An interesting post from about the American Renaissance conference! This follows this post about banning driver's licenses for illegal immigrants in Washington State and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso. On a related note, you can read about Miss Kentucky Latina here, an interesting article about Jessica Alba here or another article about Salma Hayek here. For more that you can do to get involved click HERE and you can read a very interesting book HERE!
American Renaissance Speakers Recorded
by David Yeagley
Though the 2011 American Renaissance Conference was cancelled, due to typical illegal thuggary of Communists, unions, and abuse of power on the part of Charolotte city officials (Patrick Cannon and Warren Turner), the scheduled speakers for the even were able to meet secretly, and deliver their messages. The speeches were all recorded, and will be available to the public shortly.
The series of stellar revelations began with Filip Dewinter, the famous Belgian nationalist, member of the Vlaams Belang party, and member of the Flemmish Parliament. He was followed by Dan Roodt, the Afrikaner fighting against white genocide wreaked out by black Africans in South Africa. Then we heard Robert Greeberg (from New York City), and Jared Taylor, president of American Renaissance. Of course, no intellectual conference is complete without a review of the liabilities and laughables of the legal profession, especially pertaining to matters of racial equality for whites, so Hugh Kennedy braved the cause. The eminent scholar of American history Raymond Wolters spoke eloquently; the great, great grandson of Bad Eagle spoke, one way or another, and gave my view of white America. The classically elite Adrian Davies spoke with piquant English charm, and the series ended with the dignity of American Southerner Sam G. Dickson, Esq., of Atlanta.. (See, 1996 video.)
Filip Dewinter, member, Flemish Parliament.
The conference speakers addressed the problems of mass migration, and the socio-economic impact it has upon established societies; they addressed the nature of human social behavior in general and genetic characteristics; and they expressed their concerns for the future of modern civilzation. Personally, I found it the most healthy, and satisfying conference I have ever attended.
Prof. Raymond Wolters,
University of Delaware.
The truth proffers such effects. The truth is healthier than a lie. Robert Greenberg’s speech was entitled, “Helping Blacks by Lying to Them.” He ennumerated various liberal mantras and media traditions which have crippled society on account of their misuse (or, abuse) of black people. Greenberg said that lying is a form a initiation for liberals. Whenever you hear an obvious lie, you know the liar is proving his trustworthiness in his cause. He is earning his place in the party. It is a political genuflection. The liar has branded his soul for the cause.
Greenberg could not offer hope of turning back the trend. Lying is an established method of social management. And there is no market for unmitigated truth.
Yet, Taylor was able to say that current present of the United States has not been as destructive as he might be. Taylor noted that racial performance differences are evident by kindergarten, and it is becoming a recognized fact that something effects children’s performance capacities before public education. Liberals in education are trying to develop programs that put “ethnic” children in the care of white parents, so that they can have the same, equal “advantage.” Taylor said liberals are coming dangeriously close to facing the facts of genetic reality. Robert Wolters, the senior intellect of the conference, said decades of racial integration in schools has not affected the general IQ difference (i.e., performance abilities) of the different races. It’s not an environmental thing at all. It is hereditary.
South Afrikan, Dan Roodt.
The international speakers at the conference emphasized a difference between integration and assimilation. Some saw assimilation as the necessary answer. Others saw deportation as the inevitable solution. No one mentioned war, of course, other than the avowed war-mongers of Islam. Islam is all about war. Its leaders preach nothing else. Of course, that is emotional terrorism. The Muslim leaders know that reproduction and ‘people numbers’ are the real force behind their international onslaught for Allah. Mass immigration and mindless reproduction are their means. Terrorism is a mere tool. The heathen world knows numbers, and numbers only. It is not an intellectual world. It is a sensual world. The heathen world is about quanity, not quality. Communism is about quantity. Equality, in Communism, is about material measurement. Communism is absolute, glodless heathenism.
The white race is indeed imperiled. White civilization is on the brink of passing. Dan Roodt believe the future of the white civilization of South Afrika will be determined in the next 2-5 years. This is most alarming. The behavior of black Africans in that country represents the lowest form of human life, physicallally, morally, and spiritually. I was not aware of what all has transpired since the initial Negro assault on the white race there. Yes, I’ve heard of the brutality, but, I believe there is something even lower. Roodt said that the blacks are on a campaign to rename fundamental white accomplishments, such as cities (the capital–from Pretoria to Tshwane, for instance), universities, buildings, etc. The world-supported African Negro takeover of white civilizaation in South Africa represents the most degrading and disgusting social processes in modern times.
Roodt called attention to these details, after I had delineated (in my speech) how that White American had honored the American Indian by not only keeping innumerable Indian names on the land, rivers, mountains, state, streets, buildings, but by putting Indian faces on gold and silver currency!
And what’s an international conference without a little Gallic braggadoccio in the midst? One Trystan Mordrel, (not one of the speakers), a new and proud member of the Sons of the American Revolution, was the resident Frenchman of the conference, adding his luxurious French accent to the ambience of philosophical propriety. He is in fact the direct descendent of Vincent Le Compes and six other French sailors of the French fleet which participated, abeit a bit late, in the American Revolution. Two of those ancestors, Jean Daoulas and Nicolas Pochat, were both killed in action, the former in 1782, the latter in 1783. Monsieur Mordrel proudly considers himself authentically qualified to speak on matters of white American identity.
In fact, Monsieur Mordrel distinguishes identity from nationalism. He is not a nationalist, but believes in the cause of preserving French identity. I do not follow such refined reasoning completely, but somehow, I was impressed with his approach, and said, “Sir, you possess a hidden humility.” “Yes,” he replied, well-hidden.”
Monsieur Mordrel did call my attention to a couple of books about French-Indian relations of the 17th century. I fully intend to purchase at least one of them as soon as possible. Of course, I do not expect to discover that the French had supremely effective and superior relations with all American Indian tribes, as proposed, but, am am well-aware that Indians sided with French or English, depending on which appeared to enhance tribal advantage at the moment.
And so race relations in the world were most profoundly present at the American Renaissance ’speakers’ session, February 4-6, 2011. US Attorney General Eric Holder should award the AmRen society for outstanding bravery. After publicly condemning Americans (i.e., whites) as cowards when it comes to talking about race, and then refusing to respond to the request to prosecute the racial prejudice against AmRen last year, the less than sincere AG ought now to redeem his own cowardly image by teaming up with his bro in the White House and award Jared Taylor the Presidential Medal Freedom–the government’s highest award to Amercian civilians. Of course, that would be as though Barry & Holder actually cared about the prosperity of America. But, don’t they want everyone to think they do?
Come on, boys. Your little minstrel gig needs a new act. (Forgive me, but I’m not a coward when it comes to talking about race–my own, or anyone elses. Nor are your bros in the night clubs. It’s a great American sport, and we know ya’ll know how to play! Ya’ll are the real cowards, there in DC.)
AMERICAN RENAISSANCE REPORT of 2011 ‘Speakers Conference’
Left to right: Raymond Wolters, Hugh Kennedy, Robert Greenberg, Dan Roodt, Jared Taylor, Filip Dewinter, Adrian Davies, David Yeagley, and Sam Dickson.
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