An interesting story from about the Supreme Court nominee. This follows this previous post about the Supreme Court Justice nominee. This follows this post about another potential, alternative nominee. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Barry’s Pick: Leftist Jewish Female Homosexual?
by David Yeagley ·
So, true to his ‘colors,’ Barry “Obama” Soetoro nominates another alien type to “represent” all Americans: Elena Kagan. The Supreme Court must comprise absolute diversity–to reflect, or better, to inject diverse values into American society. First he nominated a New York Puerto Rican (cryptic Jewess?), Sonia Maria Sotomayor, with little talent, little experience, poor record, poor English, but “Latina” wisdom. Now, a clear-cut Communist Jew from New York City, with no judicial experience whatsoever, but who clerked for two very liberal judges, Abner Mikva of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and racist-oriented Thurgood Marshall of the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Mikva, of course, is a long time supporter and advisor of Barry, and represents another Chicago figure, like his Kenyan protegé, and like Elena Kagan. Chicago Communists run America now, as we all know.
Current US Solicitor General, Elena Kagan
So, two elements are of serious concern here. First, the liberal Jew, second, the homosexual.
There are strong conservative Jewish personalities in America today. Let no one make the mistake of accepting the stereotypical Communist “liberal” Jew as the only kind of Jew there is–in New York, or anywhere else. That’s like taking the professional clown Al Sharpton as the token Negro in America. Unless one prefers to think ill of all Negroes, one quickly laughs Sharpton off stage. Similarly, unless one prefers to think ill of all Jews, one does not accept the Elena Kagan type, or Bloomberg, or Schumer, as the Jewish American. Jay Seculow is the new American Jew. His kind, however, has been around for some three decades now. Seculow, a New York Jew, represents the pith of American values. (I’d say “conservative” values, but, those values are essentially the American values. All else is Communism.) It used to be called the new Jewish Right, but, these days, conservative Jews simply represent America core values. They don’t claim Judaism as some special privilege or the ticket to special rights. American rights is what they stand for, and those rights include the respect and protection that they need.
Already, Elena Kagan and female homosexuality have been cited as an issue. A month ago, Ben Domenech blogged on a Harvard “rumor” about Kagan, and the White House was infuriated. April 16, The Washington Post publicly condemned CBS for posting the blog. April 18, James Joyner said it wasn’t a rumor, nor a smear. May 10, a female homosexual (Joan Garry) says that being homosexual isn’t the political issue here, but, that it should be considered a “charge,” or an “accusation,” as though it were a fault.
Generally speaking, a woman who purposely looks and acts like a man is a female homosexual. Take Janet Napolitano, for example, or Janet Reno. Kagan appears to be quite similar. But that’s really neither here nor there. The issue her is advocacy. The issue is using the Supreme Court to advocate social norms, rather than to preserve and to apply the United States Consitution. Liberals (Leftists, Communists, etc.) like the lying, alien black African Communist Barry Soetoro have already demonstrated their preference for Justices who advocate personal racial values. That’s how and why the low-level thinker Sonia Sotomayor got in. A pity act. A race/gender based act. While the door is open, why not get another female in there–and particularly a sexually-charged female, and one with a classic ethnic minority background. Why, six conservative Roman Catholics deserve at least two Jewish female liberals to balance the scales of “social justice.”
Now, the fact is, Kagan is really tough on terrorism. She might be the kind that would oust Holder, or even Barry himself, when it comes to that issue. So, is this the price we pay for America’s protection? Jewish liberal female homosexualty in office?
The real issue, again, is advocacy. A homosexual that doesn’t really care about public opinion, and has no desire to make a public issue out if the subject–in short, a non-activist homosexual, might seem innocuous enough. How many Justices imbibe on a regular basis? While it would seem a national statement, to honor a homosexual with a position on the Supreme Court; while it would play into the Hollywood approach to politics which has dominated Democrat (Communist) politics for some twenty years now; her personal sexual orientation may not significantly affect her judgment–and especially on wholly unrelated issues.
“Wise Latina” Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
However, the “don’t ask, don’t tell” position seems to be her approach to whatever her orientation is. Right now, that position is under fire by the homosexual activists. Kagan is the one who, as Dean of the Harvard Law School, condemned military recruitment on campus–precisely because of the “discrimination” against homosexuals. Therefore, her regard for the military position on homosexuality is at least terribly ironic, especially considering her own lack of personal ‘confession’ in the matter of homosexuality, one way or another. From FOXNews (May 10, 2010):
Kagan became dean of the law school in 2003. ”The military policy that we at the law school are overlooking is terribly wrong, terribly wrong in depriving gay men and lesbians of the opportunity to serve their country,” she said shortly after becoming dean at the law school’s first reunion for its gay, lesbian and bisexual alumni. Later, as the issue intensified with protests on campus, she wrote in an e-mail message to students and faculty, ”I abhor the military’s discriminatory recruitment policy.”
From the Washington Post (April 18, 2010):
“This action causes me deep distress,” Kagan wrote that morning in October 2003. “I abhor the military’s discriminatory recruitment policy.” It is, she said, “a profound wrong — a moral injustice of the first order.”
Even her liberal critics noted her unusually heated rhetoric in the matter. It seemed out of character.
We certainly don’t expect any integrity or backbone from Congress these days, and Kagan will probably become the first homosexual on the Supreme Court. And a grand “coming out” that will be. Not that homosexuality itself has anything to do with the real issue, but that, it’s just another example of putting special interests, personal interests, at the national helm of justice. Wise Latina. Wise Lesbian. Wise woman. Just include anything that isn’t male and white. It’s wiser. All underprivileged, all minorities of any sort, all poor and struggling, all who don’t own a two-garage home, a Cadillac, all who don’t have a college education, all who have not fulfilled the materialist version of the so-called American dream, must have a personal representative on the United States Supreme Court. Simple as that. That doggoned white man needs to get out of there! Who cares about what he represents? He just built the country, that’s all. His opinion don’t matter no mo! He just needs to give it all up. America belongs to the world! America belongs to those who are in no way related to it, to those who despise it, and to those who crave honor for indulging themselves in the achievments of others.
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