Have you sent a message to Vice President Biden about his pro-abortion one-child Chinese policy?
If you have not already, please take a minute to send a message to President Obama and Vice President Biden demanding that they publicly condemn China’s One-Child Policy and end all taxpayer funding of the United Nations Population Fund.
As you know, while visiting China earlier this month, Vice President Biden told Chinese officials that he “fully understands” their brutal One-Child Policy and wasn’t “second guessing” it.
Nearly 15,000 messages have already been sent to the President and Vice President asking them to publicly condemn this policy that has led to forced abortions, forced sterilizations and other human rights violations in China. Julie, while you may not think your single message makes a difference, think about the impact your voice will have when combined with that of the entire SBA List family.
Tell President Obama and Vice President Biden to publicly condemn China’s One-Child Policy and end all taxpayer funding of the United Nations Population Fund.
Julie, Vice President Biden’s comments completely disregard the human suffering which results from China’s One Child Policy. Untold numbers of women have been brutally forced to have abortions performed on them, ending the lives of precious unborn children they desperately want to keep.
While Vice President Biden had a spokeswoman backtrack his remarks last week, please call on both the President and Vice President to personally go on the record immediately and denounce the One-Child Policy. This Administration should be doing much more than “second guessing” China’s horrific policy, it should condemn it outright.
Please be a voice for the victims of China’s One-Child Policy by taking action today. It only takes seconds to use the SBA List Action Center to send a message to both President Obama and Vice President Biden.
And after you’ve taken action, please forward this e-mail to as many of your friends, family, co-workers, and folks from your church as possible so that they can take action as well.
With your help, we will continue to fight back against the Obama administration’s assault on human life both here at home and abroad.
For Life,
Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List
P.S. In response to Vice President Biden’s comments earlier this month, Speaker John Boehner said "No government on Earth has the authority to place quotas on the value of innocent human life, or to treat life as an economic commodity that can be regulated and taken away on a whim by the state."
Speaker Boehner has called on the Vice President to personally condemn China’s One-Child Policy and for this Administration to immediately stop funding to the United Nations Population Fund, which supports the policy.
Please send a message right now echoing Speaker Boehner’s request to President Obama and Vice President Biden.
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