An urgent post from about immigration bills in Texas. This follows this post about an in-state tuition bill in Oregon and Matricula Consular Cards in North Carolina and this follows this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Please Call: E-Verify Bill Scheduled for Hearing
I wanted to send out a quick report on a developing situation. Thanks to the efforts of patriotic conservatives across the state,a decent E-Verify bill, HB 3252, has been scheduled for a hearingby the State Affairs Committee tomorrow, Wednesday April 5th. E-Verify is the electronic system employers can use to make surethat the documents provided to them for employment purposes arelegitimate. Right now, most employers of illegal aliens have awink-wink attitude towards document fraud, accepting paperknock-offs of social security cards. E-Verify closes this loopholeby ensuring that the purported social security number is real andnot stolen or fictitious. Every time we swipe a credit card, acomputer checks to see if we have available credit. It's commonsense that American jobs ought to be protected by a similarelectronic system, but the Cheap Labor Lobby resists because thepaper-based system gives them the criminal "flexibility" they needto cover themselves. Please contact the members of the State Affairs Committee below,especially if you are a constituent, and ask them to pass thisbill,
HB 3252:
Rep Jose Menendez - 512-463-0634;
Rep Tom Craddick - 512-463-0500;
Rep John Frullo - 512-463-0676;
Rep Pete Gallego - 512-463-0566;
Rep Charlie Geren - 512-463-0610;
Rep Patricia Harless - 512-463-0496;
Rep Harvey Hilderbran - 512-463-0536;
Rep Dan Huberty - 512-463-0520;
Rep Rene Oliveira - 512-463-0640;
Rep John Smithee - 512-463-0702;
Rep Burt Solomons - 512-463-0478;
Rep Sylvester Turner - 512-463-0554;
The Peter Morrison Report
PO Box 8742, Lumberton, TX 77657, USA
Beware the Network State: The Tech Blueprint to Dismantle the USA
Mar 14, 2025 | Donald Trump has announced plans to build 10 corporate
dystopia cities (aka "freedom cities") across the United States of America.
But these...
9 minutes ago
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