor costsat the expense of American workers and jobs, while simultaneouslypushing untold billions of additional social spending onto Americantaxpayers for the health care and education required by law to beprovided to illegal aliens. On a related note, I think we would all prefer our computers to runmore reliably if more software companies like Microsoft wouldinvest in talented American programmers instead of Third Worldcoding sweatshops. A friend of mine from college told me the story of his father, whoused to make six figures programming mainframes. He was laid offright before retirement and looked for a similar job (even atreduced pay) for over two years; he now works in the electronicssection of the local Wal-mart. You see, technology companies don'twant to hire a 50-something family man when they can get an Indianprogrammer on an H-1b visa to work 60 hour weeks, under threat ofdeportation, for $15 an hour. I'm sure many of you could tell me similar stories. There is areal human cost to the cheap labor traitors' corrupting ourgovernment to distort the free market. We are denying our owndomestic wage earners their God-given right to be paid the marketwage in times of high demand. Under our republican form of government, we are all essentiallymembers of a covenant to respect each other's property rights, evenin situations where it does us personal harm. I have no right, forexample, to demand that the electric company charge me less thanmarket price, even if my personal situation is desperate and Icannot afford to pay. When we import Third World labor, we arebringing people into this country whose culture does not share ourrespect for free markets and property rights. If they did, firstof all they wouldn't violate our nation's property rights byillegally entering and trespassing. Secondly, their home countrieswould not be such a mess, a long history of bloody demagogues andcontinual revolutions with each new leader as corrupt as the last. People generally get the government they deserve, as the old sayinggoes. Thus, for short term profits, the cheap labor traitors ruin thelong-term prospects of freedom, the very system that enabled themto generate their wealth. That's why Democrats are so smug in thisstate, despite their recent electoral punishment. They know that,in the long run, demographics largely driven by illegal immigrationmake it inevitable that Texas will turn blue like California. Itwill take longer than they expect, but it will eventually happenunless something is done to reverse these ominous trends. Once this happens, you can forget about a conservative President. You can forget about the Supreme Court, a primary reason so many ofus hold our nose in Presidential elections and vote for the lesserof two evils. The game will be over if Texas falls; between NewYork, California and Texas the Democrats will have a lock on thePresidency. Our national government will then be under totaloccupation by Barack Obamas, Sonia Sotomayors and Ruth BaderGinsburgs. The tattered remains of our much-abused but still-aliveConstitution will finally be discarded by a permanent revolution ofthe Left. Mandating E-Verify in Texas is a positive first step to counterthese trends. The Cheap Labor Lobby will fight it tooth and nail,because it cuts to the heart of their criminal profits.
Take Action: Please call Rep. Byron Cook at 512-463-0730 and demand he schedulea hearing in March for HB 296, which mandates use of the E-Verifysystem for many employers.
You can also send a fax here:
The Peter Morrison Report
PO Box 8742, Lumberton, TX 77657, USA
Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — January 9, 2025
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