Monday, March 31, 2014

Senate Voting Tonight: We Must Stop This Illegitimate "Doc Fix" Bill‏

A timely post about from HTTPS://PrayFor.US about another eleventh hour change to Obamacare. This follows this post about the FBI FINALLY dropping SPLC & ADL as sources. This follows this post about Grover Norquist and the Malaysian pilot. This follows this post about a principal in Texas being fired for requesting all students speak English so that nobody feels bullied when others talk about them in Spanish or any other language. In the meantime, you can get more involved if you like here and read an interesting book HERE.
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Please send the letter at the end to all GOP senators, particularly the ones in your state.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has scheduled a vote on HR 4302, the so-called "Doc Fix" bill, for TONIGHT.
A serious constitutional breach, every bit as bad as the ones that Obama commits, took place in the House of Representatives last week. We need your help today to prevent this bill from passing in the Senate. Please keep reading.
Congress is so desperate to pass this bill, so that they can leave for their Easter vacation, that John Boehner (R-OH) and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) "passed" it in the House without having an actual VOTE.  The bill wasn't even completely written!
Pelosi and Boehner shoved aside the House rules -- at Harry Reid's request -- to push this bill through in the most outrageous fashion we've ever seen.
This was almost as bad as Obama creating his Executive Order laws with his pen!
We'll explain exactly what happened below.
But first, we need to rally 41 votes in the Senate RIGHT NOW to reject this terrible unfinished bill.
Republicans and Democrats alike are furious with the stunt that Pelosi, Boehner and Reid pulled.
Representatives were still working on amendments to the Doc Fix bill on Thursday. They still hadn't come up with a way to pay for the $180 billion Medicare patch.
The House had agreed to "fast track" this bill, so they needed a supermajority of 270 votes to pass it in such a hurry.
But all of a sudden one of Boehner's lieutenants, Rep. Steve Womack (R-AR), announced a voice vote on the bill when there were only a handful of Representatives in the House chamber.
Surprised by this move, most of the Representatives who were there -- Democrats and Republicans -- shouted "NO!"
The voice vote failed.
But Rep. Womack declared that the bill had passed and then denied the request for a roll call vote!
This so-called spending bill was unfinished and it has no mechanism in it to pay for the $180 BILLION that it spends.
You know what that means.
If the bill passes in the Senate, Congress will simply take the funds from Social Security and pay for it on the backs of our senior citizens, once again!
We have to send this bill back to the House and make them finish it.
But Harry Reid is desperate to pass it so he can take his Easter vacation. He's not allowing ANY amendments to this incomplete bill.
We don't have much time to stop HR 4302. The vote is scheduled to take place this evening.
We should all be quoting Psalm 120:2 right now, declaring "Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips and from the deceitful tongue" of the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Boehner!
We have a Constitution and our Representatives are supposed to "represent" us!  Pelosi, Boehner, Reid and Obama are now trying to create laws without even fully writing them or voting on them.
There is still enough time to sway 41 votes in the Senate to defeat this unfinished bill, but you have to act fast.
HR 4302 needs to be sent back to the House, finished and then properly voted on.  This whole Medicare patch is a mess, but there were some good plans in the works to actually pay for the Medicare patch without ripping off Social Security.
One plan would even take away Obama's funds to assassinate foreign children with drones and instead use that money to patch Medicare. But none of those amendments had a chance to see the light of day before Boehner & crew declared that the bill had "passed."

Honorable Senator:

The House of Representatives did not hold a proper vote on HR 4302, the so-called "Doc Fix" bill. They held a voice vote on the bill with only a handful of Representatives on the floor and the "Nays" won the vote. There was supposed to be a 270-vote threshold to pass it.

The bill was not even finished yet and Representatives were still working on amendments to it. It was rammed through the House in a surprise vote. There is no mechanism in the bill to actually PAY for the "Doc Fix" yet. If you pass it, Congress will once again have to loot the Social Security funds to pay for it.

Since this bill is incomplete and was not properly voted on by the House, you must send it back. If you pass HR 4302, you'll be no better than Obama passing new laws on his own with his "pen."

You must vote NO on the so-called "Doc Fix."

 Expecting your support,

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