Judenrein: PLO Ambassador Says Jews NOT Allowed in Palestinian State
By Debbie Schlussel
You know that “peaceful” Palestinian state that all the liberals and Obama–and before him, President Bush–have been pimping on us for years? Well, the Palestinian Ambassador says it will be like most other Muslim countries: NO JOOOOOS Allowed! That’s right. Israel isn’t allowed to expel its Arabs (who identify as Palestinians and who don’t want to be under Palestinian rule and prefer Israel, anyway). But the Palestinians can ban Jews. That’s how it’s gonna be. Reminds me of the signs that used to hover over Keego Harbor, Michigan when my cousin, Sylvia Rose Waldman, had to get her gentile handyman to buy her house for her: “No dogs or Jews allowed.” Don’t be surprised if you see the same thing at the border of HAMASPalestine. We always knew these people were Nazis. Now, they are even more brazen about it.
The Palestine Liberation Organization’s ambassador to the United States said Tuesday that any future Palestinian state it seeks with help from the United Nations and the United States should be free of Jews.
“After the experience of the last 44 years of military occupation and all the conflict and friction, I think it would be in the best interest of the two people to be separated,” Maen Areikat, the PLO ambassador, said during a meeting with reporters sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor. He was responding to a question about the rights of minorities in a Palestine of the future.
Such a state would be the first to officially prohibit Jews or any other faith since Nazi Germany, which sought a country that was judenrein, or cleansed of Jews, said Elliott Abrams, a former U.S. National Security Council official. [As an official in the Bush Administration, Abrams openly endorsed the Palestinian State BS, so he is part of this problem. Did he expect anything better or different from the Palestinians?]
Israel has 1.3 million Muslims who are Israeli citizens. Jews have lived in “Judea and Samaria,” the biblical name for the West Bank, for thousands of years. Areikat said the PLO seeks a secular state, but that Palestinians need separation to work on their own national identity.
The Palestinian demand is unacceptable and “a despicable form of anti-Semitism,” Abrams said. A small Jewish presence in a future Palestine, up to 1% of the population, would not hurt the Palestinian identity, he said.
“No civilized country would act this way,” Abrams said.
Who said that Muslim countries are civilized?
But, hey, why have the Jews in their stinky new country, if and when it’s allowed to officially open for biz? After all, we wouldn’t want Muslims to get ideas on how to do anything besides invent new ways to blow people up.
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