Here is an interesting article from about the television shows Dancing With the Stars and Glee. This follows this post reviewing some of the movies that came out over the past weekend and THIS POST about some movies that have been released over the past few years that you might have missed! This all follows this post about guidelines to chosing good movies to watch yourself!
Dancing With the Haters: ‘DWTS’ Slam on Tea Party
by Warner Todd Huston
Even Dancing is not safe from left-wing attacks on Tea Partiers, sadly. Last night on the venerable dance show, fashion makeover maven Carson Kressley thought it would be a hoot to make fun of over half the voters in America with an attack on how he thinks Tea Party activists smell.
On last night’s Dancing With The Stars, funny guy Kressley hit the screen wearing a gorilla mask. Taking it off he snarked, “It still smells like a Tea Party.”
So, what are we to make of this nonsense? Is Kressley saying that Tea Party activists smell like gorillas?
Are we supposed to be laughing at that, now?
So, what do Democrats smell like? Maybe Europeans? How about reds?
I wonder what dance partner Anna Trebunskaya, who was born in Russia, thinks about that? I wonder how ABC will take attacking so much of its audience?
Whatever Anna or ABC thinks of it the bigger questions is, what do you Tea Partiers think?
Maybe you can ask ABC yourself?
Last Night on ‘Glee’: Gay Adoption and … Herman Cain?
by Jenny Erikson
The following article contains spoilers. You’ve been warned.
Hi everyone! I’m back for Week 2 of Glee, the show we all (or at least some of us) love to hate. In case you missed it, I’ll be your guide to Glee this season, breaking down the inevitable liberal indoctrination that occurs with each new episode.
As we learned last week, (gay guy) Kurt is running for student body president. (Sexually confused and dumb as wet paint) Brittany offers to be his campaign manager with a very pink and sparkly strategy, in which she likens him to a unicorn that poops cotton candy.
Excuse me, but isn’t that a conservative thing? Only our unicorns poop skittles. I’m sure they’re totally separate species. Also, we don’t liken people to mythical, candy-pooping creatures … we only liken things like free health care to them. Neither one actually exists, you know.
The heart of this episode doesn’t belong to unicorns, candy, or homosexuals – it belongs to baby mama drama. Shelby is back to cause a raucous. Shelby was the coach of Vocal Adrenaline, the arch nemesis of New Directions (thee glee club that the show revolves around).
Shelby is the adoptive mother of Beth, the biological daughter of Quinn and Puck. If you’ll remember from last week, Quinn is the chick with the new punk attitude, and Puck is the guy that everyone has done it with. To complicate matters, Shelby is also the biological mother of Rachel, the Barbara Streisand wannabe of Glee Club.
Shelby’s reason for returning is two-fold: First, she wants her daughter Beth to know her biological parents, and second, she wants to reconnect with Rachel. Because really, aren’t we all one big happy family that should get along, and isn’t every kid better off for having a ‘diverse’ upbringing?
Actually, kids are better off being raised in a two-parent household. Statistically speaking, at least. Of course there will always be variants, and no, a woman should not stay married to a man that abuses her and/or their children, and yes, I believe gay couples should be allowed to adopt.
There’s no way around the fact that a child has the best shot at succeeding at life if an intact couple raises him or her. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that fact, while still paying homage to the multitude of amazing non-traditional parents out there that are making the absolute best of their situations.
Sorry, I get a bee in my bonnet when Hollywood tries to say that children are better served by multiple partial parents than by a stable couple. Before anyone hates on me about the gay thing, I’d like to link this post I wrote last year addressing that very issue. It seems that kids that come from households of two intact parents fare better than other kids, no matter the gender of the parents.
I keep an open mind and await further studies.
Back to Glee. Not much else of interest went on, unless of course you include Candidate Sue Sylvester briefly mentioning that her main opponent in the congressional race is a pizza magnate. Herman Cain, anyone? Godfather’s Pizza? The connection is fuzzy, but it could come into play in future episodes…
The One Key Kernel of Truth in RFK Jr.’s Latest False Measles Claim
No, nutrition is not better than vaccination.
13 minutes ago
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