A very interesting post from www.NumbersUSA.com about the current judidial nominee, Marisa DeMeo This follows this post about the current mood of Americans on immigration and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso across from the recent Juarez shooting. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Urge your Senator to Oppose Pro-Amnesty Judicial Nominee
Call 202-224-3121
Talking point:
Not only is Ms. DeMeo a supporter of amnesty for illegal aliens, she regards those Congressmen and women who oppose amnesty as "anti-immigrant," as the following quote suggests: "There are certain forces in Congress who are anti-immigrant and not interested in seeing immigrants become full participants in this country." I do not believe that someone who cannot see the difference between legal immigrants and illegal aliens is fit to serve on any court in this land, let alone the influential D.C. Superior Court. I am sure the Senator is aware that Congressmen who are against amnesty for illegal aliens are not "anti-immigrant," but simply care about the rule of law and do not want to see illegal aliens continue to take American jobs when 25 million Americans cannot find full-time employment. The Senator must oppose this nomination!
Talking point:
Marisa DeMeo, President Obama's appointee for the D.C. Superior Court, has gone on the record supporting the use of the Matricula Consular card. She said, "Well, these immigrants are already working in the U.S. They're already living here. So as far as giving them more jobs, they're already working and paying taxes here in the U.S." In case you are unfamiliar with this card, it is issued by the Mexican government to give illegal aliens living in the United States some semblance of legality. If she supports its use and supports giving American jobs to illegal aliens, as her quote suggests, she has no business being on any court.
The One Key Kernel of Truth in RFK Jr.’s Latest False Measles Claim
No, nutrition is not better than vaccination.
12 minutes ago
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