A very interesting post from www.debbieschlussel.com about Donald Trump and the GOP. This follows this post about the Republicans caving on the budget and this article about the recent news about ending the ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Donald Trump’s Muslim Problem + HILARIOUS Video: Trump Campaign Ad
By Debbie Schlussel
It’s so predictable and boring to watch the ratings-seeking egomaniacal fraud, Donald Trump, throw out lines he knows will reel Tea Party types in . . . and then watch them eagerly take the bait without a single ounce of critical thinking. As I’ve repeatedly pointed out on this site, Donald Too Big Too Fail Trump was once the world’s largest debtor, but he was allowed to survive without filing for bankruptcy because his creditors wanted at least some of their money back. He’s also a failure as a businessman, if you look at some of his casinos and other operations. And his “self-made” man image is BS, too, since his wealthy father gave him at least $100,000 (when that was real money) to start with. Jimmy Kimmel’s hilarious comments and spot-on “campaign commercial,” below, are exactly what I’ve been saying to the many unthinking Tea Party sheeple who keep sending me pro-Trump BS. These are the same people who cheered on the idea of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, while I warned against it. Morons. And Jesse Ventura, too. How did that work out?
Trump’s popularity in GOP polls shows how desperate and pitiful Republicans and conservatives are to beat Obama and what a lack of good candidates we have. Trump is the Ross Perot of 2012 (if he even lasts into 2012). Now, Trump is throwing out comments like, “The world has a Muslim problem,” when he knows full well that it’s Dhimmi Donald Trump who also has a Muslim problem. As you’ll recall, he’s the one who helped choose a Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah supporter, Rima Fakih (who twice tripped on her gown and gave a dumb answer), as his Miss USA. He and his people also coached Al-Skank, Ms. Fakih, not to answer questions asking her whether she supports Hezbollah (despite most of her family belonging in the terrorist group, including top officials and martyrs). The Trump people also demanded that media outlets interviewing Fakih not ask her about Hezbollah or to condemn the group because she supports this terrorist outfit that murdered over 300 U.S. Marines and Embassy officials.
That’s not to mention that Trump chose his friend, Farouk Shami–a Palestinian Muslim who supports Islamic terrorism, including the many murders his father perpetrated against Jews–as judge of his pageants and Farouk Systems/CHI as the sponsor of his pageants. Trump embraced Shami despite this and the fact that Shami openly brags of his support for illegal aliens and his belief in 9/11 Trutherism, while attacking White men as useless employees. Oh, and don’t forget Gary Busey, the anti-Semitic, anti-American nutjob Trump cast and keeps on “The Apprentice” for ratings purposes. As I noted, Busey acted in a Turkish government-funded Muslim TV propaganda movie, portraying a Jewish American Army doctor who kidnaps Iraqis at Abu Ghraib so he can steal their organs and send them to Orthodox Jews in London, New York, and Tel Aviv.
Yes, we know who has the Muslim problem. And it’s not just the world. It’s also a fraud and boor named Trump. If that’s who “conservatives” embrace as their last best hope in 2012, they are even more pathetic and incompetent than I thought.
Donald Trump as the GOP candidate for Prez? It would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad.
Beware the Network State: The Tech Blueprint to Dismantle the USA
Mar 14, 2025 | Donald Trump has announced plans to build 10 corporate
dystopia cities (aka "freedom cities") across the United States of America.
But these...
9 minutes ago
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