An urgent post from about immigration bills in the key state of Texas. This follows this post about congressional redistricting and this follows this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Ask For Passage of State E-Verify Legislation Now!
Dear activist,
On Thursday, April 28th, the House State Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on another E-Verify bill – HB 1275. Time is running out for getting a bill through the House because a bill must clear the State Affairs Committee, and have a floor vote scheduled by the Calendars Committee, by May 9th.
While HB 1275 is not the strongest possible E-Verify bill, it is critical to get an E-Verify bill out of committee so we have something to work with on the floor. Too many good bills have died in the State Affairs Committee in prior sessions. We cannot afford to let this happen again!
If you live in the Austin area, or can travel to the Capitol, please testify at the hearing. The hearing could start any time after 3 pm and no one will know in advance. You will not be allowed to wait in the hearing room but you should fill out a form for testifying (outside the room) by 3 pm. You can watch the floor proceedings from the House Gallery and then go back to the hearing room when they adjourn.
The Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas (IRCOT) suggests that you be prepared for a late night and wear comfortable shoes. Parking is available at the public parking garage at 12th and Trinity. Contact IRCOT at if you need more information on testifying.
What: State Affairs Committee Meeting
Date/time: Thursday, April 28th after final adjournment
Location: Reagan Bldg. (JHR), Room 140
Irrespective of whether you can attend, please help by calling, emailing and faxing in support of HB 1275.
Action for House State Affairs Committee Members
Please call and email all of the Reps. noted below with this message:
Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs. No E-Verify legislation has passed State Affairs yet. Pass legislation like HB 1275 now!
Chairman Byron Cook – 512-463-0730; Email form
Rep. Tom Craddick - 512-463-0500; email form
Rep. John Frullo - 512-463-0676; email form
Rep. Charlie Geren - 512-463-0610; email form
Rep. Patricia Harless - 512-463-0496; email form
Rep. Harvey Hilderbran - 512-463-0536; email form
Rep. Dan Huberty - 512-463-0520; email form
Rep. John Smithee - 512-463-0702; email form
Rep. Burt Solomons - 512-463-0478; email form
If your Rep. serves on the State Affairs Committee, your Action Board has a fax to send him/her as well.
Action for House Calendars Committee Members
Please call and email all of the Reps. noted below with this message:
Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs. No E-Verify legislation has passed the House yet. Please schedule a floor vote on legislation like HB 1275 as soon as it clears the State Affairs Committee.
Chairman Todd Hunter - 512-463-0672 Email form
Rep. Dennis Bonnen - 512-463-0564 Email form
Rep. Dan Branch - 512-463-0367 Email form
Rep. James Keffer - 512-463-0656 Email form
Rep. Lois Kolkhorst - 512-463-0600 Email form
Rep. Allan Ritter - 512-463-0706 Email form
Rep. Vicki Truitt - 512-463-0690 Email form
Rep. John Zerwas - 512-463-0657 Email form
Action for State Legislative Leaders
Please call and email House Speaker Joe Straus and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst (leader of the Texas Senate) with the message:
No E-Verify legislation has passed in committee or on the floor. Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs. Pass legislation now requiring all employers to use E-Verify!
Speaker Joe Straus - (512) 463-1000 Email form
Lt. Governor David Dewhurst - (512) 463-0001 Email form
Action for Governor Perry
Please call and email Gov. Perry’s office -- 512-463-2000 Email form -- with the message:
I know anti-sanctuary legislation is important to the governor but it will not turn off the jobs magnet that attracts illegal aliens. Please tell the legislative leaders you want all employers to use E-Verify. Citizens do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs.
Action for Your Rep./Senator
Finally, please contact information for your Rep. and Senator here and call/email both with the message:
I am one of your constituents. Citizens like me do not want to compete with illegal aliens for Texas jobs. No E-Verify legislation has passed the legislature yet. Please pass strong E-Verify legislation this session!
Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
Beware the Network State: The Tech Blueprint to Dismantle the USA
Mar 14, 2025 | Donald Trump has announced plans to build 10 corporate
dystopia cities (aka "freedom cities") across the United States of America.
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2 minutes ago
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