An interesting post from about banning driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.This follows this post about the Senate Judiciary Committee's immigration legislation and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Flash Point in New Mexico: No Licenses for Illegals
It is very important that you constantly monitor and take active steps to support immigration enforcement legislation in each of our states found at this link...
Today we have a flash point in New Mexico! We need ALIPAC activists in every state in America to focus on New Mexico this week.
ALIPAC has worked hard to cut off licenses for illegal aliens and we have made progress. Only three states continue to issue licenses to illegals and today we have a chance of stopping New Mexico from continuing the practice.
The great news out of New Mexico is that the new Republican Gov. Susana Martinez has reversed the sanctuary policies established by Bill Richardson and ordered state police to check for immigration status! This is a major victory for our side.
The other good news is that Governor Martinez campaigned on the promise to stop New Mexico from giving licenses to illegal aliens. The fact she campaigned on this issue and won further confirms the polling data we have collected showing 62% - 77% of Americans oppose licenses for illegal immigrants.
ALIPAC Poll and Survey Collection Section
The bad news is that the state legislature is trying to thwart the will of the American public by offering illegal aliens a special driving permit.
New Mexico Legislature Trying To Give Special Driving Permits to Illegals!
After you have read the article above, please pick up your phone and call legislators in New Mexico along with us TODAY!
Sample Message
"I'm calling/writing today to ask you not to give special driving permits to illegal immigrants in New Mexico! New Mexico is one of only three states that continues the destructive policy of allowing illegal immigrants to receive state id and licenses. Polls show that most Americans want New Mexico to stop giving any form of driver licenses or ID to illegal immigrants. Please vote to stop New Mexico from giving licenses or special permits to illegal aliens!"
Remember to call, call, call with your messages and then follow-up your calls with written emails, faxes, and letters.
Here are the contact lists for all New Mexico state legislators.
NM Senate
NM House
Let's all work together to get thousands and thousands of calls and emails opposing licenses and special driving permits for illegal aliens flowing into New Mexico today through Friday!
If you have questions, suggestions, or if you have feedback from NM Lawmakers, please post here on the tracking thread....
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