An interesting story from about abortion workers being persuaded to quit. This follows this post about attempts to disrupt churches on Pentecost Sunday. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
More Abortion Workers Quit with Pro-Lifers' Help
Commentary by David Bereit, National Director, 40 Days for Life
( - A few nights ago, I shared the stage at a pregnancy center banquet in San Antonio with Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood director who experienced a profound conversion and left the abortion industry during last fall's 40 Days for Life campaign.
As Abby shared the story of her conversion, I was again amazed at how God has transformed her life - through the prayers and efforts of faithful people. (To see a brand-new video of Abby sharing her story - and the impact of 40 Days for Life on her - click here.)
Abby is just one of 35 abortion workers who have quit their jobs at 40 Days for Life locations. We just received two more amazing reports ...
Mike Stack, 40 Days for Life leader in Southfield, Michigan, reports:
"A week or so ago we got word that the office manager at the Womancare Abortion facility where we have been holding the Southfield 40 Days for Life vigils quit her job.
"A few of the prayer warriors during the Spring campaign had befriended her and found out that she really didn't like working there but felt trapped and unable to find another job. One of the prayer warriors, Christine, arranged to get her resume and did a professional upgrade for her.
"We put the word out to our prayer warriors and a couple months later Casey found a new job and has happily quit working for the abortion facility."
Stack said he later learned that a man whose car had fallen into a ditch at the same clinic had run off with a pro-lifer's cell phone - but even that event, he said, had been "used" by God: Christine and the office manager had started up their conversation after both were drawn to the peculiar sight of the car in the ditch. "Praise God!" he said.
And here is the latest from one of the 40 Days for Life coordinators in a location that must remain anonymous for now:
"I just got word from an anonymous doctor friend of mine that an old school buddy of his quit the abortion clinic in our town, due to the peaceful 'local uprising over the past year' that made him feel 'bad' about what he was doing! He couldn't handle how gentle and nice we were to the women going in, and even to him, as he came out.
"It is truly a miracle that a soul so hardened has been touched by the peaceful and prayerful witness at the abortion mill! Peace, prayers and love works miracles -- the gentleness, honestly and love saves souls in the long run!"
Regardless of what is happening in the politicalarena or with the latest Supreme Court nomination, know that with God ALL things are possible - changing minds, touching hearts, saving lives, and impacting eternal souls.
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