An interesting story from about Bart Stupak attacking pro-life groups. This follows this post that shows the meaninglessness of the president's Executive Order. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Bart Stupak Asked to Stop Attacking Pro-Life Groups on Pro-Abortion Health Care
Washington, DC ( -- Congressman Bart Stupak caused outrage within the pro-life community when he wrote an opinion column which appeared in the Washington Post on March 27. The article raised eyebrows as Stupak attacked pro-life organizations by saying they are more interested in politics than pro-life.
"The pro-life groups rallied behind me -- many without my knowledge or consent -- not necessarily because they shared my goals of ensuring protections for life and passing health-care reform but because they viewed me as their best chance to kill health-care legislation," Stupak wrote.
William Saunders, a vice president at Americans United for Life, issued a response to Stupak in an opinion column at the Daily Caller.
He said pro-life advocates were "deeply disappointed" to read Stupak's comments.
Stupak's column "contained an attack on the integrity of pro-life organizations, like mine, that fought to keep abortion out of health care reform" and "mischaracterized the bill and the executive order that President Obama signed."
Saying he had no desire to attack Stupak personally and admitting he didn't know the insider negotiations that led Stupak to vote for the pro-abortion health care bill, Saunders pointed out it would not have passed had Stupak and some of his pro-life Democratic colleagues not traded their votes for the executive order. Full story at
The One Key Kernel of Truth in RFK Jr.’s Latest False Measles Claim
No, nutrition is not better than vaccination.
12 minutes ago
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