And Remember when contacting public officials to please be firm but respectful. Any over the top messages could result in law enforcement action against you. Just let these politicians know that you are aware of what they have done and that you intend to remove them from office in the 2012 elections.
Obama's Illegal Immigration Amnesty and The Death of A Nation
Topic: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
by William Gheen
President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
It is very painful and disturbing to watch America incrementally and systematically destroyed from the top down on a daily basis under the regime of Barack Obama.
Many of us studying the true nature of this administration no longer refer to him as President. We either leave the title missing from our description or proceed to use the title "Dictator Barack Obama."
While some have criticized our use of the term dictator and our calls for Obama's impeachment as being harsh or hyperbolic, our language is nothing compared to the anger of the American Internet streets. Many Americans are calling for Obama's arrest for Treason, and from the steady stream of evidence reaching the American public by way of the new media fusion of talk radio and the Internet, such calls are not hyperbolic but a natural and understandable reaction to the dictatorial actions of Barack Obama.
If our language seems shocking to you, you probably have not done enough research into what is actually happening or you have been drinking the biased main stream media Kool-Aid, which continues to pretend that Obama is a legitimate President of the United States.
Instead of acting like our Commander-In-Chief, Obama is acting more like the Chief of America!
Barack Obama has created an unpopular form of Amnesty for illegal aliens in America which supersedes his Constitutional authority, overwrites popularly supported existing Federal laws, and neutralizes prior votes of Congress and all prior American elections which determined who did and did not go to Congress!
To conceal the nature of his actions, Obama avoided an official Presidential Executive Order and instead has created Amnesty by memo and hidden directives. The vast majority of illegal aliens in America now officially have no fear of deportation, and if caught are likely to be given a work permit in some form of new guest worker program never authorized by Congress or the public.
Obama just sent a clear signal around the Globe to the estimated 1 Billion people on the planet who. if allowed, would like to come to America that there is no fear of America's Republic defending itself from mass invasion and demographic submersion of the original mom and pop heartland American inhabitants!
Janet Napolitano's political police at the Department of Homeland Security claim that illegal border crossings have decreased. If true, this is probably because all the illegal aliens are simply riding into America in the Mexican trucks Obama just cleared to roll into our nation, or more of them are just flying in on commercial air flights, as they have for several years now.Why cross the border illegally and risk crossing the desert when Obama and Homeland Security have cleared their way in a truck or plane with fiat Amnesty and work permits waiting for illegal aliens when they arrive?
At a time of historic unemployment and a historic number of Americans suffering under his administration, Obama is moving to add millions of illegal aliens into official and authorized competitive worker roles with Americans who are desperate for any job that would save their families from homelessness, hunger, and collapsed futures.
Dictator Barack Obama is now ruling by fiat and authoritarian decrees in a nation which was founded by revolution and rebellion against that exact form of governance.
Obama's authoritarian and nation breaking actions are creating great anguish among groups like Americans for Legal Immigration PAC that have spent many years encouraging Americans who prefer immigration enforcement over Amnesty to lobby congress, send letters and e-mails, stop amnesty legislation, and to vote and volunteer for campaigns.
If Congress does not intercede here, then all of these traditional political methods being used by the super majority of Americans found in numerous scientific polls to oppose Obama's amnesty measures will be rendered moot, ineffective, and utterly useless.
Writing our lawmakers and protesting here in America is about to become as futile as the failed democratic uprising in China's Tienanmen Square in 1989, if Congress does not use its power to stop Obama's abuse of power!
And while it would be a hopeful thought to believe that Obama is merely an outlier or a singular electoral mistake, Americans who have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of the truth and the defense of our nation know that the reality is much more horrific.
Barack Obama is not alone in his efforts to destroy the United States as it has been known and replace it with a new superstate fusion between Canada, America, Mexico, and eventually other members of a North American Union (aka North American Community, North American Integration). Obama is acting just like George Bush did except he is being less secretive and more bold!
I have often referred to these two nation destroying and nation building Presidents as 'BushObama' and my article from Dec 11, 2008, titled 'Dictatorship USA: The American Sky Has Fallen' chronicles much of Bush's efforts to rule by fiat and proceed with an unlawful and unconstitutional silent amnesty for illegal aliens as well.
Bush and Obama, and before them Clinton, are just the latest representatives of a Global aristocracy that has ownership over most of the major players in America's media. This Global aristocracy controls the vast amount of wealth necessary for a presidential candidate to have any hope of buying into the White House in modern times.
The price tag for the 2012 Presidential candidates will cost each lead candidate over 1 Billion dollars apiece to run their campaigns in 2012. That obscene amount of money does not even factor in all of the soft money which will be spent through PACs and political parties.
The American Executive Branch has been compromised and priced far above the reach of any average American citizen.
In America today, a man or woman who truly tries to represent the American public and faithfully enforce the existing laws passed by Congress will not be able to raise the huge amount of money needed from Global elites to win. Such a populist candidate would be ignored by the major media and or ridiculed by those global companies.
At the same time, if a man or woman were to run for President on the true issues this Global cabal seeks for the destruction of traditional America they would be massively rejected at the polls, especially by the over 80% of Americans who want our borders secured, illegal immigration stopped and reversed, and our existing immigration laws faithfully enforced instead of any form of Amnesty, especially illegal and unconstitutional Amnesty decreed by an authoritarian ruler masquerading as an American President!
So the results are politicians like Clinton, Bush, and Obama winning races--politicians who will act all folksy with the American electorate, promise whatever is expedient, but then ascend to the White House to do whatever those who paid their way want them to do and the results are consistent policies on wars, the economy, and illegal immigration.
I think at this point that even Democrats and Obama supporters are starting to figure out the big problem with America is that our Presidents don't keep their campaign promises and their campaign rhetoric vs. their governance are like night and day.
The elites responsible for this mass betrayal and enslavement of the American populace like to have their bets covered by forcing voters into choosing between Amnesty supporters like John McCain and Barack Obama. This year they want their man Rick Perry to be the one facing their man Barack Obama.
They are hard at work now, working to ensure that the winner of the GOP Primary will also support Amnesty for illegal aliens, after wooing voters with the promise to "Secure The Borders First" before instituting a form of Amnesty, which will prevent any future border security or immigration law enforcement movements once tens of millions of illegal aliens become legal voters as opposed to their current unrestricted felonious voting habits.
When you hear "Secure the Borders First" from a candidate, that is a red flag telling you the candidate works for the Globalists responsible for the illegal immigration invasion of America. "Secure The Border First" translates into, "Tell the American public the border is secured, then pass Amnesty, then millions of illegals become voters, then Globalists rulers will never have to worry about border security, immigration laws, or anything that traditional Americans of every race do or do not want ever again."
And while thousands of Americans have been bombarding the GOP primary candidates with calls and emails asking them to join the growing list of groups and elected officials that are coming out and openly opposing Obama at the time of this article, NO REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT HAVE RESPONDED.
Not one, has come out and said, "As your President I will enforce the existing laws until Congress and the public sees fit to change them and I will rescind Obama's unlawful amnesty orders."
Not Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, nor Herman Cain. Not even Mr. Constitution Ron Paul has spoken out against Obama's fiat Amnesty. You have made the calls and each of these candidates knows what Obama has done but not one has offered you a choice on the matter as of yet!
I believe that Obama has put himself in great political peril by instituting this illegal Amnesty and I believe he has done so because illegal immigrants were leaving America in unprecedented numbers.
Due to the bad economy, state and local efforts to crack down on illegal immigration, and rapidly rising intense pressure from Americans seeking jobs, a reversal of illegal immigration had finally begun after seven years of hard work by ALIPAC and many other great organizations, citizens, and lawmakers.
Illegal aliens leaving America would diffuse this plot to usurp the American public as self-governed and empowered rulers of America, so Obama felt he had to act and in doing so he has over exposed himself and given us the political example we need to expose him for what he really is.
In a desperate effort to stop the reversal of the illegal immigration invasion of America, Obama has violated the Constitution and many existing Federal laws.
I recently came across this very interesting quotation by Cicero that would explain so much of what we see in American politics today...
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor—he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city—he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." -- Cicero, 42 B.C.E.
Obama and his Global masters had to act to try and stop the mass exodus of their foot soldiers in the plan to displace and replace Americans in our jobs, homes, schools, and voting enclosures.
But there is another impetus for their hasty actions.
Obama's gun running scandal called 'Fast and Furious' is now entering a new phase that is very likely to destroy his administration and possibly put a lot of people in jail.
Under the concept of the Rule of Law, if any of you reading this article had been caught selling thousands of assault rifles to illegal alien crime cartels like Obama's minions have, well we would be looking at 30 years to life in prison!
Fast and Furious is no conspiracy theory. It is no outlandish claim by racists hoping to depose a black President. The Fast and Furious scandal is an abomination that can lead to Obama's impeachment and or imprisonment, although I am not certain who has the authority to arrest the President of the United States of America?
Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal is bigger and more deadly than Watergate or Iran Contra!
Who can arrest a sitting US President, if he commits numerous felonies or starts working for enemies of the United States of America? Someone please let us know who such a duty would fall to? I recently mused about this question on the Janet Mefford radio show and the George Soros backed left wing lie machines started screaming that I was calling for a military coup against Obama.
You can always tell when I am on the mark with my comments, when these illegal alien amnesty supporting groups start crying and barking at me.
The biased newspapers and corporate media pawns keep covering for Obama claiming that Fast and Furious was some kind of law enforcement 'Sting Operation' that went awry.
Yet, it is obvious to anyone who looks at the reports carefully that this was no sting. No arrests or interception of the guns that Obama's administration bought for the drug and illegal immigrant smuggling cartels with our tax dollars were attempted. In fact, no steps were taken for American or Mexican authorities to ever be able to track or retrieve these guns.
The biased print Media in America, including the Mexican billionaire owned New York Times, claims that the Fast and Furious scandal was just a stupid mistake.
I highly doubt that very intelligent people managed to do such a 'stupid' thing over a period of years involving the CIA, FBI, ATF, DOJ, and at least three high ranking staffers in the White House!
No, these false claims in defense of Fast and Furious are designed to conceal the truth.
The truth is that Obama's administration has just been caught using taxpayer stimulus funds to arm an invading force bringing nation destroying drugs and illegal aliens into America, while simultaneously calling for more restrictions on American gun rights.
Obama has been caught arming our enemies here on American soil, while plotting and planning to disarm the American public to leave us defenseless against authoritarian rule and murderous child stealing gangsters on the streets.
Yes, it is a high crime and yes, it should be considered grounds for impeachment, if not Treason!
Congress must act against Obama and we salute Congressmen Darrell Issa and the many other brave members of Congress who are seeking truth and justice on this matter. Please call members of Congress and ask them to support Congressman Issa's investigation of Fast and Furious and ask them to direct the investigation to Obama. Many of you will want to go ahead and call for Obama's impeachment, after you dig into the evidence against him as we have at ALIPAC! (Click Here to review Fast and Furious archives)
We also need all like minded Americans on the phones now to members of Congress demanding Congressional action to stop Obama's illegal amnesty and his arming of his invasion force. Ask members of Congress to join and support the Congressional hearings to be launched in the next three weeks by Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA), Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Rep. Joe Walsh, and many others (click here to view growing list).
Rep. Gallegly recently told the illegal alien and Obama supporters at the Huffington Post, "This (Amnesty) is consistent with the Obama jobs program -- just another way to lose another 300,000 or 400,000 American jobs... I don't know whether [Obama] cares or he doesn't care. If he doesn't care, it makes sense. If he does care, it questions his intelligence."
Congressman Steven King of Iowa said it best. "This is the latest example of the Obama administration acting as if it does not have to enforce laws if it finds those laws to be inconvenient," King said in the release. "I will be insisting on Congressional hearings so that President Obama's appointees will have to answer questions under oath about their use of executive amnesty to reward immigration lawbreakers with the objective of their crime."
Congress must act to restore our Republic and they must hear from you in unprecedented numbers! Americans and elected officials who truly care about We The People must rise up and speak out now!
We need you on our e-mail alert lists to join our lobbying efforts and we need you to speak out against Obama on Facebook and in protests across the nation. These resources are a click away for you to get involved.
And while the Department of Homeland Security is eager to distribute new films and memos depicting heartland Americans, white Americans, returning soldiers, Conservatives, and GOP Primary voters as potential terrorists, let us all issue our own terrorism alert to local police explaining to them that the assault weapons they face in the hands of MS-13, Los Zetas, and many other meth, cocaine, and child sex slave selling gang bangers were provided by Obama's administration via Fast and Furious.
On the ten year anniversary of 9/11, the headlines read that Obama's Federal law enforcement agencies were looking for 'American' terrorists suspects who did not enter the country from abroad exploiting our lack of immigration enforcement like the 9/11 Hijackers, oh no, it was some American citizens on the move to hit us with car bombs.
I have a simple suggestion. Perhaps our Federal law enforcement would better serve the American public by announcing a mission to retrieve the thousands of assault rifles they bought and delivered to illegal alien smugglers that have killed tens of thousands of Americans and Mexicans directly and indirectly in the last few years?
More Americans are being killed each year by illegal alien invaders than were killed on 9/11/2001 and just like the 9/11 terrorist attacks the deaths are immigration law related and entirely preventable, if our own government were not busy failing at its most important role of protecting people in America from those outside who would do us harm.
Unfortunately, it is clear to me and millions of other Americans that America's true enemies are already within our gates and many of them occupy the highest levels of our own government and God please help save us from whatever degradations and atrocities they have planned for us next.
And how dangerous to Americans is Barack Obama? Well, he recently compared himself to President Abraham Lincoln who was President of the United States during the Civil War in which over 400,000 Americans were killed! Why would Obama compare himself to Lincoln, while attempting to institute an Emancipation Proclamation for illegal aliens and arming paramilitary illegal alien gangs that have tens of thousands of heavily armed fighters now present in almost every county in America?
I have always spoken out against violence and racism all my life, but when I see violence and racism being promoted by and facilitated by the Executive Branch of the US Government against Americans, I must speak out against these injustices as well.
The Department of Homeland Security has recently engaged in racism with their videos and law enforcement briefings stereotyping traditional Americans as suspect terrorists in a way that the media, courts, and activist groups would never tolerate if the targets were predominantly black, Hispanic, or Muslim.
And you can't promote violence against the citizens of America, Mexico, and Canada anymore than buying and transferring thousands of assault rifles to the drug and slave running cartels. Violence and racism is being promoted against American citizens from the Obama administration, and we all need to call them on this!
Those of us fighting on the racially inclusive, peaceful, and political movement fronts must intensify our efforts.
We must UNIFY and INTENSIFY to do all we can to stop those who are doing this to our Republic for which our flag stands.
We are Americans and we will never give up and we will never surrender and we will certainly never submit to this horrific and powerful political beast that confronts us now.
Every aspect of the Globalist trap that is designed to disfigure America is now being deployed against us at one time and only through divine providence may we hope to prevail.
We can stop them. We must stop them. And defeating those doing this to America can be achieved, if enough Americans like you will simply make the decision to stand and speak out with us now!
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