A very interesting post from www.alipac.usabout the TEA Parties later this week. This follows this post about the Census and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso across from the recent Juarez shooting. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Illegal Immigration Prominent Issue At Many Tea Party EventsPosted on Monday, April 12 @ 10:04:05 EDT Topic: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
April 12, 2010 Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC (866) 703-0864 WilliamG@alipac.us Americans, signs, tables, groups, leaders, and guest speakers who are racially inclusive and opposed to illegal immigration and Obama's push for Amnesty for illegal immigrants will be prominent features at many Tea Party Against Amnesty protests April 15-17. "We are encouraging Americans coast to coast to stand up and speak out against Obama's push for Amnesty for illegal aliens and the President's refusal to send the National Guard to the border to defend American jobs, wages, property, health and lives," said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. Over 7,000 people have signed up to show their support and over 35 event organizers have asked to be listed at www.AgainstAmnesty.com Events listed on the website have confirmed that speakers, signs, and tables that oppose illegal immigration and Amnesty will be present at their events. While new events and supporters are added each day, more of the hundreds of Tea Party events that are not listed are expected to have Americans protesting illegal immigration as well. ALIPAC and a coalition of over 25 Border Security groups helped the success of the Tea Party movement by joining a coalition to support events nationally in April and July of 2009. The first round of Tea Party Against Amnesty events held in over 50 cities and towns on November 14, 2009 succeeded in pushing Congressman Guitierezz's plans to file his Amnesty bill back into December of last year thus destroying almost any chance of HR (add bill number) passing. Congressman Tom Tancredo and William Gheen will be guest speakers at numerous Tea Party events along with other well known Amnesty opponents. Tancredo will be a guest speaker at the Tea Party in Tempe, Arizona to be held on Thursday, April 15, 4:30-8:30pm in the Tempe Diablo Baseball Stadium. He will then fly to South Carolina, where he will be speaker at another large Tea Party in Greenville, SC on Saturday April 17, 1-5pm. The South Carolina event will be behind the Bi Lo Center on 600 East North Street. Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is expected to speak at the Tea Party held April 15, 1045 E Juniper Rd. at Freestone Park in Gilbert, Arizona. Americans for Legal Immigration PAC's President, William Gheen will address a crowd expected to exceed 10,000 in Houston, Texas at the Sam Houston Race Track on April 15, 5-8PM. He will then fly to Murfreesboro, TN to address thousands gathered for a Tea Party on Friday, April 16, 5-7pm at 109 N. Maple Street on Murfreesboro's historic downtown Square. Then William will fly to Greenville, South Carolina to join Congressman Tom Tancredo to speak at the Bi Lo Center 1-5PM on April 17. William Gheen will be video blogging during his travels and conducting talk radio show interviews every step of the way. "My goal is to awaken, rally, and organize Americans of every race, party, and walk of life who represent the majority of our citizens who oppose illegal immigration and this kind of Amnesty legislation touted by Republicans and Democrats who have betrayed the American public," said William Gheen. "There's a huge political revolution brewing in America today, as our abused citizenry organizes to restore America to We The People." Many analysts and pundits agree that the Tea Party movement is yet another manifestation of a rising political revolution that seeks to change Washington, DC and remove corrupt incumbent Democrats and Republicans. GOP operatives have begun spending millions of dollars attempting to take control of the Tea Party movement to focus it on finite and ineffectual generalities such as taxation, smaller government, and "free markets". "Illegal aliens and their supporters are marching across America making demands of us. Now it is time for Americans to demand that our existing border and immigration laws are enforced, while we still have a country," said William Gheen. "Over 90% of the Tea Party folks, and over 80% of all Americans want our borders secured and our immigration laws enforced now!" For more information about William Gheen, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, or the Tea Party Against Amnesty efforts, please visit www.alipac.us and www.AgainstAmnesty.com###Paid for by AMERICANS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION PACPost Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864FEC ID: C00405878DISCUSS THIS RELEASE WITH OUR ONLINE ACTIVISTS AT...http://www.alipac.us/ftopicp-1041069.html#1041069
The One Key Kernel of Truth in RFK Jr.’s Latest False Measles Claim
No, nutrition is not better than vaccination.
12 minutes ago
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