A very interesting post from www.debbieschlussel.com about HAMAS and FATAH laying aside their differences. This follows this post about Barack Obama's pro-Islam stance. This follows this post about Miss USA 2010 and this article about the recent news about the former ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence and prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and read this very interesting book HERE!
Congrats, US! Our “Preferred” Fatah Terrorists Merge w/ HAMAS
By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve warned time and again that HAMAS and Fatah–the U.S.-backed group of Islamic terrorist scum–would merge. And, now, it’s a done deal.
Fatah and HAMAS . . .
Click above to see pictures!!
“Our” Islamic Palestinian Terrorists Unite With Theirs
For years, under Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, America spent billions training and arming the P.L.O.’s Fatah police and government, as some sort of “preferred,” “moderate” terrorist group versus HAMAS. But, today, as I’ve always argued would happen, HAMAS and Fatah announced their merger. It was inevitable, as HAMAS is more popular, including all over the so-called West Bank, where Fatah rules through U.S.-preferred terrorist-in-chief and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a Abu Mazen. Now, the merer has begun. Congrats on your Palestinian state, America. It will be–as it was always going to be, eventually–little more than a U.S.-sanctioned expansion of the HAMAS empire, just as we allowed to happen in Egypt and are trying to cause in Libya and elsewhere. From the PLO news agency, Wafa:
CAIRO, April 27, 2011 (WAFA) – An Egyptian official confirmed on Wednesday that Fatah and Hamas have reached an agreement on all issues of difference between them, including elections and the formation of the new government.
Azzam Al-Ahmad, member of Fatah central committee who has been leading the Fatah delegation to the Cairo talks with Hamas, confirmed reaching an agreement. He said the agreement will be announced in a joint press conference at eight in the evening Cairo time, nine Jerusalem time.
Alhamdillullah [praise allah], the merger of the brothers is complete. And America gave gazillions in infrastructure and even a half-billion in Palestinian mortgage bailouts (under George W. Bush) to them. Awesome.
Now, Israel will have a HAMAS state on both its eastern and western borders. Terrif.
Oh, and by the way, it has the blessing and approval of Hanan Ashrawi. Remember her? She was the pan-terrorist Christian Palestinian concu-beast of anti-Israel late ABC anchor Peter Jennings, who was Yasser Arafat’s spokeshag, until she was ostracized by him and the Fatah gang for being a Christian.
Re-united and it feels so good . . . (but not for the West)
Beware the Network State: The Tech Blueprint to Dismantle the USA
Mar 14, 2025 | Donald Trump has announced plans to build 10 corporate
dystopia cities (aka "freedom cities") across the United States of America.
But these...
2 minutes ago
Both sides (Israel and Palestinian) countries should have peace talks then this issue will be solved otherwise this issue will continue for a long time and neighbouring countries will suffer along with these countries and also this conflict will be one of the reason for world war so we have to solve this problem immediately United Nations should negotiate with these countries.
This changes nothing. Hamas and Fatah have merged before but broke up. The U.N. meeting this fall is when Palestine (hopefully) will be granted statehood and recognition from the world. This only reinforces peace. Israel has stated that it wants a Two-State solution, Palestine has stated it does, and so has the U.S., but nothing will come to fruition until the Jerusalem, Settlement, and Palestinian militarization issues have been confronted.
Make Jerusalem an International city (It already houses both Israeli and Palestinian population, no harm done there), forced withdrawal of Israeli settlements and allowance of the Militarization of Palestine.
A militarized Palestine poses no real threat to Israel. Israel has a far superior military as well as the constant support of the U.S. (Doesn't matter how "Pro-Islam" Obama is, the Israel-Lobby will prevent any kind of mass reduction of Israel aid).
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