An interesting post from about Arizona's immigration law. This follows this post about how MEXICO treats its undocumented immigrants and this post which shows that there are 30,000 openly illegal immigrants in the border town of El Paso across from the recent Juarez shooting. For more interesting stories like this click here to follow this blog.
Arizona: The Patriot State
by David Yeagley
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has made the first real patriot move in the country in a long time. She signed a tough bill against illegal immigration. Leave it to a woman, a mother, to protect the nest. While many American white women these days play the interracial role of trying to save all the darkies in the world, Jan Brewer decided to try and save the state of Arizona, and thus, the United States of America.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, patriot par excellence.
By traitorous contrast, the lying, alien black African Communist in the White House immediately condemned Brewer’s pure patriotism and states rights responsibility, and appealed to race instead–precisely the most divisive element possible. In the midst of a national crisis, Barry Soetoro (a.k.a., “Obama”) has only one tack: get votes– by sex, race, or religion. In classic Communist form, the alien Negro at the helm identifies his “oppressed” groups, women, Mexicans, and Muslims, and appeals to them as voting blocks. It’s that one dependable passion and motivation–personal birth identity, that which you were born with, that which you can do nothing about, that which is most vulnerable to psychological attack and imaginary offense.
Barry’s approach, the Communist Democrat approach, forever imprisons people in their lowest, animal identity–species and sex. The politics of race and gender voting nullifies intellectual aspiration, and prevents the possibility of spiritual development. In is an inhuman approach.
This is why, for instance, Oklahoma Senator Randy Brogdon won’t do the politics of race. When recently interview him, he made that quite clear. When I asked, “What can you tell me that will make 275,000 Oklahoma Indians want to vote for you?” Brogdon said, “I’m not after the Indian vote.” The Republican candidate for Oklahoma governor will win by appealing to individual freedom and self-reliance in every voter. No blocks. Just persons. There are more individuals than there are groups. Brogdon doesn’t follow herds.
Oklahoma Senator and gubernatorial candidateRandy Brogdon, of Owasso, Oklahoma.
Patriots believe in the Constitution, and in common sense law. This is the guide to being American.
This makes Jan Brewer the prime candidate, and an exemplary patriot. She is willing to put it all on the line for the truth about America, despite irrational, race-based opposition.. She is a very brave and strong person–a white woman savior in the truest sense of the word. And it isn’t because she’s white, or a woman. She is a patriot–something any American can be.
Is the Arizona immigration crisis a race issue? A mass of human beings are trespassing (not immigrating), and they are all of the same race and national origin. Race is certainly an element in the story. But, the issue is about law, not about race. The issue is about what it means to be an American. The race element is “red hearing.” It is a diversion. The issue is about law, and defining “American.” A nation has the right to declare who its people are. American Indians certainly maintain that right–as defined by the US federal government. How could anyone imagine that United States did not have the same right?
The alien in Washington. That’s how. Barry himself thinks living in America, at some point in one’s life, makes one American. That’s his own story. This is what he sees. This is as deep as he goes. This is the level of his understanding of what it means to be American. The rest is all about politics and power. And on that note, we quote Mr. John C. Calhoun (1782-1850), from his message to the senate on February 16, 1833:
To maintain the ascendancy of the Constitution over the lawmaking majority is the great and essential point on which the success of the [American] system must depend; unless that ascendancy can be preserved, the necessary consequence must be that the laws will supersede the Constitution; and, finally, the will of the Executive, by influence of its patronage, will supersede the laws.
Obviously, the reason the state of Arizona’s governor Jan Brewer had to empower her state to enforce the Constitution is simply because the federal government is absorbed in their egotistical “lawmaking majority,” and has utterly neglected the basic concept and definition of what it means to be an American.
And it is the Constitution we’re talking about here. Though no one would ever have thought that the 10th Amendment would mean the state would have to maintain the Constitution, or that the federal government would destory a state, or that the state would have to defend itself against all enemies–foreign and domestic, the fact is, this is exactly what has happened.
Governor Jan Brewer has done a great thing. Though America does seem to be coming appart at the seams, patriotic acts like hers, in the spirit of exemplary patriotism and leadership, are the last hope for sewing the seams back together.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, photo from ArizonaGuardian’s Flickr Stream.
All Five Senior Hamas Commanders Eliminated by the Israeli Air Force in Gaza
And just like that, the world is a brighter place.
45 minutes ago
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