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N.M. - Senator may be the key for repeal of driver's licenses for illegals
Blogger's note: Contact the New Mexico Senators HERE!
Topic: licenses for illegal aliens terrorists
Milan Simonich
Silver City Sun-News
Senator may be the key for Martinez in license battle
SANTA FE - For the first time, Gov. Susana Martinez may be the favorite in the furious fight over driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
Martinez, a Republican, wants to repeal the law allowing people to obtain New Mexico driver's licenses without proof of immigration status.
Democrats in the state Senate closed ranks last winter to thwart her attempt to eliminate the law.
But now, during a special session, Martinez may have enough support to win, state Sen. George Munoz said Thursday.
Topics = Illegal immigration, Gov. Susana Martinez, licenses for illegals, immigration bills
Munoz, D-Gallup, stood against Martinez earlier this year, but said he is inclined to side with her this time. He also said a half-dozen other Democrats in the Senate could join him in shifting to her camp. That would be just enough for Martinez to carry the day on the issue in which she has invested enormous time and energy.
Munoz said one sentiment from people in his district had caused him to reconsider his vote.
"Native Americans believe Hispanics are taking their jobs," he said.
Munoz also said he would help the governor on the driver's license bill, based on a particular condition.
"If John Ryan doesn't carry the bill, you might get one more vote," Munoz said.
Ryan is a Republican senator from Albuquerque who filibustered away the last day of the winter session, blocking a capital construction bill that Munoz said was vital.
Push Ryan to the sidelines, Munoz said, and he would be inclined to help the governor on driver's licenses.
Until now, John Arthur Smith of Deming was the only Democratic senator solidly behind Martinez on driver's licenses. Democrats control the Senate, 27-15.
But Munoz said the tide is shifting, and a handful of Democrats in border or swing districts could align with the governor.
Sen. Stephen Fischmann, D-Mesilla Park, said residents of his district overwhelmingly favor Martinez's stand on driver's licenses. Fischmann said he would have to take his constituents' feelings into account if the licensing bill reaches a vote in the Senate.
The Border Network for Human Rights is a group fighting to maintain the system allowing illegal immigrants to obtain New Mexico licenses. It plans a rally Monday at the Mesilla Plaza to call on Fischmann and Sen. Mary Kay Papen, D-Las Cruces, not to shift to the governor's side.
Martinez said the licensing law is "dangerous" and threatens border and national security.
But the border network says it is a humane law.
Jose Manuel Escobedo, policy director of the border network, said livelihoods and families are at stake. Taking away driver's licenses would cost hard-working taxpayers their jobs, he said.
Martinez's supporters counter that the state should not issue driver's licenses to people who are in the country illegally. Rep. Andy Nunez, I-Hatch, said the existing system abets lawbreakers.
The House of Representatives voted 42-28 during wintertime for the licensing repeal sponsored by Nunez.
Nunez said the House vote would be even more lopsided this time, as more Democrats will line up behind him and the governor. But Nunez said the vote in the Senate would be tougher to win.
As for Munoz, he said he would be most comfortable with a compromise bill sponsored by Rep. Thomas Anderson, R-Albuquerque. It would grant driving permits to illegal immigrants, not regular licenses that also can be used as identification to board airplanes and enter secure government buildings. Utah has such a system.
Only New Mexico and Washington state issue actual driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
Martinez already has said she dislikes Anderson's bill, and legislators rejected two similar proposals last session. She wants nothing less than a repeal.
Munoz said she could get it, as more senators question the wisdom of the existing law.
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