A very interesting post from www.jihadwatch.org about Barack Obama spending money on mosques! This follows this post about the Ground Zero mosque's Imam and this article about the recent news about the ban offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more posts like this click here.
Obama spending $6 million to restore mosques and other Islamic sites worldwide
This has been going on longer than Obama has been in office. Has its Constitutionality ever been challenged? If not, why not? "US funds restoration of global Islamic sites," from AP, August 24 (thanks to Ted):
WASHINGTON - The good will tour of the Middle East by the imam behind the proposed mosque near ground zero is just part of the U.S. government's efforts to reach out to the Muslim world.
This year, the Obama administration will spend nearly $6 million to restore 63 historic and cultural sites, including mosques and minarets, in 55 nations, according to State Department documents.
Under a program established by Congress in 2001, the department will fund at least five projects in as many countries at a cost of more than $271,000.
The contributions include $76,135 for the 16th century Grand Mosque in Tongxin, China, and $67,500 for the 18th century Golden Mosque in Lahore, Pakistan. An additional $62,169 will be spent on restoring a 19th century minaret in Mauritania's ancient city of Tichitt; $50,437 for the Sundarwala Burj, a 16th century Islamic Monument in New Delhi, and $15,450 to restore the 18th century Gobarau Minaret in Katsina, Nigeria.
The amount spent on mosque restoration projects is a fraction of the total in the 2010 Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation, which also will fund projects to restore Christian and Buddhist sites as well as museums, forts and palaces....
More mosques than churches. More on that soon.
Posted by Robert
GOOD FOR AMERICA: The enemy within is now the Democrat Party
Keep up the good work, Democrats. You’ve managed to offend millions in your
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1 hour ago
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The 8:46 Campaign & Obama
The USA is presently under attack! Not by a plane flying into a building, but by a tyrant lying inside a building - the White House!
According to many sources, it was 8:46 in the morning on September 11, 2001 when 9-11 began in New York City.
The answer to the present national crisis will not be found in either an "Eric Rudolph" or in a "John Hinckley Jr."
It will be found when true American patriots collectively ask God to remove - or at least greatly slow down - the same national pestilence!
Each morning at 8:46 all genuine Americans, in their respective time zones, should fervently pray "God, Stop Obama!"
The more this collective prayer is sent to the "God" mentioned in all 50 state constitutions, the sooner this national cancer will be removed!
True, the Bible does say that some crimes are so unspeakable that Christians should pray that the offender will be "taken away" and delivered to "Satan for the destruction of the flesh."
Details of this are in I Corinthians (chap. 5), but patriots would be happy if Barack Hussein Obama, protector of the Ground Zero mosque, could merely be toppled from his throne!
For further light Google "Imam Bloomberg's Sharia Mosque," "Obama Supports Public Depravity," "Madam Nancy Pelosi's Brothel District" and the pdf version of Prof. F. Nigel Lee's "Islam in the Bible."
A Kansas Patriot
[read above web scream! Martin]
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