Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Giving up Internet Control Will Mean the Biggest Tax Increase in World History‏

A timely post about from HTTPS://PrayFor.US about control of the internet being given away. This follows this post about Americans really not caring about Foreign Affairs. This follows this post about holding IRS chief Lois Lerner in Contempt of Congress.  In the meantime, you can get more involved if you like here and read an interesting book HERE.
You can follow me at blogspot here and at twitter here https://twitter.com/brianleesblog. Please consider following both in case one goes down!

Please send this to the Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee here:  http://judiciary.house.gov/index.cfm/committee-members

Honorable Representative,
Obama wants to hand control of the internet over to the United Nations, much of which is controlled by third-world and Muslim nations.
If this happens, the first thing those freedom-hating thugs will do is establish a global tax on the internet, which you will have to pay if you want to continue using the web.
This will be the biggest tax increase in world history and it will affect every single American.
Obama's UN friends will tax freedom-loving websites like Pray For US, the Drudge Report and World Net Daily out of existence and they will tax YOU into the poorhouse.
Since the earliest days when America invented the internet, our federal government has had administrative control over the World Wide Web.
Other than our freedoms, the internet has been our nation's greatest asset. We are able to spread the Gospel and our doctrines of liberty under God, freedom and limited government to the rest of the world because of the internet.
Obama wants to give that administrative control away to the sorts of Muslim dictators who currently censor the internet and jail political opponents for blogging about their oppressive regimes.
National Journal is reporting that control of the internet could even end up in the hands of Russia or China! These countries could cripple our entire economy with the flip of a switch!
However, the first thing that the UN will do if it gains control of the internet is begin sucking money directly out of YOUR bank account!
Christian Whitan, a former State Department adviser to the Bush administration, says, "If the U.N. gains control [of] what amounts to the directory and traffic signals of the Internet, it can impose whatever taxes it likes.  It likely would start with a tax on registering domains and expand from there."
The UN will immediately do this -- but they won't stop there!
They want your tax dollars, too!
You see, the UN has always wanted a mechanism to be able to raise their own tax revenue instead of relying on contributions from countries such as America.
The UN dictators currently only have the ability to send their nasty foreign "peace keepers" in after a country is devastated by a civil war, so they can rape the orphans and loot the diamonds when the dust settles - as has happened several times.
But the UN has no power to START wars -- they are dependent on the goodwill of America (and our tax dollars) to be able to do anything.
If they can siphon money directly out of your bank account, just for allowing you to read your email or logging on to the internet, these UN one-worlders will be able to do anything they want.
They'll be able to topple freedom-loving governments around the world.
They'll have enough cash to bribe our Senators into passing gun confiscation or Sharia law if they want to.
This is no different than the ancient Israelites, in 1 Samuel 8:11-18. The Israelites asked to give away the liberty under God which they then enjoyed, so that they could have a king to rule over them.
The Israelites were warned of what would happen if they gave away their freedoms: "He will take away your sons and appoint them for his own chariots... He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers. And he will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and give them to his servants."
Obama is about to give away our freedoms and our wealth by giving control of the internet to the UN!
This issue will affect every single American for decades to come. Almost every person in the country uses the internet and we will all be taxed for that usage if Obama and the U.N. succeed.
Expecting your support,

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