Thursday, March 6, 2014

Finally: Jail Time for a Member of Obama's Inner Circle‏

A timely post about from HTTPS://PrayFor.US about pushing for Lois Lerner to go to jail! This follows this post about a radical being sent up for Senate confirmation in the Justice Department. In the meantime, you can get more involved if you like here and read an interesting book HERE.
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Send this letter to the Republican House Oversight Committee Members Listed here:

Honorable Representative,
After more than five years of watching the most corrupt administration in US history trample all over our rights, we are finally on the verge of seeing a member of Obama's inner circle in handcuffs: Lois Lerner.
Lerner was the head of the IRS' Exempt Organizations Office, which shut down the political speech of conservative Christian and Tea Party groups for years to benefit Obama.
Lerner has refused to testify before the House Oversight Committee once again, so there is a growing movement to hold her in Contempt of Congress.
Even House Speaker John Boehner has said that a Contempt vote for Lerner is a "possibility."
House leaders are waiting to see if public sentiment supports holding Lerner in Contempt of Congress.
That's right, I said JAIL.
The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times that Congress has the authority to throw someone in the Capitol jail when they refuse to testify before a committee investigation.
Here's how the Congressional Research Service describes the process:  "The individual is brought before the House or Senate by the sergeant at arms, tried at the bar of the body, and can be imprisoned in the Capitol jail."
Lois Lerner has refused to testify TWICE now. She's covering up for herself and for Obama.
Lerner believes that Obama will protect her, just as he has protected Eric Holder through the Fast & Furious cover-up.
But many Members of Congress are fed up with Obama's tactics of sweeping scandals under the rug every time he gets caught (we've lost track of how many times he's been caught now).
Congress is ready to hold a Contempt vote for Lerner, but so far they lack the political will to do it.
We must convince them to hold this vote and to jail Lerner until she agrees to testify. Lerner is a public servant and she can be locked up until she agrees to tell the American people what she knows.
Obama's IRS team has been shutting down your political speech rights for years by denying non-profit status to these groups.  This won't stop until a loud and clear message is sent that the American people won't put up with it any longer!
Conservative Christian groups were robbed of contributions that they were not allowed to collect. "Thou shall not steal" (Exodus 20:15) applies to governments as well as individuals!
In all likelihood, the IRS targeting had an impact on key House and Senate races in 2012. We might have a conservative majority in the Senate today, had Lerner and Obama not shut down their opposition through fear and intimidation.
The tactic of shutting down the political speech of conservative Christian groups could continue right up through the 2014 or 2016 elections unless we make an example of Lois Lerner.
Forcing Lerner to testify could ultimately provide the proof that Obama knew about this targeting and directed it himself.
Expecting your support,
Oversight Committee

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