A very interesting post from http://www.empowertexas.com/ about the state's budget battle centering on schools. This follows this post about the Tea Party Patriots summit in Phoenix today and this article about the recent news about ending the ban on offshore drilling which would encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
Protecting classrooms in Texas
Texas voters clearly expect the legislature to balance the budget without raising taxes, which means responsible spending cuts and prioritization.
Protect The Classroom
But right now, public education bureaucrats are attempting to scare legislators, parents and teachers by threatening the classroom with big cuts.
You’ve probably seen the “shock” headlines about teachers being fired. Superintendents and school board members are essentially saying that they will start the cutting by letting teachers go.
That's irresponsible and reprehensible; the classroom must be protected. Public education exists to educate kids, not employee bureaucrats.
Right now teachers make up barely half the school employees as it is. That’s right: half of all public school employees are not teachers. And, as it happens, half of every public education dollar is spent outside the classroom.
Learn more at our new website, http://www.protecttheclassroom.com/. From there, tell your state legislators to stand firm on cutting the budget and let them know real education savings can be found outside the classroom!
Dr. Z’s Bad Medicine
Meanwhile, some bad budget medicine is being prescribed by State Rep. John Zerwas. The Republican physician spent Wednesday passing out the “use the rainy day fund” pills pushed by the AFL-CIO and other liberals wanting to keep government growing.
Dr. Zerwas says it will “dull the edge” of the budget process. Dull it? Dr. Zerwas said he would spend nearly all of the money -- that's more like an overdose of irresponsibility!
Sorry, Dr. Z., but taxpayers are demanding responsible solutions, not fiscal narcotics, from the Republican supermajority. We want seriously considered budget reductions, not liberal pablum.
That’s why Gov. Rick Perry and most other conservative leaders have said the state’s piggy bank shouldn’t be cracked to pay for recurring spending.
Get Going!
Public employee unions and others are at the Capitol day in and day out, telling legislators to “raise taxes.” It’s an onslaught.
Government goes to those who show up – your voice is needed now more than ever!
For Texas,
Michael Quinn Sullivan
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