Thursday, March 27, 2014

Malaysian Air Pilot & “Conservative” Leader Grover Norquist Have Something Scary in Common

A timely post about from about Grover Norquist and the Malaysian pilot. This follows this post about a black person mocking white people. This follows this post about the 9th Circuit court upholding a suspension for a student wearing a U.S. flag in the U.S.! This follows this post about a principal in Texas being fired for requesting all students speak English so that nobody feels bullied when others talk about them in Spanish or any other language. In the meantime, you can get more involved if you like here and read an interesting book HERE.
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Malaysian Air Pilot & “Conservative” Leader Grover Norquist Have Something Scary in Common

By Debbie Schlussel
So-called “conservative” leader Grover Norquist and the pilot of the missing Malaysian plane have something disturbing in common: their support for gay Muslim rapist and Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.



Extremist Muslim Malaysian Air Pilot & Grover Norquist Both Advocates for Extremist Muslim Rapist Anwar Ibrahim
And so it was ironic that today’s USA Today features an article atop its second front-page about investigations into the radicalism of the plane’s pilot, and right below that, there’s an article about how Norquist, Newt Gingrich, and other faux-conservatives self-appointed to speak for you and me, are now helping liberals in their quest to end to tough federal sentencing for criminals.
Over the weekend, reports surfaced about the fanaticism of Zaharie Ahmad Shah, pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370, including his support for Ibrahim and his reported anger over a Malaysian high court’s decision to overturn Ibrahim’s acquittal on sodomy charges. Ibrahim, a Muslim extremist (who hates America and is vehemently anti-Semitic) who was portrayed in the West as a “liberal,” was in line to become Malaysia’s Prime Minister, but for the fact that he forcibly sodomized his wife’s driver, according to police reports and complaints filed by the driver.

Grover Norquist a/k/a “Jihad Grover,” a strong proponent of jihadist Islam and its spread in the United States, the Republican party, and the conservative movement in American politics, has long been a supporter of Ibrahim and has repeatedly tried to help Ibrahim get out of jail and become the leader of Malaysia. This unites two of Norquist’s major characteristics: his strong love of extremist Islam and his long-reported homosexuality. He married a Palestinian Muslim and their two children are adopted (one of them a Palestinian). And nobody believes their marriage has ever been consummated through actual heterosexual copulation.
Norquist reportedly used to have pink fuzzy dice hanging above the dashboard in his vehicle, and he was often seen at parties, including those at his own home, emerging from the bathroom with another male, both of them disheveled and sweaty. Norquist co-founded the Islamic Institute a/k/a the Islamic Free Market Institute–the Al-Qaeda-tied organization he used to influence the Republican Party in favor of Islam–with another Islamic extremist who is believed to be gay, Khaled Saffuri. The organization’s money came from extremist Gulf State Muslim leaders and from organizations raided by the U.S. Customs Service because they laundered money for Al-Qaeda. It has always been a glaring hypocrisy that men who serve as the pimps of Islamic extremism–which punishes gays with death–on America, were likely homosexuals themselves.
Norquist, in case you don’t know, was responsible for getting the son of an Al-Qaeda agent a major job as a Special Assistant to the President in the Bush White House. After the Bush White House was forced to remove the man, Suhail Khan, due to bad publicity, Khan got a job as a top lawyer for the Department of Transportation, where he received top secret information on the movements of nuclear weapons and hazardous materials on our nation’s roads. Khan’s father, Mahboob Khan, brought Al-Qaeda chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri into the United States in the 1990s to raise money for the terrorist group at the elder Khan’s mosque.

(When I was a speaker at the NRA national convention in 2002, Norquist demanded that the NRA disinvite me because I wrote about and exposed Norquist’s buddy, convicted Islamic Jihad terrorist (and founder), Sami Al-Arian, whom Norquist was also trying to free, just like Anwar Ibrahim. The NRA disinvited me and informed me that it was because Norquist demanded it because I wrote about Al-Arian, who planned a bus bombing in Israel in which New Jersey college student Alisa Flatow was murdered. I told the NRA I would expose the NRA “disinvitation” and solidarity with Islamic terrorism on the Howard Stern Show, at which point the disinvitation was reversed. After that, however, I was never invited to speak at the NRA again, despite my strong and outspoken support for the Second Amendment.)
When they founded the Islamic Institute, Norquist, Saffuri, Khan, and board members like Hezbollah agent and convicted insurance defrauder Ali Jawad (whom I got kicked off the John McCain campaign) noted that one of their goals was to get Anwar Ibrahim freed. This was enunciated in Islamic Institute e-mails and other documents obtained by third parties. Norquist felt that this would be a feather in his cap in both the Islamic world and in America, as he would be a kingmaker in the grand jihadist scheme.
Alas, Anwar Ibrahim, on March 7th, saw his acquittal on sodomy charges reversed by a Malaysian high court. And, so, he will remain in prison and will never be the leader of Malaysia. But, don’t worry, Malaysia continues to be ruled by similarly inclined anti-American, anti-Semitic, pro-terrorism leaders, including the current one who pretends to decry what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
Both the Muslim pilot and reported Muslim convert Norquist are upset that Anwar Ibrahim is stuck in jail for sodomy. Now, it appears that the pilot hijacked a plane and may have killed all of its passangers because of this.
Sadly, Grover Norquist’s reaction may be a whole lot more dangerous. A whole lot more subversive. And he’ll get away with it.
Norquist remains, by the way, on the NRA’s national board and a frequent fixture at CPAC and Tea Party events. If you’re an NRA member or Tea Party activist, you might want to ask why.

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