Rep. Steve King (R-IA) needs your help to make English official
U.S.English has launched a new project on our YouTube page, in which Members of the United States House of Representatives explain their support of legislation to make English the official language of the nation. Below, please find a plea from Rep. Steve King (R-IA) calling for your help to pass his English Language Unity Act, H.R. 997. Rep. King truly believes that one person can make a difference... click the image below to watch his video.
While you're on our YouTube page, please check out the videos from other Members of Congress explaining why they support Official English. Then, take action! Click here to find the contact information for your member of Congress, and let him or her know you support H.R. 997, the English Language Unity Act. Getting this bill signed into law will be a big step, and we can't do it without your help!
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