An interesting post from about illegal immigration in California, Florida, and North Carolina. This follows this post about Chain-Migration Immigration. This follows this post about E-Verify in Texas and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Help stop illegals in California, Florida, and NC today
Invite/Release: ALIPAC President to Speak in Burlington, NC Tonight
Our largest support base resides in the border disaster areas of California. Our third largest support base comes from Florida where we have the illegals leaving in large numbers already.
The fine ALIPAC activists of Florida and California have funded and volunteered for operations in many states.
Now, it is our time to help them!
Californians have an uphill battle in a state where Mexico runs things more than Washington, DC. Florida had all of our immigration enforcement bills blocked over the last few years by past Speaker of the House, now US Senator, Marco Rubio.
Georgia and Oklahoma are likely to vote today on our bills, so we hope you can get your calls completed today that were requested by email yesterday!
Swing into Action in California and Florida
Step 1: Craft your own distinct version of our sample message.
"I'm calling/writing today to ask you to support Assemblyman Donnelly's ASSEMBLY BILL 26 which would assure that all employers and local governments cooperate with Federal law enforcement on immigration issues. Please oppose Cedillo's Dream Act Amnesty bill ASSEMBLY BILL 130 which would displace and replace innocent American students in our limited number of college seats while rewarding illegal alien families and encouraging more illegal immigration. Recent Rasmussen polling shows 67% of Americans want our existing immigration laws enforced instead of new laws giving taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens. California should join the over 24 other American states trying to crack down on illegal immigration like Arizona."
Please remember that each call and email should be personalized to include the name of the legislator and should be your own version. If you simply copy and paste our message you will have less of an impact and many of your emails will land in the trash folder.
Step 2: Whether you are in California, Maine, or Nebraska, pick up your phone and start calling members of the California Senate and House. Speak to lawmakers, staff, or voicemail boxes. After you have made your call, follow up with an email, fax, or letter.
Contact Information
Step 3: Once you have made as many calls as you can, please share your feedback with our online activists at this link. Your feedback, questions, suggestions, and notes can help other activists in California and across the nation.
Feedback link...
Effort 2: FLORIDA
Step 1: Craft your own distinct message using our example for your calls and emails.
"Please support and pass Senate Bills 136, 230, 304 and House Bills 205, 237, and 691! These bills will help empower our police to reduce crimes committed by illegal aliens and get illegals deported when released from jail. They will also help employers hire only American citizens and legal immigrants. We need Florida to crack down on illegal immigration like Arizona to protect innocent American workers, students, taxpayers, and voters from the negative effects of illegal immigration"
Step 2: Call as many Florida Senators and Representatives as possible. If you can, call them all. If not, call your own, or if calling from another state call as many randomly as you can.
Step 3: Leave questions, feedback, suggestions, copies of your distinct message, or feedback and push-back from lawmakers on our tracking link
We need a stronger response from our volunteers to prevail. While many of our activists are working very hard to make these calls, much more help is needed. Too many people are letting others carry the weight.
Please get on the phones with our targeted campaigns and/or call your state lawmakers today using our state campaign area at this link.
40 states with our legislation to push..
NZZ erklärt: Wenn Staatsschulden zum Problem werden
Mar 14, 2025 | Die USA haben über 36 Billionen Dollar Schulden – und jede
Sekunde werden es 60 000 Dollar mehr. Doch was bedeutet das? Sind
Staatsschulden ...
59 minutes ago
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