A very interesting post from www.debbieschlussel.com about the terror attempt in New York. This follows this post about Friday PRAYERS inciting murder. This follows this post about HAMAS and FATAH laying aside their differences. This follows this post about Miss USA 2010 and this article about the recent news about the former ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence and prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and read this very interesting book HERE!
Purple Jihad: Weapons Cache of “Aspirational” Muslim Terrorists the FBI Refused to Investigate
By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, I told you that the FBI refused to investigate the Islamic terrorist plot of Ahmed Ferhani and his friend, Mohammad Mamdouh, in which they plotted to blow up a New York synagogue with grenades, along with the Empire State Building. The FBI said it was “no big thang” because they were just “aspirational” terrorists and didn’t really plan to actually carry out an “operational” terrorist attack. Uh, check out the weapons cache, below, including the grenades Ferhani and Mamdouh purchased to carry out the attack. “Not operational” terrorists? Looks pretty operational to me. But leave it to Famous But Incompetent to get it wrong. The men planned to dress up as Chassidic Jews to carry out their terrorist attack, something Islamic terrorists in Israel often do (and which Muslim Arabs also did in the French movie, “The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob [Les Aventures de Rabbi Jacob],” a 1973 comedy I liked as a kid).
Weapons Cache of Men FBI Said Are Not “Operational” Terrorists: click to see pictures!
Yup, the FBI thinks these weapons are just the cache of people who won’t actually carry out terrorist attacks. Morons. This is the same FBI, after all, that competes with the NYPD to uncover major terrorist plots and always loses. The same FBI that ostracized the NYPD for sending terrorism investigators to Israel to learn about Islamic terrorism. And, now, it’s the same FBI that claims Islamic terrorists aren’t terrorists. Inspector Clouseau and Sgt. Schultz are bursting with pride.
More about the guys the FBI says were “just aspirational” and not “operational” terrorists–and yes, it appears Ahmed Ferhani might be gay, despite the Islamic terrorist beard of a “Christian girlfriend.” He was a make-up salesman at Saks Fifth Avenue, not the job of straight men, and quit his job as a cab driver (the official profession of Islamic terrorists) to become a male model. If I wrote this in a movie, you wouldn’t believe it. But as I’ve noted on this site, being gay–which is an executable offense in Islam–doesn’t mean you don’t hate Jews every bit as much as your fellow Muslims and doesn’t exclude you as an Islamic terrorist. (We call this, the “Purple Jihad.”):
One of the terror suspects arrested for allegedly planning to attack New York synagogues dressed as a Hasidic Jew used to work as a make-up salesman for Saks Fifth Avenue, it has emerged.
27-year-old Ahmed Ferhani, who quit his job to try to become a male model, was caught with taxi dispatcher Mohammad Mamdouh, 20, on Tuesday night in a dramatic police sting operation as they tried to acquire a fearsome arsenal of weapons from an undercover NYPD officer. . . .
Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. said Ferhani and Moroccan pal Mamdouh were to sneak into ‘a major synagogue in Manhattan’ disguised as Hasidic Jews, complete with ‘peyot’, or side curls, and beards.
He said: ‘He [Ferhani] was committed to violent jihad, and his plan became bigger and more violent with each passing week.’
Mamdouh, of Moroccan descent and Ferhani, of Algerian descent, were arrested late on Tuesday night allegedly trying to buy weapons in exchange for drugs. It was during the sting that one of the suspects confessed to the plot the kill Jews, the court heard.
One of the suspects is a U.S. citizen and the other is a legal resident. Both already had weapons in their possession, police said.
“Aspirational”. . . or “operational?” We know they were going to carry this out. Only the morons in Forever Buttkissing Islam claim otherwise.
The more we allow people like this into our borders, the more plots like this will be planned. And some of them WILL be carried out. It was luck that a conversation was overheard by government drug informants and that the plot was stopped.
It emerged today that both had been arrested for robbery last year. Ferhani has a criminal record for narcotics, and was allegedly trying to sell drugs to fund the gun deal.
Yup, merely “inspirational,” right?
Described as the alleged ringleader of the attack, he moved to America in 1995 when his family sought asylum from war-torn Algeria. He went on to work as a cosmetics salesman at Saks Fifth Avenue, but had been known to police for some time.
Yesterday, Ferhani’s father, J. Ferhani, insisted his son was not an extremist, instead describing him as a wannabe model who drank alcohol and had a Christian girlfriend.
This BS is as believable as the “but my best friend’s Black” line. Anyone remember Mohammed Atta, his alcohol drinking at “The Pink Pony” strip club, and Christian stripper live-in girlfriend? He wasn’t an extremist either, right? Just because some dumbass non-Muslim woman is willing to be the beard or sperm receptacle for Islamic terrorists doesn’t make the Islamic terrorists any less Islamic or any less terrorist.
Is Ahmed Ferhani a Purple Jihadist? He Will Be Once He Gets a New Boyfriend in NY Prison
BTW, if you got any make-up samples from Saks Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, best to throw them out. Think about it: lacing Jewish and Christian women’s make-up samples with arsenic is the perfect terrorist attack and easy to get away with.
Mamdouh, who worked as a taxi dispatcher, moved to the U.S. from Morocco in 1999, and is an American citizen. He was set to serve 90 days in jail under a plea deal for a robbery last October.
He allegedly broke into the home of 23-year-old Joann Ocampo in Queens, stealing property worth $5,000, her laptop, jewellery, a bottle of vodka – and kicking her four-year-old poodle, Lulu, so viciously she ended up with broken ribs.
After hearing about the alleged plot, Miss Ocampo told the Daily News: ‘I’m terrified, to be quite honest. He broke into my house. Luckily, I was not there that night.’ . . .
Police had earlier displayed the pair’s alleged weapon haul, which included two Browning semi-automatic pistols, a Smith and Wesson handgun, ammunition and a hand grenade, at a press conference yesterday after the suspects were arrested. . . .
According to a criminal complaint drafted under state terror laws, the undercover officer had several meetings with the men where Ferhani discussed the idea of attacking a synagogue.
Mamdouh emphasized the need for proper training, the complaint said, so they would not get caught like ‘the one that put the car in Times Square’ – a reference to the failed bombing last year by Faisal Shahzad.
Ferhani suggested disguising himself as a worshipping Jew to infiltrate a synagogue and leaving a bomb inside, the complaint said. He also discussed using grenades, ‘and described pulling the pins and throwing them into the synagogue,’ it added.
On May 5, the undercover officer introduced the men to another officer pretending to be an illegal gun dealer at a meeting where Ferhani stated he needed the weapons “for the cause,” the complaint said.
‘We gonna be victorious,’ it quoted Ferhani as saying.
At a meeting on Wednesday in Manhattan, one of the undercover officers handed Ferhani a bag carrying three handguns, three boxes of ammunition and the inert grenade. As soon as he put the bag into the trunk of a car, he was arrested, the complaint said.
Uh-huh, merely “aspirational,” according to the FBI. You can bet if these guys were Christian or Jewish and targeting a mosque, they’d have been arrested by a football team’s worth of FBI agents eager for publicity.
So, don’t worry, they are not a problem because they are “not tied to any terrorist group,” just Islam. Thank G-d for the NYPD that isn’t so obtuse and PC. Otherwise, the unnamed New York synagogue and the Empire State Building would have a whole lotta dead Americans within.
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