An urgent post from about immigration bills in Texas. This follows this post about an in-state tuition bill in Oregon and Matricula Consular Cards in North Carolina and this follows this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Urgent: Ask Key State Officials To Pass E-Verify Legislation Now!
Although committees only have about one month to finish their legislative business, no E-Verify bill has received a hearing yet in the House or the Senate. In fact, only a handful of immigration enforcement bills have received a hearing thus far despite the fact that dozens were introduced.
Our friends at the Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas ( ) recommend pressuring key state officials in an effort to move two E-Verify bills -- HB 2450 and SB 84 -- in the House State Affairs Committee and the Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Committee, respectively.
Neither bill is very strong, but we will have no E-Verify legislation if these bills do not pass committee by late April. SB 84 only requires E-Verify for state and local government and their contractors, so we will need to ask for an amendment that extends E-Verify to all employers.
Please follow the instructions below in contacting the Chairmen of the House State Affairs and Senate Transportation/Homeland Security Committees, legislators on both committees, other state legislative leaders, and the governor. Also be sure to click the “I called” link where provided.
Action for House State Affairs Committee Chairman Cook
Please call and email Chairman Byron Cook’s office – 512-463-0730; Email form -- with the message:
Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs. No E-Verify legislation has passed State Affairs yet. Call up and pass HB 2450 now!
Click “I called” to tell us you made the call. Click here to send Chairman Cook a fax.
Action for Senate Transportation/Homeland Security Committee Chairman Williams
Please call and email Chairman Williams’ office -- (512) 463-0104 Email form – with the message:
Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs. No E-Verify legislation has passed Transportation and Homeland Security yet. Call up SB 84 and make all employers use E-Verify!
Click “I called” to tell us you made the call. Click here to send Chairman Williams a fax.
Action for State Affairs Committee Members
Please call and email all of the Reps. noted below with this message:
Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs. No E-Verify legislation has passed State Affairs yet. Call up and pass HB 2450 now!
Rep Jose Menendez - 512-463-0634; email form
Rep Tom Craddick - 512-463-0500; email form
Rep John Frullo - 512-463-0676; email form
Rep Pete Gallego - 512-463-0566; email form
Rep Charlie Geren - 512-463-0610; email form
Rep Patricia Harless - 512-463-0496; email form
Rep Harvey Hilderbran - 512-463-0536; email form
Rep Dan Huberty - 512-463-0520; email form
Rep Rene Oliveira - 512-463-0640; email form
Rep John Smithee - 512-463-0702; email form
Rep Burt Solomons - 512-463-0478; email form
Rep Sylvester Turner - 512-463-0554; email form
If your Rep. serves on the committee, you also can send him/her a fax on your Action Board.
Action for Transportation/Homeland Security Committee Members
Please call and email all of the Senators noted below with this message:
Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs. No E-Verify legislation has passed Transportation and Homeland Security yet. Call up SB 84 and make all employers use E-Verify!
Sen. Kirk Watson (512) 463-0114 Email form
Sen. Wendy Davis (512) 463-0110 Email form
Sen. Rodney Ellis (512) 463-0113 Email form
Sen. Chris Harris (512) 463-0109 Email form
Sen. Juan Hinojosa (512) 463-0120 Email form
Sen. Robert Nichols (512) 463-0103 Email form
Sen. Florence Shapiro (512) 463-0108 Email form
Sen. Jeff Wentworth (512) 463-0125 Email form
If your Senator serves on the committee, you also can send him/her a fax on your Action Board.
Action for Other State Legislative Leaders
Please call and email House Speaker Joe Straus and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst (leader of the Texas Senate) with the message:
No E-Verify legislation has passed in committee or on the floor. Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs. Pass legislation now requiring all employers to use E-Verify!
Speaker Straus 512-463-1000 Email form
Lt. Gov. Dewhurst 512-463-0001 Email form
Action for Governor Perry
Please call and email Gov. Perry’s office -- 512-463-2000 Email form -- with the message:
I know anti-sanctuary legislation is important to the governor but it will not turn off the jobs magnet that attracts illegal aliens. Please tell the legislative leaders you want all employers to use E-Verify. Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs.
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Beware the Network State: The Tech Blueprint to Dismantle the USA
Mar 14, 2025 | Donald Trump has announced plans to build 10 corporate
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