An interesting story from about the Senate and pro-Life votes. This follows this post about the defunding of Planned Parenthood in the House. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can also get a very interesting book HERE!
Press the Senate to Defund Abortion!
Liberty Counsel's targeted pro-life petition pointedly tells
members of the 112th Congress to Defund Planned Parenthood
and Defend Life!
Please read their important message below and consider
joining them in this pro-life initiative. After you do,
consider forwarding this message on to your pro-life
friends to increase your own personal impact.
Your Friends at Grassroots Action
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
The Continuing Resolution Bill (CR) is now awaiting
debate in the Senate. The House has already approved
a CR Bill (H.R. 1) containing amendments to defund
Planned Parenthood (PPH) and close loopholes that
allow indirect taxpayer funding of abortions. We
are calling on the Senate to pass a similar bill!
Our Senators MUST hear from pro-life Americans!
See my update below - Mat.
This is a call to action for ALL pro-life Americans to contact
key Senators and stand in defense of life! Although short term,
stop-gap measures to continue funding the government are being
set in place, the main debate in the Senate will begin soon.
We are calling for the Senate to defund Planned
Parenthood and close the funding loopholes for
outside agencies that promote or perform abortions
with taxpayer dollars!
The House of Representatives recent passage of a "Continuing
Resolution" bill (H.R. 1) designed to keep our federal
government running through September included amendments that
decreased or eliminated funding to government agencies or
government supported groups (like PPH and others) involved
in the abortion industry.
Among their approved amendments were...
* A full defunding this fiscal year of Planned
Parenthood, the nation's biggest abortion
* A partial defunding of ObamaCare by
eliminating its discretionary spending.
* Restoration of the ban on government funding
of abortion in the District of Columbia,
which President Obama had eliminated.
* Restoration of the Mexico City Policy that
President Barack Obama overturned during his
first week on the job that prohibits the use
of federal taxpayer funds from going to groups
that promote or perform abortions in other
* Elimination of funding for the pro-abortion
UNFPA, the United Nations family planning
agency that has promoted abortion globally
and also works closely with family planning
officials in China.
* Elimination of Title X funding - a domestic
family planning program.
* Reduction of funding for international family
planning/reproductive health from $648 million
in FY2010 to $440 million.
These were HUGE pro-life advances! Now, pressure MUST be
applied to the Senate to honor the will of the American people
as demonstrated in the House bill!
The House-approved bill has placed Harry Reid's leftist-
controlled Senate in a real quandary. They know the will
of the American people, based on the mid-term elections,
to curb spending and advance pro-life initiatives.
Yet, in their elitist, "we know better" mindset, they simply
don't want to do it. The Senate needs to hear from the
people of America!
++We are calling on the Senate to follow the House's lead in
passing a similar Continuing Resolution Bill!
Working together, we bombarded the House with more than 40,000
faxes while H.R.1 was being debated. But now, as the battle
moves to the Senate, I am calling on at least 50,000 pro-life
citizens to tell key Senate leaders to "Defund Planned
Parenthood and Defend Life!"
Our petition will be delivered at a strategic time during
the Senate debate. We MUST NOT be silent!
Click here to join thousands of other pro-life citizens in
our call for the United States Senate to defund Planned
Parenthood and to carefully consider our petition:
Your "Defund Planned Parenthood" petition will make a real
difference as the CR is considered in the Senate. I urge
you to click here now to stand for life:
Last year, Planned Parenthood (PPH) received more than $363
million in revenue from government grants and contracts,
funded by OUR TAX DOLLARS...
... To perform an unprecedented 324,008 abortions,
including many horrible "partial-birth" abortions
in which a baby is partially delivered and then
gruesomely killed.
That means that YOUR tax dollars - and mine - were used to
fund an organization that killed 324,008 babies!
I find this thought both chilling and
reprehensible. I'm sure you do, as well.
But acting together, we have an opportunity to change this
American tragedy! Liberty Counsel is endorsing any legislation
to end federal funding of Planned Parenthood, Inc., the
nation's largest provider of abortion "services."
Bri, it will take our best effort to help these
defunding measures pass Harry Reid's Senate. At stake is
the fate of several initiatives that would end taxpayer
funding for abortions, including defunding Planned Parenthood.
Even if the task seems overwhelming, we simply don't have
the option to passively remain silent!
++There is great power in taking action together.
It will take MANY outraged pro-life citizens to bring enough
pressure on the Senate because...
* Planned Parenthood is a powerful organization
receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in
taxpayer funds annually.
* PPH has been entrenched in federal budgets
for many years now and their grants are
"rubber stamped."
* PPH has the support of the pro-abortion Obama
White House, academic elites, the ACLU, and
the media.
And you can be assured PPH will aggressively fight to retain
those HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars!
While tax dollars given to Planned Parenthood
through Title X Family Planning funds do not
directly fund abortions, these taxpayer funds
pay for overhead and operations costs...
...which frees up funds to directly provide
abortions to the tune of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS
of dollars!
As I mentioned, PPH, along with the leftists in Congress and
other organizations, will not allow this defunding bill to
pass without putting up a major fight.
NOW is the time to fax our Senators to draw a
line in the sand and pass legislative initiatives
that will stop further taxpayer-funded abortions!
Click here now to sign the petition that will be delivered
to key Senate leaders calling for them to "Defund Planned
Parenthood and Defend Life":
As pro-life Americans, We MUST be advocates of the preborn
by telling our Senators to Defund Planned Parenthood and
Defend Life!
God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. PLEASE call on your Senators and other leading Members of
the Senate to find the best way to Defund Planned Parenthood and
any other pro-abortion program! Again, go here to sign the "Defund
Planned Parenthood and Defend Life" petition:
NZZ erklärt: Wenn Staatsschulden zum Problem werden
Mar 14, 2025 | Die USA haben über 36 Billionen Dollar Schulden – und jede
Sekunde werden es 60 000 Dollar mehr. Doch was bedeutet das? Sind
Staatsschulden ...
59 minutes ago
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