A very interesting post from http://www.petermorrisonreport.com/ about Texas Speaker Joe Straus. This follows this previous post about him and this article about the recent news about ending the ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela.. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE!
Fight to Replace Pro-Abortion Texas Speaker Continues
Summary of this week's report:
New information provides hard evidence of Joe Straus' pro-abortion
and anti-family-values agenda.
The fight to replace liberal, pro-abortion Joe Straus as Texas
Speaker of the House continues. If you have not contacted your
state representative, please do so and encourage them to vote for a
true conservative for Speaker. You can find who represents you
If you have a newly elected Republican state representative, please
see the list of contact information below. Voting on Speaker will
be among the first official acts that your new state representative
will get to do in the upcoming Legislative Session and they need to
hear from you now, before they make up their mind on this important
Remember, this is your state representative, not your Congressman.
Finally, even if you have taken action on this, please make
personal appeals in your circle of influence for others to contact
their representative. Absent an outcry from the grassroots,
Republican politicians will once again betray their base.
Don't let the gains of November 2nd slip away due to complacency.
Holding Republicans accountable after the election is just as
important as defeating liberals during elections.
The full report:
Last week, I told you about Joe Straus' radical left-wing
associations in regards to abortion. This week, I can provide you
with even more hard proof of Joe Straus' positions.
The pro-Straus camp is trumpeting the endorsement of Straus by a
group purporting to represent the pro-life point of view. In
response to this, Cathie Adams of Eagle Forum released a report
exposing once and for all Straus' pro-abortion agenda:
"When the leading abortion provider in the country, Planned
Parenthood, honors Texas House Speaker Joe Straus in their fall
2009 newsletter, Horizon, for 'his tireless efforts on behalf of
Texas women and children during the last legislative session,' it
explains why every pro-life bill was killed during the session. (It
is further explained by the fact that Speaker Straus received a
100% rating by the radical pro-abortion group NARAL, and that he
even voted in support of third-trimester abortions (SB 419, vote
672, 2005).)"
I should note that Straus' challengers, Rep. Chisum and Rep.
Paxton, both are rated a zero by this pro-abortion group. You can
verify these facts here:
In addition, I feel I should share with you an item from a
homosexual newspaper, the Dallas Voice. They're clearly upset with
the results of the recent election. It's headlined "If one of
these nutjobs defeats Joe Straus for House speaker, we could be in
deep doo-doo." The following is the unedited text of their story
lamenting the possible loss of Straus as Speaker:
"If Rep. Joe Straus is ousted as speaker of the Texas House, it's
safe to say it will not be a good thing for the LGBT community.
Dennis Coleman, executive director of Equality Texas, confirmed the
obvious yesterday when he told us the statewide gay-rights group is
sincerely hoping Straus can hang on to his post.
"One of Straus' challengers, Rep. Warren Chisum of Pampa, is among
the biggest homophobes in the Texas Legislature. Chisum was the
primary author of Texas' 2005 constitutional amendment banning
same-sex marriage, and he's also been behind efforts to outlaw gay
foster and adoptive parents.
"Another candidate for speaker, Rep. Ken Paxton of McKinney, who
entered the race this week, doesn't appear to be much better than
Chisum on LGBT issues. Paxton was a co-author of the marriage
amendment and voted in favor of a ban on gay foster parents in 2005.
"Straus, meanwhile, voted in favor of the marriage amendment -- not
to do so might have been political suicide -- but he did not sign
on as an author. He also voted against the gay foster parent ban,
which was actually killed by socially moderate Republicans like
himself. Straus attends a gay-affirming synagogue that performs
same-sex marriages in San Antonio."
Hypersensitive liberals will likely flip out because I quoted this
article. I've been subjected to a number of vile attacks over the
last week from the liberal media because I mentioned, in passing,
the religious affiliation of Rep. Chisum and Paxton in my last
Yet here we have a liberal media outlet, The Dallas Voice, making
religious slurs against Rep. Chisum and Paxton ("homophobes" and
"nutjobs" are the liberals' favorite epithets for Bible-believing
Christians) and then a comparative reference to Joe Straus'
religious affiliation, of which they obviously approve.
As we all know, there's one set of rules for the liberals, and
another set of rules for the rest of us.
Because of this double standard, don't look for the liberals to
condemn the Dallas Voice for "injecting religion" into the
Speaker's race. Let me be clear about this quote: the issue is not
religion; the issue is Straus' endorsement by radical homosexuals.
If Joe Straus is as conservative as he claims to be, why do they
think they will be in "deep doo-doo" if he isn't re-elected Speaker?
In another article from 2009, the Dallas Voice describes Straus as
an "ally."
Rarely do we see the Left on full display as in this article. You
see, if you believe homosexuals shouldn't be married, like the vast
majority of Texans and Rep. Chisum and Paxton, you're a nutjob and
a "homophobe." This same group that endorsed Straus, Equality
Texas, is currently conducting a fundraising tour with foul-mouthed
lesbian comedian Sandra Bernhard. You may recognize her name from
2008, when she publicly called for the gang rape of Sarah Palin.
We're really starting to see the Left circle the wagons to protect
Straus. Conservatives across the state are being called bigots for
daring to oppose the Establishment's preferred candidate. That
means we're being effective, as the Left only drags out these nasty
charges of "bigotry," "racism" and the like when they can't win
politically and hope to simply intimidate their opponents with
name-calling; we saw this tactic on display this summer when the
media falsely accused the Tea Parties of racism. Rush Limbaugh got
it right when he defined a "bigot" as "someone winning an argument
with a liberal."
Straus and his opponents also continue to use unethical bullying
tactics to intimidate the opposition. Rep. Chuck Hopson, the chair
of the House Ethics Committee, is telling the press that my efforts
to help voters communicate with their representative about the
Speaker's race is a crime! Yes, you read that correctly, he thinks
you and I are criminals guilty of "coercing a public servant" just
because we dare to demand our representatives take a certain
This is the same Rep. Hopson that amazingly discovered he was a
Republican just before the 2010 primary, when he switched parties
in an obvious attempt to save his political hide. He is hardly an
impartial chair of the House Ethics Committee, considering the
$42,000 that Speaker Straus gave him earlier this year.
The arrogance of these politicians never ceases to amaze me. They
really do think they're better than you, and according to liberal
"journalists" like Paul Burka of Texas Monthly, now that the
election is over, you need to shut up and let the "grownups" make
the decisions.
That's okay though, because thanks to the Internet and the efforts
of citizens like you, never again will liberal politicians and
their media allies be able to monopolize public opinion. We won
and they lost in the last election, and to the winner goes the
spoils. The fact that Joe Straus, the choice of the 51 Democrats,
is even a viable candidate for the Speakership when Republicans
hold 99 seats shows how much work we still have to do. We must
continue to use all means at our disposal to make Republican
politicians represent the interests of conservative voters.
The fight to replace liberal, pro-abortion Joe Straus as Texas
Speaker of the House continues. If you have not contacted your
state representative, please do so and encourage them to vote for a
true conservative for Speaker. You can find who represents you
If you have a newly elected Republican state representative, please
see the list of contact information below. Voting on Speaker will
be among the first official acts that your new state representative
will get to do in the upcoming Legislative Session and they need to
hear from you now, before they make up their mind on this important
Remember, this is your state representative, not your Congressman.
Finally, even if you have taken action on this, please make
personal appeals in your circle of influence for others to contact
their representative. Send this alert to any conservative email
lists you can, and personally encourage friends and family to make
a phone call. Believe me, representatives are VERY attentive to
calls from constituents; they assume, correctly, that each call
represents hundreds of others who feel the same way.
Absent an outcry from the grassroots, Republican politicians will
once again betray their base.
Don't let the gains of November 2nd slip away due to complacency.
Holding Republicans accountable after the election is just as
important as defeating liberals during elections.
Newly Elected Republican State Representatives:
HD #35 Jose Aliseda
Phone # (361) 358-9400
Email: info@josealiseda.com
HD #106 Rodney Anderson
Phone # (214) 679-4106
Email: rodneya68@sbcglobal.net
HD #57 Marva Beck
Phone # (254) 292-9379
Email: info@marvabeckfortexas.com
HD #101 Cindy Burkett
Phone # (972) 968-7774
Email: cindy.burkett@hotmail.com
HD #3 Erwin Cain
Phone # (903) 488-3337
Email: info@erwincain.com
HD #102 Stefani Carter
Phone # (972) 385-3313
Email: stefanicarter@gmail.com
HD #41 Rebecca Cervera
Phone # (956) 451-7660
Email: Rebecca@rebeccacervera.com
HD #134 Sarah Davis
Phone # (713) 320-2077
Email: info@sarahdavis134.com
HD #84 John Frullo
Phone # (806) 853-8275
Email: contact@johnfrullo.com
HD #117 John Garza
Phone # (210) 248-7766
Email: johnvgarza313@aol.com
HD #52 Larry Gonzales
Phone # (512) 244-1280
Email: larrydgonzales@excite.com
HD #127 Dan Huberty
Phone # (281) 961-3485
Email: DanHuberty@hotmail.com
HD #45 Jason Isaac
Phone # (512) 850-5524
Email: Campaign@JasonIsaac.com
HD #85 Jim Landtroop
Phone # (806) 288-0387
Email: jim@jimlandtroop.com
HD #122 Lyle Larson
Phone # (210) 414-3536
Email: lyle@lylelarson.org
HD #1 George Lavender
Phone # (903) 838-7348
Email: george@georgelavender.com
HD #69 Lanham Lyne
Phone # (940) 691-5200
Email: lanham.lyne@gmail.com
HD #78 Dee Margo
Phone # (915) 313-7060
Email: dmargo@deemargo.org
HD #133 Jim Murphy
Phone # (713) 278-7796
Email: info@votejimmurphy.com
HD #93 Barbara Nash
Phone # (817) 277-1900
Email: barbara@barbaranashfortexas.com
HD #48 Dan Neil
Phone # (512) 619-1664
Email: dneil@austin.rr.com
HD #149 Jack O'Connor
Phone # (281) 496-7007
Email: info@takeback149.com
HD #87 Four Price
Phone # (806) 318-3997
Email: fourpricefortexas@gmail.com
HD #20 Charles Schwertner
Phone # (512) 863-4563
Email: campaign@drschwertner.com
HD #34 Connie Scott
Phone # (361) 884-8734
Email: info@voteconniescott.com
HD #107 Kenneth Sheets
Phone # (214) 887-1978
Email: kenneth.sheets107@gmail.com
HD #7 David Simpson
Phone # (903) 746-9474
Email: contact@davidsimpsonfortexas.com
HD #33 Raul Torres
Phone # (361) 792-0294
Email: elect.raultorres@yahoo.com
HD #12 James White
Phone # (936) 637-2400
Email: info@jamesWhiteforEastTexas.com
HD #47 Paul Workman
Phone # (512) 402-1336
Email: paul@workmanfortexas.com
HD #96 Bill Zedler
Phone # (817) 375-0104
Email: bill@billzedler.org
The Peter Morrison Report
dallas is gearing up for an unusual spectacle this weekend as attorney
general Pam Bondi has announced a motorcade through the city to mark the
release of long-classified, JFK assassination files
By A Texas Reader
monday, march 17, 2025 at 07:32:28 p.m. edt
dallas is gearing up for an unusual spectacle this weekend as attorney
general Pam Bondi has ...
2 minutes ago
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