A very interesting post from www.badeagle.com about Iran's nuclear plant! This follows this post about the church that won't be built at Ground Zero and this article about the recent news about the ban offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more posts like this click here.
Israel Must Strike Iran’s Nuclear Sites
by David Yeagley · August 19, 2010 ·
Former US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, has recently announced, repeatedly, that Israel has only a few days to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, or it will be too late. Once the nuclear sites are fueled (by Russian resources), the fall-out from any such Israeli strike would spread dangerous radiation in the area. Strikes on Iran would involve serious consequences, indeed.
Former US envoy to the UN, John Bolton.
This is the story. Iran has for years defied the international “community,” the United Nations, and all attempts at disuasion. Sanctions are meaningless. Iranian mullahs are determined to have nuclear facilities and, obviously, neclear weapons. Barry “Obama” Soetoro, the joke of the Muslim world, has only increased Islamic aggression everywhere. So, it becomes a question of stopping a cancer with radical surgery, or letting it slowly develop, taking its own course, and suffering the consequences. A high risk surgery now, or sure death later.
In the past, BadEagle.com has noted the fact that other ‘rogue’ or unstable governments possess the nuclear bomb, such as North Korea, India, and Pakistan. China and Russia of course have the bomb. No one but the United States has ever used nuclear weapons against another country. Those atom bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WWII, in 1945. Since that time, different countries have tested nuclear bombs. North Korea continues to terrorize the world with childish and foolish tests. But, the likelihood of any country actually using a nuclear bomb on another country is negligent. Why? Self-preservation, or, the instinct life.
Until, of course, Islam wields nuclear power. Islam has demonstrated before the world, repeatedly, that it has no respect for life, and, with religious zeal would delight to evelop the world in a nuclear holocaust. Iran’s mullahs would most definitely use a nuclear bomb on another country. Any country. Especially Israel. Self-preservation is not a motivation in Islam. Death is the motivation. Islam is a death cult. Therefore, a nuclear weapon in the hands of Muslims, particularly ambitious Iranian muslims, is a sure catastrophy.
This appears to be the case, based on everything said and done to this point. Whether Israel will strike the nuclear facility at Beshehr or not remains to be seen.
Israel struck an Iraqi nuclear site in 1981: “Operation Mitzvah.”
What would be the consequences? WWIII? I say, WWIII with conventional weapons would be more tolerable than an Iranian-initiated nuclear holocaust. Iranian Islamicists don’t care about life. Israelis do. True Muslims desire to end the world in violence and blood. This, in their minds, brings forth the Mehdi, the Savior of the world, or, the new world. Something like that. Islam functions as a martyr’s role. Death is the object of the “religion.” Islam is truly hideous and repulsive to anyone who cherishes life. While many Muslims do not believe Islam is a death cult at all, but a better way of life, these Muslims do not shape the image of modern Islam. And even they themselves tend towards coercion, or the imposition of Sharia law on the West. This is what Islam is all about–coercion. Conquering. That was its nature from the day Mohammad began his politico-military career.
While it would be extremely risky and costly for Israel to strike Iran now, though the consequences on the world, particularly the United States, would be significant, the alternative is only to delay until a worse set of consequences develop.
I would have to say, to Israel, strike now. It is not a declaration of war. It is not war against Iran. It is a technical, surgical removal of a deadly threat, the kind of thing Israel has done twice in the past, a facility in Iraq (1981), and North Korean interests in Syria (2007). This would be simply another such action. Again, it is not a declaration of war against Iran, nor is it an attack on the people of Iran. This would be the anti-Zionist headline the world over, of course, but it would be a lie, as most anti-Zionist headlines are. Israel would not be attacking Iran. Israel would be disabling a nuclear weapons facility. That’s all. The world was strangely quiet in 1981, and in 2007. Most people don’t even know about the 2007 strike against the nuclear weapons program in Syria.
Israel bombed a nuclear facility in Syria, in 2007.
Of course, Syria is not Iran. Nevertheless, Iran is not the leader of the Islamic world–much as the Iranian mullahs would like to think they are. The Islamic world, which is Arabic in nature, would probably be grateful for the Israeli strike. Islam is an Arabic religion, in style, in content, and in spirit. (It is cruel, vain, and aggressive.) Iranians are Persian by heritage. They will never, ever be accepted as the leader of the Islamic world. This is a profound reality that must figure into the equation of what to do presently with the nuclear program in Beshehr.
Posted by David Yeagley
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