An urgent post from www.Alipac.US about illegal immigration bills in Utah and Maryland. This follows this post about immigration bills in Texas and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Defensive Positions: Illegals Win Rounds in Utah and Maryland
Despite the massive public outcry and the fact that Utah Republicans are organizing to remove Governor Herbert, Senator Hatch, and other treacherous lawmakers from office over this Amnesty bill, Governor Herbert signed it into law yesterday.
Also, illegal aliens and their supporters won in the Maryland State Senate where in-state tuition for illegal aliens passed by a vote of 27-20.
Those fighting for our side must do more in the states on their own. We will send you more information about this later on this week.
Today, we need everyone to go into emergency defensive positions.
Details of the signing of the Amnesty bill HB 116 are on our homepage at
This morning, ALIPAC is releasing our emergency strategy to fight back against the Utah Amnesty. Lawsuits and boycotts are coming, but first we unveil our strategy called "Recall, Rescind, and Deport."
Please read, understand, circulate, and engage our strategy and messages found in today's national press release.
National Backlash Against Utah's Amnesty For Illegal Aliens
Group Calls on Utah Residents to Turn Bill Into a Deportation Tool
The Governor of Maryland, Martin O'Malley, has promised to sign the In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens Bill (SB 167) if it passes the MD House.
Contact every member of the Maryland House you can with your distinct version of our message delivered by phone and then in writing...
"I'm calling/writing to ask Representative _____ to oppose SB 167 and vote no on SB 167 the in-state tuition for illegal aliens bill. In-state tuition for illegal aliens replaces innocent American students in the limited seats in our colleges with illegal aliens at taxpayer expense. Why would Maryland lawmakers force taxpayers to pay to harm our own students who need those limited college seats? This bill would also attract more illegal immigration into America and Maryland by rewarding families who broke our laws."
(Click on names for phone numbers)
Please deploy our defensive measures to stop Amnesty in Utah and in-state tuition in Maryland.
Our offense is quickly turning into defense.
You will all receive more suggestions this week on how to get us back on offense, but it will take a larger and more energetic and organized response from our supporters to accomplish this.
Let's do all we can to stop America's enemies who are advancing in Utah and Maryland.
William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team
PS: Make sure you read ALIPAC's front page coverage in the Salt Lake Tribune and the confirmation on what we told you about LDS on our homepage...
UT: Anti-illegal immigration group targets Hatch
Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints Supports Utah Amnesty Bill
(ALIPAC received emails from 5 people claiming our assertion LDS was behind this bill was incorrect. Here is the proof we promised them.)
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