An interesting post from about the DREAM ACT. This follows this post about DREAM ACT myths and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here or an interesting article about Jessica Alba here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE!
Dream Act Amnesty Immigration Bill Risks 2012 Campaign Backlash
CONTACT: Americas for Legal Immigration PAC
(866) 703-0864
The Democratic leadership's push for Congress to pass the Dream Act Amnesty today during the lame duck session has inspired Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) to take the unprecedented step of launching the groups 2012 campaign operations today!
"American voters just threw a historic number of politicians out of office for not listening to the public on issues such as illegal immigration," said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. "It is clear this group in Washington is hell bent on passing an Amnesty that will displace tens of millions of American workers and voters with illegal immigrants!"
According to NumbersUSA, 44 Dream and Comprehensive Amnesty supporters lost their seats in 2010, while no new Amnesty supporters were elected. Each departing amnesty supporter will be replaced with candidates who oppose Amnesty. Those departing politicians are still in office during the 'Lame Duck' session and are seeking to thwart the will of the American public, by trying to create millions of new Democratic voters before they leave Washington, DC.
ALIPAC is launching candidate and campaign assessment efforts today to determine which of the 31 members of the US Senate, and all of the US Congress, support or oppose Dream Act Amnesty so that voter education efforts can begin for each race.
According to Rasmussen Reports polling from October of 2007, 59% of Americans oppose the Dream Act Amnesty concept while only 22% support it. This 3 to 1 opposition level could help defeat many incumbent members of the US Senate and House.
"Our goal this week is to put every lawmaker in DC facing reelection in 2012 on notice." said William Gheen. "If they pass this travesty on their way out the door, our goal will become to elect enough new members of Congress to reverse this legislation before the first few million illegal alien voters cast legal votes!"
ALIPAC's 35,000 national supporters are being provided with contact information for the 31 members of the 'Class 1' portion of the US Senate facing reelection in 2010. Volunteers will be calling these targeted senators and every member of Congress asking them to make their position on the Dream Act Amnesty clear in opposing the measure.
ALIPAC has played a role in helping to defeat the Dream Act Amnesty legislation on six prior occasions.
"The 2012 campaigns and elections begin today," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "We are going to throw another large group of Amnesty supporters out of office in 2012 because this new vote on the Dream Act makes it clear that Washington is still not listening."
Passage of the Dream Act Amnesty would create a new voting block of over 3 million predominantly Hispanic and Democratic voters who would in turn push for full Comprehensive Amnesty increasing this new voting block's size to close to 20 million new illegal immigrant voters.
Thus, the borders of the United States and any hopes of future immigration enforcement would be destroyed to the dismay of the dis-empowered American populace.
For more information about ALIPAC, ALIPAC's new strategy to defeat the Dream Act Amnesty, or to schedule interviews, please visit
Note: Help ALIPAC Take Action to Defeat the Dream Act Amnesty for a 7th time today at this link!!!
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