Tuesday, June 11, 2013

When Senate staffers arrive in offices make sure they encounter huge piles of faxes opposing the Tues. amnesty vote

A very interesting post from www.Numbersusa.com about the "Gang of Eight" amnesty bill S.744. This follows this post about E-Verify in North Carolina. This follows this post about the racial componant of the "Gang of Eight" Bill.  This follows this post about the release of illegal immigrant felons from prison by ICEThis follows this post about how to Report Illegal Immigrants! For more about what is happening in the nation now click here and you can read the two very interesting books that are shown HERE.

When Senate staffers arrive in offices, make sure they encounter huge piles of faxes opposing the Tues. amnesty vote

By Roy Beck, - posted on NumbersUSA

This week is the real thing.

Many of you have been with us while we turned back every amnesty attempt from 2001 through last year. Most of the time, a bill never got to the floor.

But that will change Tuesday when we are facing a vote on an amnesty whose impact will be about 10 times larger than Amnesty No. 1 in 1986.

We're asking for faxes today before we put all our efforts into phone calls on Monday and Tuesday.

The next two days, you will be getting emailed alerts from Anne asking you to make one of the most important phone calls you've ever made. Watch for alerts with the toll-free numbers and also for phone calls you'll get from me to remind you.

The vote at 2:15 p.m. Tuesday is on a Motion to Proceed. If 60 of the 100 Senators vote YES, the S. 744 amnesty bill will come to the floor for debate. If we can keep the vote from getting up to 60, we will have killed the bill.

One by one, most of us are fairly inconsequential compared to the special interests who rule over Washington. But a million of you individuals would truly shake the foundations of this place if you would just take the time to make a phone call and send a fax.

The effect of passing S. 744 would truly change America. How much? Well, take a look at the extremely high unemployment in California and the chronic state budget crises, at the congestion and social problems.

California has been hit the hardest by the seven previous amnesties between 1986 and 2000 and the massive immigration unleashed by the 1990 Surge Law. And California is pretty much what the rest of the country will look like if S. 744 passes.

No matter what you care about the most, you can be almost certain that it will deteriorate if S. 744 passes because . . . . .

S. 744 would:

•give work permits and legalization to 11+ million illegal aliens in the first year, and entice millions more foreign workers to come illegally in the future

•double authorized immigration to 22 million over the next decade, swamping the 20 million Americans who want a full-time job and can't find one

•add millions of less-educated, low-wage immigrants to all the country's welfare and entitlement programs

And the bill would do all of that without even guaranteeing improved enforcement at the border and workplace in the future.


Friends, I know there are lots of demands on your time. But I beg of you to open all of our alerts this week and to quickly fax and phone when we give you the opportunity.

With $1.5 billion already spent by the other side on more than 1,700 Washington lobbyists and advertising, the ONLY WAY that we can defeat this monstrosity of a bill is if nearly every one of you act.

I'll say it again:

One by one, most of us are fairly inconsequential compared to the special interests who rule over Washington. But a million of you individuals would truly shake the foundations of this place if you would just take the time to make a phone call and send a fax.

Please send the fax messages.

ROY BECK is the CEO & Founder of NumbersUSA

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