Wasting 9-11: The Commercial Approach
by David Yeagley · September 11, 2011
There is no virtue in mourning. 9-11 has become a commercial enterprise, a media fest, and a bit of a shameful thing. The only difference this year is the attempt to include Muslims themselves among the mourners, as if that mollifies Islam, or will somehow make murderous Muslims more acceptable in the West.
Since when does Muslims killing their own make them all innocent? Since when do collateral martyrs deserve honor as freedom-loving Americans? Since when does the death of anti-American Muslims, those who espouse a religion which is antithetical to the American Constitution, earn a place of mourning among the patriots of the country?
9-11 is one crisis the liberals have definitely let go to waste. Intentionally. The United States should have declared war on Saudi Arabia, since 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, and Saudis continue to fund all the major terrorist developments in the world even today.
All the energy lavished on mourning the event in New York on 9-11 is energy misspent. It is the universal confession of impotence, weakness, and lack of resolve. The Muslims know this. The whole in the ground, Ground Zero, is our testimony to the world that America is no longer great. The empty pit demonstrates a nation emptied of spirit. America has no national focus, no sense of nationality, and no desire or resolve to have such. Why?
It’s against the law. It’s against the liberal, Communist approach to the law. In the white oedipal liberal‘s perverted name of “equality,” America is to be dissolved. America is evil, abusive, and must be brought down. This is what the Negro in the White House was hired to do, and that’s what is still happening. Politics serves this same end.
Politics has absorbed the natural rage against 9-11. The public wanted war. Our sacred homeland was attacked. We did nothing, and still have done nothing. We mourn. That’s all.
Shock and awe? That was the Muslim approach, not ours. The attacked, they created fear, and now they used the very laws of the land to establish Sharia. They continue to succeed because they are feared. NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is so fearful of Muslims he wouldn’t allow clergy, firemen or policemen to be part of the official “mourning” ceremonies. Fear, and “awe” follow the shock. American leaders are in awe at the mania of the Muslim. American leaders cower before such satanic resolve.
The Muslims are winning. There’s no question about it. American politicians are letting them win. Why? Is it simply a matter of bribery? Or, does it involve threats, intimidation, and death? Why do America’s leaders give in to the demands of Muslims?
It’s a good question, and the answer may have to do with sheer numbers, statistics, and money. There are many forces behind decisions; integrity, honesty, loyalty and patriotism don’t seem to be among the dominating motivations at this time.
We certainly share the sorrow of lost lives and wrecked families resulting from the Islamic attack on New York City, September 11, 2001. However, infinitely more important than mourning is should be the resolve to eliminate all such laws, policies, and politicians which permit the enemies of America to prosper in America. This resolve American leaders have not shown. Therefore, national mourning is a hideous affront. 9-11 ceremonies are ironies. 9-11 is a testimony to America’s dissolution. The most basic concepts of nationhood are condemned and erased. The thought of patriotism is reduced to some cultural sentiment displayed on an international buffet of taste and exoticism.
To be free, and great, a nation must be strong. To be strong requires a price. American leaders are no longer willing to pay that price. American people are not strong enough to rise up against the enemies in Washington. Politics fails the people. The force of arms is the last resort. Otherwise, America is changing, and will continue to change. American people are not willing to revolt. The slow degeneration seems more tolerable than any radical attempt to save the country.
I don’t even want to hear about 9-11. It sickens me. What should have meant war has come to mean only mourning. 9-11 is a self-inflicted wound now. The bleeding is voluntary. Mourning has become righteousness.
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