An interesting post from about Nancy Pelosi's amnesty bill. This follows this previous post about it and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE!
Amnesty momentum grows -- more phoning needed today
Pres. Obama yesterday pledged to push Lame Duck Congress to give permanent work permits to millions of illegal aliens before Christmas
The pressure is increasing considerably to have the Lame Duck Congress (full of defeated and retiring incumbents) pass an amnesty before a strong pro-enforcement Congress is seated in January.
Yesterday, an Hispanic Caucus spokeswoman said Speaker of the House Pelosi has promised to bring up the DREAM Act amnesty the first day Congress returns after Thanksgiving.
Yesterday, top pro-amnesty congressional leaders met with the President at the White House. They reported that Pres. Obama promised to use the power of his office to push the DREAM Act amnesty through as a top priority in the few days remaining of this Congress.
Thanks to all of you who have already sent 250,000 faxes into Congress through NumbersUSA since last week. But Senators and Representatives need more pressure.
Congress is getting hammered with phone calls from pro-amnesty advocates who insist that illegal aliens should have priority over unemployed Americans in getting jobs.
ACTION: Please look at the Phone Action Notes on your Action Buffet.
Please call your two Senators and your U.S. Representative today and register your strong opposition to the Lame Duck Congress voting on the DREAM Act amnesty as soon as they come back from Thanksgiving.
You can use that number to ask for any Member of Congress.
But I recommend that you go to your NumbersUSA Action Board to get specific talking points that each Senator needs to hear.
Please make those phone calls today.
Whenever you talk about the DREAM Act, keep at the forefront the fact that every illegal alien who gets permission to remain legally in the country is getting a permanent work permit to compete with the 22 million American workers who want a job but can't find one.
[Eugene Volokh] "Specific Relief Against Sweeping Executive Decrees," from
Prof. James Pfander (Northwestern)
I'm very glad to pass along this item from Prof. James Pfander about *Department
of State v. AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition*, a subject on which I'm not ...
54 minutes ago
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