Monday, April 19, 2010

The Third Terrorist - Book Review

A very interesting book which makes the case of a Middle Eastern Connection to the Oklahoma City bombing which follows this article about America being in a state of sleep and this article about the recent news about offshore drilling to encourage American energy independence that follows this previous post about it.. This is a key issue to prevent money from going to hostile countries such as Iran and Venezuela. For more posts like this click here.

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Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were not the lone conspirators in the Oklahoma City bombing-the attack that killed nearly 170 people in a few short seconds. They were part of a greater scheme, one which involved Islamic terrorists and at least one provable link to Iraq. This book, written by the relentless reporter who first broke the story of the Mideast connection, is filled with new revelations about the case and explains in full detail the complete, and so far untold, story behind the failed investigation-why the FBI closed the door, what further evidence exists to prove the Iraqi connection, why it has been ignored, and what makes it more relevant now than ever. Told with a gripping narrative style and rock-solid investigative journalism and vetted by men such as former CIA director James Woolsey, Davis's piercing account is the first book to set the record straight about what really happened April 19, 1995.

Blows my mind - Read this book,

By A Customer
This review is from: The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing (Hardcover) After listening to the author on Glenn Beck, I rushed out to buy this book. This author convinced me that the law enforcement "powers that be" "screwed up" well before 9/11. How can you argue with 23 witnesses? afadavits? and the support of well-respected intelligence officials? Jayna Davis lays out a case for at the least,obstruction of justice charges, and at the worst a monumental coverup. This once again proves how "risk adverse" the Clinton administration was. No wonder Middle Eastern terrorists thought they could succeed on 9/11/01. They already made their mark on 4/19/95. It is appalling to think that she did a better job of investigating than the very organizations who are supposed to protect us, but the book leaves no doubt. She is the hero in this story. She wanted the truth. Other's did not.

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