The Morons of the “Arab Spring”
By Debbie Schlussel
Anyone who has read a newspaper or paid attention to world events–even only occasionally–in the last ten years knows that the Muslim world is a savage place that will never be civilized and whose only version of “democracy” is to elect fellow savages. Anyone who needed the Muslim invasion of the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, last week as a wake up call should go back to sleep. You simply haven’t been paying attention . . . attention to “Gaza Democracy” a/k/a HAMASastan . . . attention to “Iraqi Democracy” a/k/a Iran-backed, koran-based Shia-ocracy . . . Libyocracy a/k/a mass torture and revenge and then koran-ocracy. Oh, and then there’s the gang-rape of Lara Logan by the “liberators” she cheered until they “liberated” her . . . and the virginity tests of their fellow Egyptian “democrats.” This is Islam. This has always been Islam. It will not change. They need brutal dictators to keep some appearance of stability among the animals.
And, like I said, you don’t need to be Einstein to know this. You just need to be paying attention. But the most brainiac of self-proclaimed brainiacs on world affairs know better than us and our common sense. And that goes for uber-morons like Josef Joffe, a “fellow” of the Hoover Institution, a so-called conservative think tank. Joffe’s colleagues at Hoover include Fouad Ajami, the Arab Spring’s biggest cheerleader and a Shi’ite Muslim fantasist parading as a moderate, and Daniel Pipes, a giant phony who won’t condemn Islam and believes it can be moderate and peaceful and, instead, hides behind the non-existent “Islamism” to make his several hundred thousand dollars a year in salary without recognizing the Islamic threat while using the euphemism of cowards for it, instead.
In today’s Wall Street Journal, Joffe has an op-ed piece, entitled “Optimists Were Wrong About the Arab Spring.” Uh, really? No s–t, Sherlock. The problem is, this guy admits that he thought, until last week’s Muslim riots at the Cairo Israeli Embassy, that Muslims were peaceful and could have a Western-style democracy. Whatta moron! Did he not notice the anti-Semitic, swastika-laden, anti-Israel signs in Cairo during all the protests of February and March? Or the Lara Logan rape? Or the virginity tests? Or how “democracy” turned out in Gaza and the so-called West Bank? This guy is an idiot. And, hey, he’s also the editor of Die Zeit and a senior fellow of the Freeman-Spogli Institute. Check out part of what amounts to his admission, “I am a moron,” in today’s Journal (and note that for the rest of his column, he blames Hosni Mubarak for this–the man who isn’t in power and whose unseating is the reason this is all going on, that and that fact that these are Muslims we’re dealing with):
I wasn’t alone, but the mea culpa is all mine. Like many, I thought that dawn was finally breaking over the Arab world when those nice, middle-class crowds thronged Cairo’s Tahrir Square chanting “freedom” and “democracy” without burning American and Israeli flags. What a miracle, I mused: The dogs of hate are not barking. And what a wondrous moment of transcendence! Free the people, and they will free themselves from the obsession of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism their overlords had implanted to distract them from misery and oppression.
It was a false dawn—and not only because of the sacking of the Israeli embassy in Cairo last week. On my desk sits a Reuters photo dated May 13; the caption reads: “People burn an Israeli flag during a demonstration on Tahrir Square.” There were no such symbols of “Arab rage” when the protests erupted in late January.
Uh, yes, there were, you dumbass. There were plenty of prominently displayed anti-Israel and anti-Semitic signs in Tahrir Square. Dude, you need to get a new prescription for your eyeglasses. Or a brain transplant.
The demons of yore are back and presumably they have never left. The Friday demonstration on Tahrir Square was at first standard fare—yet another protest against the military regime. But at the end, several thousands armed with Palestinian flags, crowbars and hammers marched off to the Israeli embassy for a bit of deconstructionist work.
Hey, Josef, glad you finally woke up. But it’s too little, too late. The rancid halal milk is spilt. Your crying now won’t fix it. But, thanks.
The morons of the Arab Spring, Joffe and his colleague Ajami and others, cost the world a lot, including and especially a more stable Middle East. Thanks a gazillions, guys. And, no worries, the Hoover paycheck is still coming in, despite your cheerleading and enabling of the enemy.
Alhamdillullah [praise allah].
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