It’s Official: The “Children of 9/11″ Are Spoiled Dhimmi Morons & Propagandists
By Debbie Schlussel
I’m sure I will get loudly attacked by every moron on the left (and right). But if the kids I saw on TV last night are at all representative of the children who lost a parent on 9/11, they are a bunch of spoiled morons, politically correct dhimmis, and Islamic propagandists.
(Thanks to Reader “Doda McCheesle” for the Graphic)
Last night, after telling you about the NBC special, “The Children of 9/11,” I watched it. I predicted it would cry over Muslims as “victims” of 9/11 and never mention that they were the perpetrators (or who the perpetrators were at all). And it was even more “vomitous” than I originally diagnosed before watching it. Osama Bin Laden’s ghost is smiling from his watery grave about his victory over America and the West–a victory that keeps on giving.
Plenty of kids lose a parent. Their families don’t get a $4 million windfall as compensation (and, instead, they are struggling). And they don’t go around telling the rest of us not to hate their parents’ murderers because not all murderers are bad guys, that just a few hijacked their religion. But that’s what these kids did, last night, and not just the Muslim ones.
About 3,060 kids lost a parent in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I hope and pray that the eleven we saw last night do not represent them. If even they cannot face who it is that murdered their parents, I doubt the rest of America’s kids will. And that’s yet another reason why we are doomed against the Islamic threat to the West. And, come on, was there not one American kid who joined the U.S. Army or went to West Point after his father was murdered on 9/11? If there was, he wasn’t deemed the kind of person whose agenda needed to air on NBC’s “Children of 9/11.”
Hosted and narrated by Mariska Hargitay, the NBC special showed us a child of 9/11 who is paying tribute to her father by becoming a . . . pro wrestler? Huh? Yup, that’s how Thea Trinidad a/k/a “Rosita” is remembering that some ghost took her father, a wrestling fan and amateur wrestler, on 9/11. I say, “some ghost,” because the men who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks were 19 Islamic terrorists, but that’s never mentioned. Not even once in the entire hour.
Then, there’s Caitlin Langone, who remembers her father and what happened to him by bleaching her hair pastel green and getting tattoos all over her body. Are you frickin’ kiddin’ me? This is how they remember the 9/11 attacks? Morons. Spoiled morons. But, hey, $4 million buys a lot of tattoos and sexy pro wrestling costumes and very little in the way of learning about the Islamic threat that took their parents. I feel sorry that these kids lost a parent, but if they cannot face facts about why their parents are gone and who did it, I cannot feel too bad for them, as they are beyond help. It’s not the circumstances that happen to you. It’s what you do about it.
On “The Children of 9/11,” we’re lectured in Islamic propaganda by Ms. Hargitay, who tells us about the “60 innocent Muslims” who died in the 9/11 attacks. How the heck does she or anyone know they were “innocent”? Did they ask their ghosts to condemn Hezbollah and HAMAS? A lot more Jews and Christians and people of many ethnic groups died. But none of them gets a special mention like Muslims. In fact, it appears that no Jewish kids of 9/11 were featured. Why? Maybe NBC believes in the Muslim BS that Jews stayed home on 9/11 because they knew of the attacks (absolutely false).
Then, we are shown the Chowdhury family and their mother Baraheen Ashrafi. We’re told how their dad, Mohammed, was a poor waiter in the World Trade Center and how Farquad and Fahina Chowdhury, the kids, are upset that so many people area against Islam and think Muslims did the attacks. Um, guess what? Muslims did perpetrate the attacks, you idiots.
But, even worse than the Muslims who tell us how peaceful and innocent they are (but aren’t asked to condemn a single Islamic terrorist group), are the Burnett girls. Their father, Thomas, was on United Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers fought off their Muslim attackers and foiled their plans. But the Burnett girls, Halley, Madison and Anna Clare Burnett, want you to know that Muslims are peaceful and innocent and that their father would not want us to think negatively about Muslims. They also make sure to tell us that Muslims are loyal U.S. citizens and innocent just like the rest of us. Do you think their father’s soul is nodding in agreement from his mass Islamic-made grave in Pennsylvania? Or is he turning over in his grave that while his family got $4 million, it didn’t do much good in educating them about his murderers and the threat their co-religionists pose to America?
Another 9/11 orphan, Rodney Ratchford, is struggling to get by, even though he was apparently his mother’s sole surviving immediate family member. Why? What happened to the $4 million he got? The special didn’t really address that, after raising the question.
Like I said, these are spoiled brats, morons, and propagandists, not brilliant or insightful people. They were the ones whose parents died on 9/11 because of fate, not because they were destined to become great spokespeople about those who murdered their parents and the threat their co-religionists continue to present and escalate on U.S. shores.
But it begs the question: if the children of the victims of 9/11 cannot even remember what happened to their parents–and more important, who did it–how can we expect that of the rest of the country?
Answer: we can’t. And, again, that’s why we’re doomed. Kids who lost their parents to Nazis in World War II–and the rest of the American people–knew who took their lives.
Now, we are just a nation of idiots. Some of the idiots are $4 million richer, though. And they have tattoos and green hair.
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