An interesting post from about the TEXAS text book controversy. This follows this post about a Texas Representative who plans on proposing 1070 in that state, this post about the MURDER of ROBERT KRENTZ, who the protestors and boycotters won't give a solution for, but will call Americans racist for trying to prevent another MURDER, and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso across from the recent Juarez shooting. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Call This Morning to Be Able to Testify to the Texas SBOE
You may remember my message from last week that it is extremelyimportant conservatives and patriots from around the state contact the Texas State Board of Education to voice support for the revisions that the SBOE made earlier this year to the Texas social studies textbook standards. Liberals are trying desperately to change those revisions and tofill our children's textbooks with even more multiculturalism andliberal propaganda. Conservatives have to take action and make astand! Today is the first day that you can call to get a spot to testifybefore the State Board meeting in Austin!
Please call the Texas Education Agency immediately this morning at
to be able to get a spot to testify.
Liberals andliberal groups will fill up all the spots quickly and it'simportant that the voices of conservatives are heard as well! The date to actually testify before the Board is Wednesday, May19th, which will take place at the meeting in Austin. Please signup today if you are available and want to give your support to thecurrent revisions that have been made to the standards.
If you are unable to testify, you can still help by contacting theSBOE and sending them an email at:
and let them know that you support the revisions that have been made.
Groups like the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC),NAACP, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund(MALDEF), Texas Families of Incarcerated Youth, Sikh Coalition,U.T. Austin Department of History, Carrizo-Comecrudo Tribe ofTexas, Hindu-American Foundation, Coalition for Educational Reform,Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission will be there. Please don'tlet those voices be the only ones that the SBOE gets to hear duringthe time for testimony. Thanks,
The Peter Morrison Repor
NZZ erklärt: Wenn Staatsschulden zum Problem werden
Mar 14, 2025 | Die USA haben über 36 Billionen Dollar Schulden – und jede
Sekunde werden es 60 000 Dollar mehr. Doch was bedeutet das? Sind
Staatsschulden ...
59 minutes ago
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