An interesting post from about Texas state legistators. This follows this post about Speaker Boener and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE!
Texans: Help Your State's House of Representatives Pick a Pro-Enforcement Speaker
As a result of the recent elections in Texas, the Republican Party will remain in control of the Texas House (it will acutally have even greater control of the House). This represents an excellent opportunity for the Republicans in the House to select a House Speaker that will further meaningful immigration legislation. The current speaker, Rep. Joe Straus, has been very unwilling to further Arizona-type enforcement legislation. He is willing to allow employers to hire illegal workers and believes Texas businesses need a steady stream of foreign workers because be believes there simply aren't enough unemployed Texans to fill available jobs!
With even more Republicans making up the new Texas House, it might be possible for the state to pass meaningful immigration reform -- legislation that mandates the use of E-Verify and allows the state's law enforcement officers to actively enforce immigration laws. However, this is unlikely if Rep. Joe Straus continues in his role as Speaker.
Please call your Republican Texas State Representative and urge him to oppose Rep. Straus' bid to retain the House Speakership and support a Representative who opposes amnesty and supports mandatory E-Verify and local immigration enforcement... Be sure to let him/her know that you care about illegal immigration and believe Texas needs to tackle the problem.
Your Texas State Representative:
PHONE: (915) 313-7060
NOTE: If this is not your representative, click HERE to find yours!
Suggested talking points:
The recent elections have proven that the people of Texas want a legislature that will pass anti-amnesty, pro-enforcement, pro-E-Verify immigration policies. Please support a House Speaker who will make this happen. I know, for instance, that Warren Chisum is one Representative who can make this happen, but I am sure he is not the only one.
Current House Speaker Joe Straus is far too ambiguous regarding his stance on amnesty, illegal immigrants, and the importing of foreign workers. The recent elections prove that Texans want pro-enforcement immigration legislation and Straus' previous actions are proof that he will not let pro-enforcement legislation pass. Please support a Republican Representative for Speaker who will actually support immigration legislation that would make Texans, more safe, more secure, and more prosperous.
Current House Speaker Joe Straus is on the record as saying that Texas needs more illegal immigrants to fill available jobs -- even though record numbers of Texans are unemployed. Please oppose Straus' bid to remain Texas House Speaker and please support a Representative that will support pro-immigration enforcement legislation.
Rep. Joe Straus has proven that he does not believe that illegal immigration is a big problem in Texas and he has used his position as House Speaker to prevent anti-illegal immigration bills from being passed. I urge you to oppose Rep. Straus' bid to remain House Speaker so that real immigration reform legislation can be passed.
JUST THINK! If radical CongressMuslim Ilhan Omar decides to visit her
homeland of Somalia, she might not be allowed back into the U.S.
Why President Trump’s Travel Ban 2.0, with its predominance of Muslim
nations on the RED (no entry for any reason ) First Tier List, is so
important for ou...
1 hour ago
Where is the money coming from that is financing the special interest calling for a new Speaker?
Straus is a great, conservative Speaker and did more with a 1 vote majority than anyone could.
What these groups want is Texas to turn into a Washington style political machine so they will have more influence.
Keep Straus as the Speaker
This ain't the story I got from the Speaker's office when I called them. They told me he was 100% focused on cutting spending and taxes but that if the members were to present a bill on illegals, he wouldn't oppose it. His biggest issue is the cost of it and frankly, THAT'S the answer of a true conservative.
Peggy Venable who is part of this conspiracy is a two face. She gave Straus some kind of AFP award for voting with the AFP. Now she doesn't like him?
I wonder what's really going on.
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