A very interesting post from www.BadEagle.com about Barak Obama undermining a historic U.S. ally. This follows this previous post about America abandoning Mubarak.. This follows This follows this post about Miss USA 2010 and this article about the recent news about the former ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence and prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and read this very interesting book HERE!
Barry the Betrayer: Iran v. Egypt v. America
by David Yeagley
Obviously, there is a major difference between Iran and Egypt, but, when the young people Iran crowded the streets demanding freedom in 2009, Barry “Obama” Soetoro was mum. When the Egyptians came out en mass, Barry told the Egyptian government leaders to step down. Mubarek must go, but, nobody better mess with Ahmadinejad.
Iranians protesting their govermnent in 2009. This is the time when student Neda Soltan was murdered in the street.
Back in June of 2009, when I protested with Iranians here in Oklahoma City, against the Islamic oppression and election fraud in Tehran, when we shouted “Down with religion, Up with democracy!” on the capitol streets in OKC, I remember an Iranian woman said to me, “You know, I’m really sorry I voted for Obama. Bush would have helped!”
One thing the world knows now: Obama will not help. Obama will do nothing. Hope and change are not connected with him. Iranian youth learned their lesson. He’s not for them.
Barry “Obama” Soetoro is a complete fraud, a most vomitous concentration of self-interest and racist hatred against all things white. There is nothing more to him that that. His skin is simply used by the oedipal white liberal globalists. To achieve goal of the overthrough of America, Barry enthusiastically invites the world’s animosity toward America, particularly white America–white Christian America. He must make America be dragged through the streets of world opinion, like the bodies of U.S. marines were dragged through the streets of Mogadishu and Fallujah. This is Barry “Obama” Soetoro.
It is already known that George Soros is puppeteering Barry boy. They have just created a “private investment company” called Siraj Fund Management Company, for developing the so-called “Palestine” entity in the land of Israel. But some believe Soros is playing Barry boy in the Egyptian affair as well.
Alarmed? Surprised?
This is the new world, or, shall we say, the New World Order? It is massive herding of people–in pre-fabbed sociological blocks, like race, religion, and who knows, one day gender. The globalists have long-realized the challenge is to manage the great “groups” of the world, the Africans, the Asians, the Muslims, and the remnants of the white Christians. Communism, Islam, and no doubt the Roman Catholic Church, will all be used in the grand scheme of a one world government. The immediate plan is to solidify the groups. Only a tightly bound group can be successfully managed. Independent individuals are the menace to the globalists. George Soros said America was the main obstacle to a stable and just world order. (See, George Soros, The Age of Fallibility, 2006.)
Barry “Obama” Soetoro is a mere conduit for the white oedipal liberal globalists. They have rewarded him handsomely, of course. He was the perfect puppet, immune to prosecution because of his black skin. Such a traitor to America should have been hung long ago. That was the capital punishment once upon a time. But, our noble congressmen can’t even bring themselves to say the word “impeachment.” The Constitution says the House has sole power of impeachment (Article I, Sec. 2, par. 5), and so-called Republicans have complete control over the House! I say, of them, traitors every one. There is no other conclusion to make.
The highest political offices in the United States are mere personal, professional opportunities. The offices have little to do with the well-being of America. Barry is the blackhead of a giant pustule of personal aggrandizement. He came about because of the established infection. He isn’t the cause, but the piquant symptom. Nothing more.
That’s why there is no prosecution or impeachment. Congress is driven by the same spirit that’s in Barry. There are only illusions of propriety, manipulations of subjective justice, and pretentions of right doing.
Barry loves the Muslim Brotherhood. His boy James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence (what’s that?) announced to the world that the Muslim Brotherhood, despite its own published purposes, is secular and not particularly extreme. Barry calls for its inclusion and influence in whatever new government evolves in Egypt. Furthermore, we learn that the Department of Homeland Security has just hired a Brother:
The Department of Homeland Security has sworn in three new members of the Homeland Security Council, one of whom is the President and CEO of an organization with ties to the US Muslim Brotherhood and the US Hamas infrastructure. On October 18 the Secretary swore in Freedom and Justice Foundation President and Chief Executive Officer Mohamed Elibiary as one of the new members of the Homeland Security Council (HSC) described as follows:
The HSAC is comprised of experts from state, local and tribal governments, emergency and first responder communities, academia and the private sector who provide recommendations and advice to the Secretary of Homeland Security on a variety of homeland security issues.
This announcement came on Tancredo’s radio show, just two days ago.
Mohamed Elibiary,
University of Southern California.
Barry clearly wants Muslims in power. But that’s his personal reverse oedipal complex, anti-white, anti-Christian–against his apparently white mother. (Remember, we really don’t know who or what Barry is. This is his intent, of course.) The real oedipals, the white liberals, are just using Barry and his personal preferences as a herding agent.
The “New World Order” really does appear to be the agenda behind all others.
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