An urgent post from www.Alipac.US about an in-state tuition bill in Oregon and Matricula Consular Cards in North Carolina. This follows this previous post about Oregon. If they are letting non-citizens comment about it, then they can let people from other states do so also! This follows this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Critical State Votes Today: Only Hours left to speak out!
Friends of ALIPAC,
A massive volume of calls, followed by individual, distinct, and personalized emails is needed from ALIPAC supporters in all states concentrated into OR and NC!
In about 5 hours, the Oregon Senate is going to vote on in-state tuition for illegal aliens. Make sure you have followed our detailed instructions at this link to weigh in before the vote. The illegals are calling in support of the bill so let's get those phones ringing this morning!
Stop Oregon from giving illegals in-state tuition at this link...
One of our bills in North Carolina (HB 33) heads to the house floor for a full vote today. This is a very important vote as it will likely set the trend for all of our state.
The vote will take place between 2-4pm ET today.
We need the phones ringing off the hooks today in North Carolina!
ALIPAC's President, William Gheen, is headed into the General Assembly this morning. He will be moving from office to office as your calls and e-mails come in.
Please take the following steps.
Step 1. Craft your own distinct version of this message. Make it distinct and then personalize it with the name of the lawmaker for best effect.
"I'm calling/writing to ask Representative _____ to please support and vote for HB 33 today to stop illegal aliens from using those worthless Mexican government Matricula cards as ID with police or to establish residency for state benefits, they should not be receiving. HB 33 will help reduce illegal immigration in North Carolina and help protect American taxpayers, workers, students, and voters from the negative impacts of illegal immigration."
Step 2: Access this link and begin calling NC House offices in random order. Call as many as you can before the vote. If you can spare the time, call them all!
NC House Rep Phone Numbers, Fax Numbers, and emails
Call! Call! Call! Personalized, polite, professional, enthusiastic calls are the most effective method to persuade lawmakers.
Step 3: Follow-up your call with a written e-mail or fax version of your distinct and personalized message. The written copy only serves to reinforce your calls.
Our top ALIPAC activists stand ready to assist you, hear your feedback, answer your questions, or receive any information you gather while conducting these missions at the following activism link....
Let's stop illegal aliens and reduce incentives and ID for illegals in these critical battles in Oregon and North Carolina today!
GOOD FOR AMERICA: The enemy within is now the Democrat Party
Keep up the good work, Democrats. You’ve managed to offend millions in your
voter base. The Democrat Party: The Enemy Within? By Amil Imani The
Democrat pa...
53 minutes ago
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