And Remember when contacting public officials to please be firm but respectful. Any over the top messages could result in law enforcement action against you. Just let these senators know that you are aware of what they have done and that you intend to remove them from office in the 2012 elections.
Time to Flood Congress With Calls Against Obama's Amnesty
Members of Congress and their staff are returning to DC after a recess.
Obama's approval numbers have continued to fall following his last major executive action to decree an unlawful and unconstitutional form of Amnesty for illegal aliens. This halt to deportations means they are now being released from jails and given work permits.
Obama is going to try to divert attention away from his Amnesty, using a speech on jobs coming this Thursday.
How can anyone who is supposed to represent American workers talk about creating jobs while handing out hundreds of thousands of illegal work permits to illegal aliens?
Please take the following steps...
STEP 1: If you are a Twitter user, please take an opportunity to put in an illegal immigration question for the Sept. 7 GOP Presidential candidate debate. If you prefer, you can retweet an existing immigration question to give it more credence at this link...
STEP 2: Let's ring the phones in DC off the hook today and tomorrow (Wed)!
Start by calling your own members of Congress and then call your entire state delegation to ask...
"What is Congressman _____ going to do to stop Obama's unlawful and unconstitutional Amnesty orders that will result in hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens receiving work permits instead of being deported when we have millions of Americans out of work?"
SPECIAL NOTE: If you are told a member of Congress opposes Obama's Amnesty, please ask that office to issue a press release or written release with that statement or to direct you to a written release.
Remember to call in this message, then send in a reinforcing version in writing by email, fax, or letter.
ALIPAC Congressional Directory (Phone and online contact info)
STEP 3: Please report any responses you get from your call on our tracking link here...
If you do not have an account to post your questions, feedback, or info received from members of Congress, please write to Accounts@alipac.us for assistance.
We need you to call today as if Amnesty legislation was going to be voted on any minute today or tomorrow. You cannot wait for the media to tell you there is a problem here. Please get on those phones and call with as much energy and time as you can spare!
PS: If you need more information about Obama's unlawful Amnesty orders for illegal aliens, please visit our homepage at http://www.alipac.us/ for reference materials.
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