An interesting post from about the Movie - "MACHETE". This follows this post about Mexico's ambassador, this post about the TEXAS text book controversy, this post about the MURDER of ROBERT KRENTZ, who the protestors and boycotters won't give a solution for, but will call Americans racist for trying to prevent another MURDER, and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso across from the recent Juarez shooting. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
TX Taxes Funding Racist Movie- Machete
Summary of this week's report: The Hollywood elites, always so quick to condemn conservatives asracists and hate mongers for disagreeing with liberals, are comingout with a new movie that promotes violent insurrection by illegalaliens against American citizens. To make matters even worse, ithas come to light that this film is not only being shot in Texas,it may have received financial and other assistance from thegovernment of the State of Texas. We need to contact GovernorPerry and the Texas Film Commission to protest this outrage, anddemand that no more of our taxpayer dollars are used to financeanti-American propaganda. Full report: Hollywood leftists are attacking conservative, patriotic Americansyet again, but this time they may be doing it with the help of yourtax dollars, courtesy of the governor's office and the Texas FilmCommission, an office of the state government in Austin. Thislatest assault on our people and values is far worse than the usualstereotypes and casual slurs that Hollywood regularly aims atconservative Americans. It's a film called Machete, and thepreview trailer for the film has surfaced all over the internet inthe past few days. If you haven't seen it, you can watch it bygoing to the following link, but I need to warn you that itcontains extremely offensive language. Machete, to put it mildly, is not only viciously anti-American,it's also incendiary, coming as it does during the heightenedconcern all over America about illegal immigration. Many peopleare saying the film will likely foment a "race war" by illegalaliens on American citizens. After reading various reports aboutthe film, and watching the trailer, it's reasonable to view Macheteas a call for the millions of illegals in America to take up armsagainst Americans in a violent revolution. The trailer begins with a hardened looking Hispanic day laborergetting into the car of a sinister looking white man, thinking he'sgoing to be doing work around the man's house, only to be offeredthe job of murdering a US senator. He's told the senator must diebecause he's against illegal immigration, and this stance isharming both Americans and illegals. He agrees to commit theassassination, but as he's preparing to shoot the senator, he getsshot himself. It turns out the sinister white man was working forthe senator; it was all a plot to turn the senator into anear-martyr and a hero. Enraged at being double crossed, the day laborer escapes and startsexacting vengeance on Americans, and leading a violent, bloodyuprising by illegals across the nation. One of the scenes from thetrailer shows a Hispanic woman screaming to a mob that "We didn'tcross the borders! The borders crossed us!" Just in case anyonedidn't get the message, the film makers recently added a new sceneto the trailer, in which the "hero" says the film is a "specialCinco de Mayo Arizona!", which is an obvious referenceto Arizona's recent crackdown on illegal immigration. One sceneshows a mob of hundreds of people waving machetes. Believe it ornot, two people who have seen an early version of the film told aradio talk show host that the actual movie is far more incendiaryand violent than the trailer. This isn't entertainment; it's propaganda of the worst kind,deliberately created to stir up hatred of Americans on the part ofthe illegal invaders of this country. It wouldn't be at allsurprising if the movie led to violent attacks on Americans byillegals or their sympathizers. The hypocrisy of the Hollywoodelites is beyond belief - this is the same crowd that condemned MelGibson's The Passion of the Christ. They're constantly telling usthat the reason conservatives oppose Obama is not because we don'tlike his radical policies; it's only because Obama is black. Liberals and Hollywood elites regularly denounce the Tea Parties asa bunch of racists who are always on the verge of organizing alynch party, then they turn around and produce this kind of stuff. It's bad enough that Hollywood is producing this anti-Americanpropaganda disguised as entertainment; but what's even moreoutrageous is that Texans may be subsidizing it with our taxdollars. The Texas Film Commission website actually boasts aboutusing financial incentives to encourage Machete to be filmed herein the state of Texas. This is from a February announcement aboutan upcoming meeting: "Texas Film Commission Director Bob Hudgins joins us for aconversation and Q&A, during which he'll give us an update onproduction in Texas ... Thus far, the Texas Moving Image IndustryIncentive Program has helped bring films like Machete, Predatorsand True Grit to Texas..." After details about the violent, anti-American nature of the moviebecame news, Governor Perry's press secretary issued a statementdenying that Machete has received any state funds, which seems tocontradict what's on the official website of the Texas FilmCommission, which is a government agency: "The Texas Film Commission only gives funding to projects that havebeen completed. Troublemaker Studios has applied for funding forthree projects: the first, called Shorts, has been completed and isin the audit process in our office. The other two, Machete andPredators, are still in production. Determinations regarding statefunding are not made until the Film Commission reviews the finalproduct. At this time, no funds have been released to TroublemakerStudios." There are several problems with this statement from the governor'soffice. For one thing, even if films don't get state funding untilthey're completed, there has to be some sort of preliminaryscreening process, and Machete apparently made it through thisphase. Secondly, even if the movie hasn't received any directfinancial assistance yet, it certainly has received what's known aslocation assistance. A movie crew can't just show up at the statecapitol or various other sites and start filming; streets,sidewalks and buildings have to be closed, and many otherarrangements have to be made to allow the shoot to take place. Allof this requires government approval, and costs money for trafficcontrol, re-routing, signage and other requirements. Finally, anystudio that would produce anti-American propaganda like Macheteshouldn't receive funding for any of their other projects. If theywant to stir up hatred for American citizens with one film, theyshouldn't get taxpayer subsidies for their other films. We haven't heard the end of this story, and Rick Perry needs to setthe record straight. It's not enough to tell us that Machetehasn't received any funding to date because the film isn'tcomplete. It's outrageous enough that the movie is even in theTexas Film Commission's pipeline, and that the head of thecommission was boasting about using financial incentives to bringthe production to Texas. This should have never been approved, andwe need Governor Perry to give us all the facts about why and how amovie with an inflammatory message that encourages violence againstpatriotic Americans in our own country even got approval in thefirst place. We also need his assurance that in the future notaxpayer assistance of any kind will be given to movies likeMachete. Take Action: Fax Governor Rick Perry and Texas Film Commission Director BobHudgins to demand a clear accounting of any financial assistancegiven this production, including location assistance, and anexplanation of why a viciously anti-American propaganda piece likeMachete was even given any consideration in the first place. Insist that new standards are put in place to ensure that studiosthat produce garbage like Machete aren't given financial incentivesfor any of their movies. The Peter Morrison Reporthttp://www.PeterMorrisonReport.com Sources:
PO Box 8742, Lumberton, TX 77657, USA
TURKISH President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatens to conquer Jerusalem
Oh, that should be fun. And yet, Turkey remains a member of NATO for some
stupid reason.
1 hour ago
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