An interesting post from about preventing the DREAM ACT or any other AMNESTY. This follows this post about Immigration Enforcement groups and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here or an interesting article about Jessica Alba here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE!
You're winning on amnesty -- don't lose it now
Yes, we really do need more phone calls before Thanksgiving. See the list below of the Senators who most need to hear from you because their votes are still up for grabs.
Your outpouring of phone calls and faxes these past 12 days has pushed the expected NO votes to the point that we think if the vote were held today that we'd have the 41 votes needed to kill DREAM with a fillibuster.
Hooray for you!
But the opposition is changing the bill by softening some of its most egregious aspects. You have done such a good job of pointing out loopholes that the amnesty sponsors have introduced new versions of DREAM that:
reduce the maximum age from 35 to 30
eliminate the section rewarding illegal aliens with in-state tuition
Even these two concessions don't go far enough, and there are many more problems with the bill besides those two.
But we don't yet know how many of the Senators who currently are whipped as being NO votes -- as well as "Unannounced" Senators -- might switch to YES if the DREAM sponsors keep narrowing the amnesty.
The other side is using its vast war chest of funds to pay for special phoning campaigns pushing YES votes.
We desperately need your phone calls today. Thanks. (Remember that the Senators are back home this week, so make the phone calls to their staffers back in the home state offices.)
To get talking points for your own Senators and to report what you hear back to us, be sure to go to your NumbersUSA Action Board and look at your Phone Action Notes.
ACTION 1 -- 'Undecideds' are the priority
We need at least 4 of these 14 to vote NO. (The amnesty folks have a steeper hill to climb and need 11 of the 14 to vote YES.) But because there are a few wish-washy Senators among our NO list, we should aim to get at least 6 of these Undecideds. Please help.
Although many of these seem like they are leaning NO or ought to be a NO vote, there has to be a reason why they have chosen to remain publicly Undecided. The reason is unlikely to be a good one.
Most of these Undecided Senators are from small to medium sized states. If you live in the region of any of them, please call.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski She goes back and forth on amnesties. Did her scare in almost losing her seat make her a little more attentive on this kind of thing? Too often in the past, she has seemed to trade her vote FOR open borders to get some kind of pork barrel for the state. Will she be different this time?
Anchorage: 907-271-3735
Fairbanks: 907-456-0233
Ketchikan: 907-225-6880
Wasilla: 907-376-7665
Kenai: 907-283-5808
Sen. Sam Brownback He voted YES on the DREAM amnesty back in 2007. But he remains uncommited this time in public. He was just elected governor. Help him see that a YES vote now would immediately hurt his approval ratings.
Topeka: 785-233-2503
Wichita: 316-264-8066
Overland Park: 913-492-6378
Garden City: 620-275-1124
Pittsburg: 620-231-6040
Sen. Mary Landrieu She has generally voted with US, especially as she faced tough re-election in 2008. She falsely was reported last week as coming out as a YES. But why is she remaining Uncommitted?
New Orleans: 504-589-2427
Baton Rouge: 225-389-0395
Shreveport: 318-676-3085
Lake Charles: 337-436-6650
Sen. Susan Collins She voted YES in 2007. But her statements this week lean toward NO. You have driven her to the brink of a good decision; help her do it right.
Portland: 207-780-3575
Augusta: 207-622-8414
Bangor: 207-945-0417
Lewiston: 207-784-6969
Caribou: 207-493-7873
Biddeford: 207-283-1101
Sen. Olympia Snowe She voted YES in 2007. But she is up for re-election in 2012. She has seen some other ensconced high-seniority Republicans nearly lose or lose to Primary challengers this year. A vote for amnesty now could make her a real target. It is a good sign that she hasn't declared herself a YES yet.
Portland: 207-874-0883
Augusta: 207-622-8292
Bangor: 207-945-0432
Auburn: 207-786-2451
Biddeford: 207-282-4144
Presque Isle: 207-764-5124
Sen. Debbie Stabenow When she was coming up for re-election in 2006, she voted with us. But after winning, she voted YES on the DREAM Amnesty in 2007. Now, she is a Democrat coming up for another election in 2012 after big Republican gains in Michigan in the 2010 election. She is obviously conflicted and afraid to reveal either way. How does she tell Michigan's unemployed in 2012 that she voted to give millions more work permits to illegal aliens?
Detroit: 313-961-4330
Grand Rapids: 616-975-0052
East Lansing: 517-203-1760
Traverse City: 231-929-1031
Flint: 810-720-4172
Marquette: 906-228-8756
Sen. Claire McCaskill She voted NO in 2007 and has been one of the more reliable pro-enforcement votes among Democrats. Missouri swung strong toward Republicans in the 2010 elections. So, why is she holding back on announcingt a NO now? She was one of the original co-sponsors of Harry Reid's placeholder amnesty bill in winter of 2009. She is very close to Pres. Obama. She is conflicted. Like others on this Undecided list, she probably hopes the vote doesn't occur so she doesn't have to anger either side of the issue.
St. Louis: 314-367-1364
Kansas City: 816-421-1639
Springfield: 417-868-8745
Columbia: 573-442-7130
Cape Girardeau: 573-651-0964
Sen. Max Baucus He was one of the few Democrats who voted NO last time. He has indicated he is leaning NO.
Helena: 406-449-5480
Billings: 406-657-6790
Bozeman: 406-586-6104
Great Falls: 406-761-1574
Glendive: 406-365-7002
Missoula: 406-329-3123
Kalispell: 406-756-1150
Butte: 406-782-8700
Sen. Ben Nelson He has been one of our more reliable Democrats but he voted YES on the DREAM amnesty in 2007. He is facing huge battle for re-election in 2012. He has just come out with a statement indicating he is leaning NO, but it is ambiguous.
Omaha: 402-391-3411
Lincoln: 402-441-4600
Sen. Kay Hagan Her statements indicate leaning NO, but they aren't clear enough.
Charlotte: 704-334-2448
Raleigh: 919-856-4630
Asheville: 828-257-6510
Greensboro: 336-333-5311
Greenville: 252-754-0707
Sen. Kent Conrad One of few Democrats to vote NO last time and is leaning NO now. Up for re-election in 2012.
Fargo: 701-232-8030
Bismarck: 701-258-4648
Grand Forks: 701-775-9601
Minot: 701-852-0703
Sen. Byron Dorgan Our most reliable Democrat who voted NO last time. But he is retiring and perhaps has different senses of obligation. Why hasn't he clearly put himself in the NO column this time?
Fargo: 701-239-5389
Bismarck: 701-250-4618
Minot: 701-852-0703
Sen. Lindsey Graham One of the most pro-amnesty Republicans. But he has said amnesties have to be linked to tough new enforcement. South Carolinians have thought he was impossible to budget, but their constant complaints to him on immigration seem to have helped him step away from pushing for a blanket amnesty earlier this year.
Columbia: 803-933-0112
Greenville: 864-250-1417
Pendleton: 864-646-4090
Mount Pleasant: 843-849-3887
Florence: 843-669-1505
Rock Hill: 803-366-2828
Sen. Joe Manchin This Democrat is replacing the always-anti-amnesty Sen. Byrd. Manchin's statements indicate he is leaning NO. Time to get a commitment to what thre people of his state overwhelmingly want.
Washington, D.C.: 202-224-3954
ACTION 2 -- Up for re-election in 2012 but still say they'll vote YES on amnesty (you can change some of these)
With the anti-incumbent mood widely expected to continue through 2012, these Senators need to be reminded what a great liability a pro-amnesty vote will be in their next election.
At the least, they need to see that there is political pain to suffer for voting to give out millions of work permits to illegal aliens. We especially need help from neighbors to get the calls up for the small states of Delaware, Rhode Island and Vermont.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Los Angeles:310-914-7300
San Francisco: 415-393-0707
San Diego: 619-231-9712
Fresno: 559-485-7430
Sen. Joe Lieberman
Hartford: 860-549-8463
Sen. Tom Carper
Dover: 302-674-3308
Wilmington: 302-573-6291
Georgetown: 302-856-7690
Sen. Bill Nelson
Coral Gables: 305-536-5999
Tampa: 813- 225-7040
Jacksonville: 904-346-4500
Fort Myers: 239-334-7760
Fort Lauderdale: 954-693-4851
West Palm Beach: 561-514-0189
Tallahassee: 850-942-8415
Sen. Richard Lugar
Indianapolis: 317-226-5555
Fort Wayne: 260-422-1505
Evansville: 812-465-6313
Valparaiso: 219-548-8035
Sen. Ben Cardin
Baltimore: 410-962-4436
Bowie: 301-860-0414
Cumberland: 301-777-2957
Salisbury: 410-546-4250
Sen. Amy Klobuchar
Minneapolis: 612-727-5220
Rochester: 507-288-5321
Moorhead: 218-287-2219
Virginia: 218-741-9690
Sen. Jeff Bingaman
Albuquerque: 505-346-6601
Santa Fe: 505-988-6647
Roswell: 575-622-7113
Las Cruces: 575-523-6561
Farmington: 505-325-5030
Sen. Sherrod Brown
Cleveland: 216-522-7272
Cincinnati: 513-684-1021
Columbus: 614-469-2083
Lorain: 440-242-4100
Sen. Bob Casey
Philadelphia: 215-405-9660
Pittsburgh: 412-803-7370
Harrisburg: 717-231-7540
Allentown: 610-782-9470
Scranton: 570-941-0930
Erie: 814-874-5080
Bellefonte: 814-357-0314
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
Providence: 401-453-5294
Sen. Bernie Sanders
Burlington: 800-339-9834
Brattleboro: 802-254-8732
St. Johnsbury: 802-748-9269
Sen. Jim Webb
Richmond: 804-771-2221
Virginia Beach: 757-518-1674
Roanoke: 540-772-4236
Falls Church: 703-573-7090
Danville: 434-792-0976
Norton: 276-679-4925
Sen. Maria Cantwell
Seattle: 206-220-6400
Spokane: 509-353-2507
Tacoma: 253-572-2281
Everett: 425-303-0114
Vancouver: 360-696-7838
Richland: 509-946-8106
Sen. Herb Kohl
Milwaukee: 414-297-4451
Madison: 608-264-5338
LaCrosse: 608-796-0045
Eau Claire: 715-832-8424
Appleton: 920-738-1640
ACTION 3 -- These are the other Senators who have committed themselves to a YES for amnesty.
I'm not expecting much chance of changing these. But if they are from your state, please let their staff know how seriously disappointed you are in their actions.
You will find a Phone Action Note on your NumbersUSA Action Board giving you the specific talking points for calling these Senators who ought to at least know that their announced decision to support amnesty is being noticed and is very unpopular.
Sen. Mark Begich
Anchorage: 907-271-5915
Juneau: 907-586-7700
Fairbanks: 907-456-0261
Ketchikan: 907-225-3000
Kenai: 907-283-4000
Sen. Blanche Lincoln She and her past pro-amnesty record were defeated overwhelmingly by the voters early this month. So, she's going to vote for amnesty again just to put a stick in the eye of Arkansans?
Little Rock: 501-375-2993
Fayetteville: 479-251-1224
Texarkana: 870-774-3106
Jonesboro: 870-910-6896
Dumas: 870-382-1023
Sen. Barbara Boxer
Los Angeles: 213-894-5000
Riverside: 951-684-4849
San Francisco: 415-403-0100
San Diego: 619-239-3884
Sacramento: 916-448-2787
Fresno: 559-497-5109
Sen. Michael Bennet
Colorado Springs: 719-328-1100
Fort Collins: 970-224-2200
Durango: 970-259-1710
Alamosa: 719-587-0096
Fort Morgan: 970-542-9446
Grand Junction: 970-241-6631
Pueblo: 719-542-7550
Sen. Mark Udall
Denver: 303-650-7820
Colorado Springs: 719-471-3993
Greeley: 970-356-5586
Durango: 970-247-1047
Grand Junction: 970-245-9553
Pueblo: 719-542-1701
Sen. Chris Dodd
Hartford: 800-334-5341
Sen. Tom Carper
Dover: 302-674-3308
Wilmington: 302-573-6291
Georgetown: 302-856-7690
Sen. Chris Coons
Washington, D.C.: 202-224-5042
Sen. Bill Nelson
Coral Gables: 305-536-5999
Tampa: 813- 225-7040
Jacksonville: 904-346-4500
Fort Myers: 239-334-7760
Fort Lauderdale: 954-693-4851
West Palm Beach: 561-514-0189
Tallahassee: 850-942-8415
Sen. Daniel Akaka
Honolulu: 808-522-8970
Sen. Daniel Inouye
Honolulu: 808-541-2542
Hilo: 808-935-0844
Sen. Dick Durbin
Chicago: 312-353-4952
Springfield: 217-492-4062
Carbondale: 618-351-1122
Sen. Evan Bayh He portrays himself as a moderate, new-style Democrat but he's willing to vote for an amnesty just before retiring from the Senate?
Indianapolis: 317-554-0750
Fort Wayne: 260-426-3151
Evansville: 812-465-6500
South Bend: 574-236-8302
Jeffersonville: 812-218-2317
Hammond: 219-852-2763
Sen. Tom Harkin
Des Moines: 515-284-4574
Cedar Rapids: 319-365-4504
Davenport: 563-322-1338
Sioux City: 712-252-1550
Dubuque: 563-582-2130
Sen. Barbara Mikulski
Baltimore: 410-962-4510
Hagerstown: 301-797-2826
Annapolis: 410-263-1805
Greenbelt: 301-345-5517
Salisbury: 410-546-7711
Sen. John Kerry
Boston: 617-565-8519
Springfield: 413-785-4610
Fall River: 508-677-0522
Sen. Carl Levin
Detroit: 313-226-6020
Grand Rapids: 616-456-2531
Lansing: 517-377-1508
Traverse City: 231-947-9569
Saginaw: 989-754-2494
Warren: 586-573-9145
Escanaba: 906-789-0052
Sen. Al Franken
St. Paul: 651-221-1016
Duluth: 218-722-2390
St. Peter: 507-931-5813
St. Cloud: 320-251-2721
Sen. Harry Reid
Las Vegas: 775-882-7343
Reno: 775-686-5750
Carson City: 775-882-7343
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
Manchester: 603-647-7500
Nashua: 603-883-0196
Dover: 603-750-3004
Claremont: 603-542-4872
Berlin: 603-752-6300
Sen. Frank Lautenberg
Newark: 973-639-8700
Camden: 856-338-8922
Sen. Bob Menendez
Newark: 973-645-3030
Barrington: 856-757-5353
Sen. Tom Udall
Albuquerque: 505-346-6791
Santa Fe: 505-988-6511
Las Cruces: 575-526-5475
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
New York: 212-688-6262
Buffalo: 716-854-9725
Syracuse: 315-448-0470
Albany: 518-431-0120
Rochester: 585-263-6250
Melville: 631-249-2825
Sen. Chuck Schumer
New York: 212-486-4430
Buffalo: 716-846-4111
Syracuse: 315-423-5471
Albany: 518-431-4070
Rochester: 585-263-5866
Binghamton: 607-772-6792
Melville: 631-753-0978
Peeskill: 914-734-1532
Sen. Jeff Merkley
Portland: 503-326-3386
Eugene: 541-465-6750
Salem: 503-362-8102
Medford: 541-608-9102
Pendleton: 541-278-1129
Bend: 541-318-1298
Sen. Ron Wyden
Portland: 503-326-7525
Eugene: 541-431-0229
Salem: 503-589-4555
Medford: 541-858-5122
La Grande: 541-962-7691
Bend: 541-330-9142
Sen. Arlen Specter
Philadelphia: 215-597-7200
Pittsburgh: 412-644-3400
Harrisburg: 717-782-3951
Allentown: 610-434-1444
Scranton: 570-346-2006
Erie: 814-453-3010
Wilkes-Barre: 570-826-6265
Sen. Jack Reed
Providence: 401-528-5200
Cranston: 401-943-3100
Sen. Tim Johnson Some are reporting that he says he is leaning NO. Help him get there.
Sioux Falls: 605-332-8896
Rapid City: 605-341-3990
Aberdeen: 605-226-3440
Sen. Bob Bennett
Salt Lake City: 801-524-5933
Provo: 801-851-2525
Ogden: 801-625-5676
Cedar City: 435-865-1335
St. George: 435-628-5514
Sen. Pat Leahy
Burlington: 800-642-3193
Montpelier: 802-229-0569
Sen. Mark Warner
Richmond: 804-775-2314
Norfolk: 757-441-3079
Roanoke: 540-857-2676
Vienna: 703-442-0670
Abingdon: 276-628-8158
Sen. Patty Murray
Seattle: 206-553-5545
Tacoma: 253-572-3636
Everett: 425-259-6515
Yakima: 509-453-7462
Vancouver: 360-696-7797
Bellevue: 425-462-4460
Sen. Jay Rockefeller
Charleston: 304-347-5372
Martinsburg: 304-262-9285
Fairmont: 304-367-0122
Beckley: 304-253-9704
Sen. Russ Feingold
Milwaukee: 414-276-7282
Green Bay: 920-465-7508
Wausau: 715-848-5660
LaCrosse: 608-782-5585
Middleton: 608-828-1200
dallas is gearing up for an unusual spectacle this weekend as attorney
general Pam Bondi has announced a motorcade through the city to mark the
release of long-classified, JFK assassination files
By A Texas Reader
monday, march 17, 2025 at 07:32:28 p.m. edt
dallas is gearing up for an unusual spectacle this weekend as attorney
general Pam Bondi has ...
11 minutes ago
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