An interesting post from about Muslim Visa holders. This follows this post about the Movie - "MACHETE" and this post about the MURDER of ROBERT KRENTZ, who the protestors and boycotters won't give a solution for, but will call Americans racist for trying to prevent another MURDER, and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso across from the recent Juarez shooting. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Two More “Enlightened” Muslim Student Visa Holders; Plot to Poison U.S. Embassy Food
By Debbie Schlussel
We’re constantly fed the baloney that Muslims who are “exposed” to the United States by going to school here become “moderate” and increase their appreciation and “understanding” for America. That was the line we were repeatedly given by the mainstream media, colleges and universities, and even the Bush Administration after 9/11. It’s why President Bush not only doubled, but later quadrupled to over 30,000, the number of Saudi-sponsored Muslim student visas to the U.S.
But as anyone who knows about Islamic terrorism knows, many of the Islamic terrorists who attack us or try to are U.S. college grads or attended some college here. That includes Faisal Shahzad and it most significantly includes the late Sayyid Qutb, Osama Bin Laden’s guru, and the forefather of Al-Qaeda. Qutb, to date, is one of the most important Islamic scholars, and his hatred of the West was further ignited by his utter contempt for America when he studied here at a Greeley, Colorado university.
And over the weekend, there were two more. On Friday, several Pakistani Muslims were arrested in Islamabad in connection with the failed Times Square bomb plot attempted by Faisal Shahzad. One of them, Salman Ashraf Khan, worked for, Hanif Rajput Catering Services, a catering company that fed U.S. Embassy officials and was apparently plotting to do something against U.S. officials in that capacity (perhaps, poison the food?). Another person arrested was an employee of Norwegian telephone company Telenor Group in Pakistan. Both of these individuals are believed to have helped Shahzad and had contact with him before his bombing attempt. And guess where they went to school?:
Mr. Khan studied computer sciences for three years at the University of Houston before coming back to Pakistan in 2001 to work for the family business, his father said. He got married three years ago but has no children. He has been missing since May 10, his father said.
The other three arrests included an employee of the local unit of Norwegian telephone company Telenor Group and a man who owned a computer shop in Islamabad, the Pakistani intelligence official said.
Pakistani authorities believe the local employee of Telenor shared a room with Mr. Shahzad at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and was his link to the computer store owner in Islamabad, the official said.
(Emphasis added.)
Wow, their “understanding” of America was very successful, wasn’t it? Understanding how to destroy us and how stupid and unresponsive we’d be to their invasion and attempted terrorist attacks. Yes, we need more Muslim college students like them, right? They’re very, very “enlightened” and “moderated” by their college experience here, aren’t they?
And that’s not to mention so many other American college students who then attack Americans and others like the animals that they are. All the books and “learning” in the world won’t salve the savagery. It’s endemic. It’s in the blood. And it’s definitely in the ideology.
Remember Colorado grad student Homaidan Al-Turki? His repeatedly raped and tortured housekeeper does. He’s one of the many Saudi-sponsored students President Bush brought here and President Obama continues to bring forth.
Do we need more?
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