A very interesting post from www.badeagle.com about the Ground Zero Mosque. This follows this post about Jerusalem being under Israel's control and this previous article about the recent news about offshore drilling to encourage American energy independence This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more posts like this click here.
Hate Crime: Mosque for Mass Murderers of 9-11
by David Yeagley
It is a hate crime, a momentous hate crime of the highest order. Muslims are plotting to desecrate the American dead. Muslims want a memorial mosque at Ground Zero in New York, to celebrate the mass murder of nearly 3,000 Americans.
From the Cordoba House website. Also, see: Mosqueat Ground Zero: Plans and Rumors.
The cruel nature of Islam has displays itself once again. It is the impetus of satanic cruelty to denigrate, to degrade, to humiliate, to torture, to cause pain–in the most intense, conceivable ways possible. This is Islam. This is the Muslim way. It is demonstrated in the world time and time again. There is no quelling of this raging evil. The American government has shown itself the Islamic sympathizer. The American government prefers Muslims to Christians, or to any other kind of people. That is the undeniable fact–according to legislation, and according to the voting body of Congress, the judiciary interpretations of the Constitution, and certainly the executive branch–including especially the White House. The American government is afraid of Islam. The United States elected and appointed officials will not recognize Islam as the enemy of all freedom, and the enemy of everthing American.
Obviously, New Yorkers are outraged. The idea is complete madness. The prevaricating rhetoric of deluded Muslim clerics exceeds the pretense of the Democrat Communists. Indeed, the Muslim mind is the Democrat model. Anything to denigrate, humiliate, to destroy the Pilgrim fathers, the white, Christian founders of America.
The $100 million mosque project is to be completed soon, and the mosque is scheduled to open on the tenth anniversary of the mass murder–September 11, 2011. Isn’t that quaint? Such sentiment. Such focus.
WorldNetDaily has posted a powerful statement (by Chelsea Shilling) on this incredible plot of degradation. Yet, BadEagle.com is first to call it what it is: a hate crime. Islam is a perpetual hate crime against the world. This mosque at ground zero is merely the most monstrous minaret to date. “The Cordoba Center,” as the murderous, denigrating Muslims intend to call it, also obviously intended to cover up history and to pretend that there is no fact that Cordoba fell to Spain in 1236, when the Islam was condemn and the Islamic invaders were expelled from the land. The defeated Muslims prefer today the pretense that the European victory over Islam never happened. Where more approrpate a place to celebrate the delusion than in free-wheeling, Communist-oriented, Democrat New York?
One wonders if New Yorkers don’t deserve this denigration. That bastion of liberals begs to be raped every day. And now they want to match their liberal lamentations for “victims” against their own anti-Americanism–expressed through their “tolerance” of Islam. Which passion do you think will win? The liberal’s love of anti-Americanism against the liberal’s love of victimhood and lamentation–the contest of the new century. They want to cry over their dead, but they want America to be raped by Islam. What will it be?
Hey, it’s New York. Broadway is big. Maybe we can have a double-billing. Yes. That’s it. Two shows in a night. September 11, 2011 will be a wonderous day of diversity. New Yorkers will lament their victims with unprecedented self-indulgence, and at the same time celebrate the absolute violation of everything American. That’s New York.
The fact is, New York City doesn’t represent America, or American values. It is evolved into a foreign place. New York is alien, just like the president it elected. It is the seat of Communism in America. It is the place were Elena Kagan comes from. It is the place were Sonia Sotomayor comes from. It is the bosom of American Communism. New York City is a cancerous pustule of parasitical ideology. Islam belongs there.
Are there no patriots left in New York? Certainly, there are a goodly number who have not bowed the knee to Ba’al. Surely, there are those who are able to recognize the difference between internationalism and a simple love of country. America is more than a skyscraper, a ball team, or a Broadway show. America is more than a host of the United Nations. New York City needs a revival of patriotism more than anything else. New York City needs to be re-educated in the fundamentals of America.
The issue of a murderous memorial, a mosque at Ground Zero, could be New York’s last stand. This could be the moment when New York choses between being American, and being an international buffet for Third World ingrates and murderers. The rest of us can at least support Pamela Geller’s “No 9-11 Mosque” protest (June 6).
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