An interesting post from about the Texas legistators. This follows this post about the House's next attempt to pass Amnesty and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE!
Summary of this week's report:
Joe Straus, the liberal Republican Speaker of the Texas House of
Representatives, is on the ropes, lashing out at the grassroots and
bullying conservative Texas State House members in a desperate bid
to hold onto power. Your representative needs to hear from you
today, demanding they support a conservative like Rep. Warren
Chisum or Rep. Ken Paxton for Speaker. Please go to this site and
call or email your member today:
Just enter your address and call your member of the Texas House of
Representatives. This is not your Congressman, but your Texas
State Representative. Then, please visit this site and sign the
petition supporting a conservative Speaker:
The full report:
In the history of The Peter Morrison Report, this may be the most
important message I've ever sent you. After Election Day's
historic Republican gains in Texas, Republicans now hold 99 seats
out of 150 in the Texas House. We can now push to remove Joe
Straus, the liberal, pro-abortion Speaker of the House, and replace
him with a true conservative.
Just as a reminder, here's why Joe Straus needs to go:
* As Speaker, Straus appointed liberal committee chairs Burt
Solomons and Brian McCall who effectively killed all immigration
enforcement legislation in the 2009 session. Because the
Legislature only meets every two years, this means the ongoing
invasion of our state cannot be addressed until 2011 at the
* Joe Straus is pro-abortion. In fact, his rabbi sits on the board
of San Antonio Planned Parenthood. I can tell you what I would do
if my pastor supported Planned Parenthood: I would find a new
church. Joe Straus clearly lacks the moral compass to be Speaker,
the third most powerful office in the state.
* According to Heritage Alliance, in the last legislative session
in which he voted, Joe Straus voted with conservatives only 52% of
the time, which was the second worst voting record among
Republicans. In fact, five Democrats were more conservative than
Straus! His claim to be a conservative leader is laughable. He
was elected in 2009 because of a coalition of turncoat Republicans
and every Democrat in the Texas House.
Both Rep. Warren Chisum and Rep. Ken Paxton, who are Christians and
true conservatives, have risen to the occasion to challenge Joe
Straus for leadership.
Now I'm about to tell you breaking news about Joe Straus that
should infuriate you. He just released a letter yesterday
attacking Rep. Chisum. I'm going to share the last paragraph with
"If you truly believe that the Texas House of Representatives
should be protected from the kind of scorched earth campaign
unleashed by your allies, then I call on you to put a stop to it
for the sake of the membership. Stop the threatening letters,
mean-spirited emails, and angry phone calls. Let each member of the
House, elected to represent the views of their constituents, decide
this election free of such divisive hostility."
Let me translate for you: the election's over. The grassroots
needs to sit down at the back of the bus while the insiders decide
who's in charge. Straus has nothing but contempt for the thousands
of conservative Texans communicating with their legislator to try
and elect a conservative speaker. You see, in Joe Straus' world,
legislators are supposed to represent their constituents' views,
but if a constituent actually shares their views then that's "mean
Right now I believe the Republicans in the Texas House are ready
for a new Speaker. However, they're also scared. They know if
they come out for a conservative Speaker and Straus somehow
survives, they will be punished in the 2011 session.
In fact, one of Straus' bullying tactics just came to light as I
write this. Rep. Brian Hughes released a letter saying he will not
support Straus, and among his reasons why: Straus' staff threatened
him with redistricting if he didn't cooperate.
Think about this: a Republican Speaker, threatening a Republican
member with the prospect of a gerrymandered district that would
disenfranchise his conservative constituents. This tactic reveals
that Straus is truly a traitor, a man who would hurt conservatives
in order to hold on to power.
I think there is great hope right now, but you need to take action.
Joe Straus has played "Mr. Nice Guy" for the last two years, but
cracks are starting to appear in that facade. His contemptuous
dismissal of the grassroots and his bullying tactics reveal
desperation in a man who feels threatened by the conservative
victory of Election Day.
Now is the time to apply pressure. Now is the time to demand your
representative support a true conservative for Speaker.
Your representative needs to hear from you today, demanding they
support a conservative like Warren Chisum or Ken Paxton for
Speaker. Please go to this site and call or email your member
Just enter your address and call your member of the Texas House of
Representatives. This is not your Congressman, but your state
representative. Then, please visit this site and sign the petition
supporting a conservative Speaker:
The Peter Morrison Report
JUST THINK! If radical CongressMuslim Ilhan Omar decides to visit her
homeland of Somalia, she might not be allowed back into the U.S.
Why President Trump’s Travel Ban 2.0, with its predominance of Muslim
nations on the RED (no entry for any reason ) First Tier List, is so
important for ou...
1 hour ago
You know, the more I dig into all of this it's clear this is all Michael Quinn Sullivan and he's convinced everyone else this is necessary.
Most of these people don't even know that Straus is a real fiscal conservative.
It's really very shocking to see a lobbyist demonize a leader of our party.
Are you kidding me? I've watched all week as this circus has grown to three rings. Why are we letting a lobbyist like Michael Quinn Sullivan hijack the republican mandate.
It's become clear to me that Michael Quinn Sullivan is just a paid hack for Tom Craddick.
I'm growing concerned about what I'm reading on other blogs about Michael Quinn Sullivan being anti-semitic.
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